

In the year 2043, Gabriel was a man known as the "One man army". In the Virtual reality game Deliverance Online, he made his way as an infamous mercenary, willing to do anything for the right price. He led armies into battle, assassinated Kings and even helped old ladies pick flowers. Until one day he refused an offer out of pride and spite from someone to powerful to refuse. With no allies to help him he was thrown into the abyss of despair and forced to watch as his life was taken from him. A pair of gods decide to give him one more chance, to do it all again. His memories were sent back 8 years in the past. Follow Gabriel as he makes his way back to the top, using knowledge to swing things in his favor. Except this time he won't do it alone. Gabriel will face the most difficult task yet, getting along with other people. He will save his family, he will achieve glory, money, women and power to protect them all. It's time for Gabriel's deliverance. =============================== I do not own the rights to the cover. If it is yours, feel free to message me anytime if you want me to remove it.

DarkTidings94 · แฟนตาซี
78 Chs


"So [Osiris], what's the reason you came flying out of the sky this time? I like the new water effect you have added though. It's a nice touch." [Lil Tiger] asked, her eyebrow raised.

[Phat-Cat] just stared at the drenched figure of Gabriel, as a small smile played across her lips. Gabriel tried to think of something clever to say back to [Lil Tiger], but it felt like a real chore to Gabriel's already tired mind, he decided to just explain what happened without any fanfare.

Gabriel climbed out of the basin while still telling his story, as the water level started to rise behind him. [Phat-Cat] reached out to give Gabriel a hand when he neared the edge, taking her pale white hand in his, Gabriel didn't want to apply much pressure as he didn't really need the hand and also didn't want to squeeze her soft hands to hard. Contrary to Gabriel's gentle approach, [Phat-Cat] clenched hard and to his surprise half-dragged him up the remaining distance.

Gabriel straightened himself up, now standing in front of the two women, [Lil-Tiger] had the look of someone holding in a laugh, while [Phat-Cat] just gave him a smile you would give to a child telling a story.

"That's when I removed the blockage, I didn't realize the water pump would still be running, I thought I would need to start it up myself. I tried to swim away but the suction was too strong and that lead me shooting out of one of the exits, which is why you saw me falling from the sky. Speaking of which, why are you both here?" Gabriel explained.

"I swear to god [Osiris], that would only happen to you. You're lucky you didn't get sucked up a different pipe and found yourself being squished trying to exit a tap inside the manor or the fountain in the village." [Phat-Cat] said with a shake of her head, she proceeded to pat the dirt off Gabriel's shoulders and straightened out his askew helmet.

After [Phat-Cat] finished patting him down, [Lil Tiger] walked over taking her spot. Gabriel thought she was about to tidy him too, gazing down at [Lil Tiger], a full toothed smile and large doe eyes glittering from the torch light gazed back at him. 'What is with these two?' Gabriel thought to himself, as he reflected on this weird group session of fixing his apparel. [Lil Tiger] took Gabriel's helmet off, passing it to [Phat-Cat], with a little jump her small, tender looking hand, balled into a fist and wrapped him on the head.

"What do you mean, 'Why are you both here?'. You sent us both messages to come here and bring you tools. You moron. I was already in the Market district and I met [Phat-Cat] on the way here. We were both going to sign off in your manor but we need you to give us access apparently. We have spent the last thirty minutes looking for you, don't you check your PM's?" [Lil Tiger] reprimanded.

"Sorry, I generally set it not to notify me, when I know I'm going to be battling." Gabriel replied, while rubbing the spot [Lil Tiger] hit him.

"Come on Birdman, let's go the Manor and log off, I wasn't planing to sign back on today but I thought I would help you out. I need a rest it has been a stressful day." [Phat-Cat] said, as the trio set off to go up the mountain.

"Anything you want to talk about?" Gabriel asked, noticing the heavy tone from [Phat-Cat].

[Phat-Cat] gave him a strained smile, her eyes subtly flicking in [Lil Tiger]'s direction.

"Thanks, but not now. Maybe another time I will take you up on the offer." [Phat-Cat] replied.

After a short walk and some casual conversation, the three made it inside Gabriel's manor. Arriving on the second floor with the spare rooms, Gabriel turned to the girls.

"Just wait here a moment and I will go to the study to give you access to log off here. The rooms don't have any beds yet, so you won't get any bonus for sleeping inside, sorry ladies. Also, I probably won't be on until late tomorrow, if either of you log on before me, can you please give the tools to my Foreman in the village below?" Gabriel asked.

After getting both their agreement, he reminded them both to remember how much they spent so he can pay them back tomorrow, Gabriel approached [Lil Tiger] who was standing at the door closest to the set of stairs leading up.

"Hey [Lil Tiger]. I have something I have been meaning to tell you." Gabriel said, in a low voice.

"Don't tell me you are about to profess your love? I am sorry to inform you, but I prefer land-based mammals. Not much for heights myself, however I am sure you can find a nice [Harpy] woman in the future." [Lil Tiger] said, throwing him a saddened look, completely ruined by the upturn of one side of her lips.

"Good one smart ass. Have you ever smelt a [Harpy]? I'd rather date a pig or [Gremlin]. Seriously though, I wanted to tell you that I think I might actually know you IRL. Now, now. Don't give me that look, I'm not some creepy stalker. I train with your father Wayne." Gabriel finished quickly, as [Lil Tiger]'s face started to tighten.

"Ohhhh, how did I not realize? My Dad even told me about you. He said that the son of his friend Kristof from work would get in contact with me in D.O. I have met your Dad before but I didn't make the connection, you look nothing alike." [Lil Tiger] said, as she looked over Gabriel.

"Yeah, he is my Step-Dad but has been a Father to me for as long as I can remember. I wanted to bring it up but never really got the time. I am also meeting your Father tomorrow and need to ask him for a favour. He had already asked me for a favour, to watch out for you in D.O. If I didn't even manage to introduce myself properly, I imagine when he finds out, I would be in for a world of pain." Gabriel explained.

"Dad asked you to look out for me in D.O.? In a game filled with Monsters and Magic? What was he expecting you to do? Just follow me around all day as some sort of bodyguard. I wanted to play D.O. to get some freedom from my father. It's bad enough that he scares away most of my friends when they come to the house, with his invasive questions. I don't want to even mention what he is like, if they are a male. Now I find out that he is even keeping tabs on me in VR too. Is there any place he can't reach..." [Lil Tiger] complained, she appeared more upset about the revelation then Gabriel imagined.

"I'm sorry, i can only imagine how overbearing Wayne could be. But, I'm sure it's he does it, because he cares about that much. Sooooo, can you please let him know, that I have kept my word and will be looking out for his Little Princess for him?" Gabriel said, with a light nudge on her arm at the name "Little Princess".

"Yeah, yeah. I'll tell him, now hurry up and let me access the room. I am tired, this Quest to restore the Druids is taking forever and consists of a lot of talking to boring people." [Lil Tiger] said while doing a shooing motion with her hands at Gabriel.

As she appeared to be slightly ticked off at him, Gabriel quickly made his exit. Making his way to the third floor after saying good night to the girls again, he noticed [Phat-Cat] giving him a raised brow after his private conversation with [Lil-Tiger]. Gabriel didn't know what to do, so he just smiled and with a wave, he walked up the stairs a bit faster. Entering the study, he accessed the [Territory Menu], giving access to both girls. Gabriel then selected [Territory Quests] from the quests tab, with a finger he clicked on the one he just finished.

[Territory Quest completed! Clear Waters (Advanced)]

Task 1. The local underwater spring has stopped producing water to the Manor and local Village. Find out the reason and return access to water on your lands – 1/1


EXP: 3000

Public Order increased by +10

[Lumber-mill] Blueprint (Basic)

Access to Fresh Water in [Eagle Peak Manor] and [Shanty Town]

Gabriel was happy with the rewards, especially the building blueprint. He set the new [Lumber-mill] to be constructed just a little distance away from the forest. The [Lumber-mill] was placed second in the cue, as getting fresh wood before building the Palisade would save money and he can start stockpiling some materials of his own. Gabriel exited his study and went to the last room of the Manor he hadn't re-visited yet. The Main Bedroom.

As Gabriel had already guessed, the main bedroom was empty, just like the ones below. It was larger then the other bedrooms and held a balcony with a great view but not a piece of furniture could be found in the room. Gabriel did a quick once over on his stats and most importantly right now, his total gold amount.

Character Name:

Osiris "God of Death"





Profession level:





(M) 150/150 (R) 210/210

Light Alignment:


Dark Alignment:





Novice Runesmith

Armor Value Total:


Movement speed:


Faith Alignment:





400 (Unknown)







An eerie smile crept up Gabriel's face as he looked at the total amount, after staring for a little too long, he laid down on the ground and activated the sign out function.

[Signing out of Deliverance Online in 3..2..1]

Taking a couple of seconds for his mind to re-calibrate, Gabriel got out of the capsule, stretched out his tight muscles and checked the time. 'It's 3AM already? shit, I have to be up by at least 7am' Gabriel sighed to himself. Looking over at his bed that was lit by the moonlight coming in from the window. A small bump on the covers of his bed made Gabriel pull up short, tip-toeing towards the edge, he reached out and gently raised the covers. A little figure was curled up inside. It was Max, he appeared to be fast asleep, one hand wrapped around a toy monkey dressed in a space suit; Gabriel smiled at the scene and covertly took a photo with his phone


Crawling into bed gently, so as not to wake Max, Gabriel reflected on the day and thought about what he had to do tomorrow. With the new influx of cash from the [Guild Token] sale, he cpull start putting some of the plans he had made IRL into motion. One of the most important, was hiring a security team for his family and himself, Gabriel luckily knew just the person to ask. A tired Gabriel finally closed his eyes with a smile on his face and fell asleep.

Gabriel woke up after only a short sleep, he would have slept through his alarm but was luckily woken by a little foot being placed on his face. He followed the offending leg And found it was attached too his sleeping brother. Max, somehow in his sleep, had managed to turn around and his face was now at the bottom of the bed. Gabriel slid out of bed, walking over to the other side, he gently picked Max up and slipped him back underneath the covers the right way up. Max eyes fluttered open from the movement, as he squinted at Gabriel.

"Gab, is it time to wake up? Mom said I don't have to go to school today, we are moving house. I decided to sleep in your bed, to wake early and help you pack. I did my room already." Max stated while a piece of drool hanged down the side of his mouth.

"I'm sorry my little spaceman but I won't be around to help with the move. I have already organized some people to come do all the heavy lifting, so you don't have to do much. Just make sure you pack your favorite toys away in a bag and put it in the car so you don't lose them in one of the boxes. I have to get going, you go back to sleep. Mom will come get you when it's time to wake up." Gabriel said, as he tucked Max in and rubbed the top of his little head.

Gabriel walked down the hall, he could hear the sounds of clanging and clattering coming from the kitchen. Ariel had two large boxes in the middle of the kitchen, she was humming a gentle tune as she packed away the pots and pans.

"Morning Mom, what's got you in such a happy mood? Something important happening today?" Gabriel said, putting on a look of confusion.

"Nope nothing important. It just so happens that the best son in the world, who happens to be my favourite person in the world, has bought their poor old mother a brand-new home" Ariel replied with a grin at Gabriel.

"How did Max buy you a house!?" Gabriel shouted.

"Oh, shut up smart-ass and come give me a hug." Ariel replied, throwing a tea towel at Gabriel.

Gabriel gave his mother a tight squeeze, he didn't want to look down at his mother, as he could feel his eyes getting a little watery. After a couple of seconds, Gabriel let go first. Earning himself a little frown from his mother.

"Sorry ma but I have to get going. I am meant to meet Wayne at 8am. I have so much to do today. I'm also sorry that I won't be here to help with the move." Gabriel apologized.

"Don't worry about it, your father is already at the training centre, he only has one class to teach in the morning so he will be there to help with the move too. You go along then Mr.Busy and get home as soon as you can, I want to have dinner as a family in the new home." Ariel said, returning to boxing up the kitchen items.

Gabriel promised he would do his best and made his way down to the sky rail station. Gabriel sat on the train as it headed towards the city, the sky train system was faster than the previous subways but it still held the uncomfortable feeling of being packed like sardines into a box. New York was more populated than ever before, as a lot of people moved into the city when the large companies set up shop there.

"I have to get myself a car, hate these things, just feels like I'm waiting to be knifed in the back" Gabriel muttered, as he felt elbows dig in him from the people to his sides.

Gabriel finally arrived at the Training Centre and went to the usual area he always met Wayne at. Opening the sliding doors, Gabriel first saw Wayne as he entered. Wayne was standing by himself in the middle of the matted floor, he was in a tight singlet and shorts. The bear size fists hanging at his sides were wrapped in boxing tape, which was a new addition. The thing that stole Gabriel's attention though, was the scowling face Wayne was making in his direction.

"What's wrong Wayne?" Gabriel asked, he wasn't intimidated by many people but an enraged Wayne scared the piss out of him.

"So, it was YOU! You are the one who keeps, as my princess stated, "throwing himself at her" and apparently you have "fallen for her too!?" Prepare for a beating boy!" Wayne roared as he charged at Gabriel.

"Oh shit..." Gabriel muttered. '[Lil Tiger] i swear, I will get you for this. At the very least, he didn't bring a weapon.' As he prepared to accept the incoming charge, Gabriel bemoaned the upcoming pummeling.