
Aoki (1)

"Hey. The article is out."

Oh Jung-ryong approached Yu Jung-ak, who was jumping rope.

"What article?"

"The article saying Oh Jung-sung is giving up the match due to injury."

"What kind of injury?"

"His jaw. It says he got injured during sparring. Your name isn't mentioned. This bastard ran away again, just like before. If he was going to do this, he shouldn't have made such a fuss."

"Has this happened before?"

"Yes, it has."

"He did seem hopeless. His punches were heavy, but his head movement was poor, and so were his steps."

"That guy's been pretty lucky. He's been overrated compared to his actual skills."

"I guess Spirit doesn't have much middleweight talent."

"It's not just Spirit. Our country lacks talent in all heavier weight classes. Look over there."
