
Smart Owl

-Dream Vision-

I woke up standing on a lake shore. I heared laughters as I scanned the lake. That voice... it's her.

Odette: 'My prince.' She rested her head at Lancelot's lap.

She was a goddess. I can't take away my eyes from her.

Abyssal Witch: 'Ding dong.'


'Odette!', I sat up. No, she's in danger.

I went out the tent. I walked to the table with an armor on it. It looked very ancient.

'Wednesday.' Angela smiled, I did the same.

Diggie was fixing the armor as if it was broken. Black pitch covered his once brown feathers.

'Uranus wake up.' He wept. Wait, this is Uranus?

'What happened?' I asked though I certainly know the answer.

'The castle was attacked.' Diggie started. 'But it's so impossible for the abyssal demons to reach there. What sort of-I got it.'

He then ran towards his fragmented house.

'Angela,' I called. 'Where are the others?'

'Oh. Saber, Alpha and Beta went to a search mission for Doctor Rooney.' Right, Doctor was abducted by those demons.

'The Swan Castle..' I said without thinking.

'Swan Castle?' Angela bent her head. I shook my head to say nothing.

Diggie flattered his wings as fast as he can towards us. He was with an old textured paper.

'The Labyrinth.' He said.

'Mino's Labyrinth?'

'Yes, you were able to reach Antoinerei through the Labyrinth right?' Angela and I nodded together. 'That's how they entered the Celestial Castle. Don't you get it? The Labyrinth it has this very old legend. The legend says it was alive. It can take you anywhere you desired as long as you know how to navigate it.'

'Right.' Due to my admiration to the Greek Mythology I can say "I believe you Diggie."

'Dr. Rooney navigated it.' Diggie refreshed. 'They-the demons also but they need more information. They want to destroy everything and the Labyrith was their key but that key was on a chest that's locked. Dr. Rooney is the way to open that lock.'

Hi there. Thanks for reading. Sorry if it's not written clearly, still a newbee. MLBB love.

Borge_Juarez_Cocreators' thoughts