

Chapter 131: Planning(2)

Nodding my head to Zora, I looked towards Mark who was looking at me with his normal cold gaze, this guy barely talks to anyone other than his sister and does not care for anyone but his sister and me, I gave him a nod as I spoke

"Good work Mark, you did well"

No reply was given but Mark nodded his head, I looked at all of the other's surrounding me as I spoke

"Who would have taught that the kids I picked up would grow up like this?, I am happy to see that all you are now happy and powerful"

My voice was like a proud father watching his little kids grow, hearing my words each of them went into their thoughts, they all could say that if it wasn't for me their lives would have being hell, most of them would have probably died without my help and for this they would forever be grateful

"Wow!, Austin are you acting sentimental now?"

Rina spoke with a wide smile, she was more of a carefree girl that spoke her mind, hearing her words I shook my head

"No, I am just happy that all of you are fine, plus I just wanted to warn you all, because the up coming days won't be peaceful"

"Yeah, I can already imagine the chaos that's gonna spread from all this"

Alex spoke with a wide grin, this guy only cares about causing problems

"Boss, don't worry!, I would punch away all those that want to cause trouble with you!"

Jacob spoke as he flexed his huge muscle, while he was seated he looked calm and free but when he spoke about protecting a fierce aura surrounded him, it was not only him, others too supported his claim

"Yeah I know you guys would but I am not only talking about the problems in the Academy but also the ones that would soon arrive from outside"

"Oh?, are you talking about the rising currents in this world?"

Hearing Alex's question I looked at him deeply, it seems that he had already picked up some hints, Alex's words had gathered the interest of the rest that gathered at the table, I was quite for some time before I nodded my head

"Yeah it's not only that, I could feel some suppression from my uncle the Emperor, I have a feeling that he takes me as a threat and now after this display of mine, I am sure that he won't just take a back seat"

None of the people that gathered here are stupid, they could quickly understand the underhanded meaning behind my words, a ruthless light, along with a hint of craziness passed through each of their eyes, seeing this I smiled

Normally when one hears that the one they support might have an enmity with the Emperor they either freak out or became scared but none can be seen in the eyes of the one that had gathered here, I could see it each of them were willing to do anything for me

The previous time when they kneeled to me was not only just for entertainment they meant it when they kneeled to me, any of them would be willing to lay their lives down for me, from a normal point of view they all would be crazy but that's the truth

All of them here are a bit crazy, even the innocent looking Emma had a hint of craziness, all of the one's in the room had gone through many despairing things, making the more immune to death, only a crazy person would gather all of them together like this

Well, who said that I was completely sane?, Chuckling to myself I spoke

"Well you don't have to get all rilled up, for now this is only my thoughts, lets see how things would play out"

After that I had a small discussion on how to proceed with my own faction, since I have a ring I have the right to create my own faction, normally I needed to create a good public image for myself to start this but with what I have shown I don't think any extra publicity is needed

"Sigh…..what do I do with you boss?, most of the participants I got are girls joining to know you"

Alex shook his head as he held a stack of papers

"Do you know that the girls are calling you the silver prince?, looks like your love life won't boring here boss or is there anybody for you right now?"

Though the way Alex said it was mischievous and in a teasing tone, there was a deep cunning light swirling within it, as soon as he had finished speaking the atmosphere in the room got a little heavy, all the girls in the room had a strange twinkle in their eyes as they looked towards me

'Go to hell Alex!'

Seeing the increasing tension in the room, I could not but help curse that scheming prick, I was sure that if I said that I have someone then something dangerous would happen, I smiled calmly as I spoke back to him

"Um? a girl?, no right now I don't have anybody, I just kept running around in my adventures that I didn't pay any mind to it, maybe I might find someone that I like in the academy"

Hearing my reply the eyes of the girls twinkled even more, all of them soon looked at each other with a wary gaze, none of them were not stupid to see the affections each of them held, each one of them were stubborn that they won't give up what they want

But I pretended like I couldn't see anything only Clara was smiling slyly as she knew my true self, plus I had already spoke to her about some of my plans and she would be a good spy for me who would tell the movements of these girls

Chapter 132: Family Meet

The girls looked threateningly at each other for a few seconds before they focused back on me, seeing this situation, Alex smiled slyly, creating situations with chaos has always being his favorite activity

"Anyway leaving aside the interest in my love life, why don't you tell me how the plans for the future is going?"

Seeing that situation was becoming bad, I quickly intervened as I looked at Alex with my question, seeing me talk the rest of the girls soon reigned in their hostility as they focused back on the topic at hand

"All is going well, truthfully as I said for the recruitment till now there only mostly girls, after all you still haven't shown the limit for your abilities"

Hearing Alex's words I nodded my head, I could understand his train of thoughts, even if I showed outstanding results before it doesn't mean that all of them knows my true powers, after all I will be competing with the other girls older than me and who have being here longer than me

Along with it most people could only guess my Origin level, as I haven't shown it out, I guess most think that I am Origin level 4, which in a way is a compliment, one must know that the normal origin level when one graduates from the Academy is Origin level 6

Reaching Origin level 3 at 18 is a genius, well that notion was completely destroyed this year as students with monstrous strength are showing up more and more, breaking the balance that was held

'sigh….looks like I have to act out soon'

Well is if a I truly show my strength then that would be breaking the complete balance, my level of strength is totally crazy, so I would show enough to get the others attention

"Speaking of which the poem that you sang back then was amazing, I didn't that you could play that well"

Rina spoke to me with a hazy look in her face, hearing her words the rest to travelled back to the situation that took place a few hours ago, the poem that I had sung had truly swept deep into their hearts, especially the girls, the poem had further cemented their deep feelings

"Yes boss, you were so cool back them, you should surely sing for us whenever you have sure"

Hearing Jacob's words of admiration I chuckled, as I promised

"Sure, I could play for you whenever you all have free time, just tell me when"

After that the next half an hour we just discussed the important topic's relating to the future, after the meeting I bid them farewell, well the girls wanted to come with me but when I said that I had a family thing to do so they all reluctantly let me go, within a few minutes walk I reached another mansion which was bigger and better

Unlike the other one, here there were butlers and other maids to look after it, seeing me enter each of them gave me a bow of respect, I just nodded my head to them as I entered a large room, coming inside I could see two women in the room

One was a mature golden haired woman with green eyes, while the other had the same definition but looked younger, it was Grace and Nora, seeing me enter both of them smiled


"Hey, did I keep both of you waiting?"

"No it's fine after all you had things to do"

"Humph, I might forgive you for now"

Two beautiful women and two different answers, I smiled to their reply, nothing beats being with your family, as I entered I looked around the room for a certain silver haired girl but not seeing her I questioned

"Where's Elda?"


As soon as I had asked that question somebody jumped behind me, I could feel a soft body hugging me from behind, at the same time, a set of soft and fragrant hands covered my eyes, a soft and beautiful voice soon followed it

"Guess who~~~"

"Is it my beautiful, caring and lovely little sister~~?"

"Yes, you have guessed correctly, now you can look at me"

My teasing answer had gained me a beautiful sound of laughter, I smiled as I turned behind, soon as I saw the figure in front of me I fell into daze


I could see beautiful 16 year old girl as I turned around, her shinning silver hair was let free as it stunningly fell to her back, her green eyes shined with happiness, innocence and love as she directed her gaze at me

Her face was the very definition of perfect, seemingly as if carved by the gods, her body had developed over the years, as they were hidden with her dress, I had scene several beauties and had thought that now I was immune to it but looking at this girl my heartbeat started beating faster as I felt a strange itch on my chest

Not only that there was a certain feeling from her that seemed to fill my mind to protect her, to cherish her and nor to harm her, I quickly understood it's reason the fairy bloodline

Fairies truly exist in this world, they reside in the Yggssdril world tree, living their life there, they are cute bunch of innocent and loving beings but by no means are they weak, the fairies are the race the directly work under the Goddess Of Life

Fairies have near unlimited life source, they are the best healer in the whole world, they wield life magic, an extremely amazing source of healing, it is even able to bring back severed limbs

And so even my little sister could wield said magic, making her now one the most wanted healers in the entire world, the only other human that has life magic is the saintess of the Goddess of life

Not only that the fairy bloodline makes the wielder near perfect in everything, their beauty, grace and behaviour, best of all they make them extremely loyal and loving

Chapter 133: Complex Family

I looked at my beautiful sister who looked like a celestial fairy and fell in to daze for a moment but I recovered quickly as I smiled and opened my arms, nothing was needed to be said as she happily smiled and jumped into my arms

I caught her body, as I hugged her tightly, a unique fragrance filled my nose her her head laid on my chest, her body felt smooth and almost boneless, I had the feeling to hold her body forever, I held her tightly as I patted her back with a smile

"I missed you Elda"

"I missed you too big brother"

A beautiful smile adorned Elda's face as she lay within her beloved brothers arms, it was not only me who was extremely happy and delighted to be back, Elda too felt her heart filled with happiness at seeing the person she loved dearly

Elda's eyes twinkled with happiness and satisfaction as she laid within her brothers arms, my scent flew into her nose as she relished in the familiar warmth she missed all these years, her hands tightened around me, seemingly wanting to fuse with me

My body heated up as I held this delicate art piece, I patted her back, as she withered in happiness from my touches, just laying within my embrace seemed to fill Elda's mind with at most pleasure, it is only now did she understand how deep she had fallen to her feelings and she knew that she could not go back anymore

The years she lived on with out me with her now seemed dark and bland, the memories of my touches, my soothing words and the back that held on to protect her filled her mind as she lay within my embrace,

'Looks like it is impossible after all'

Fairies are being's of at most purity and innocence, they are extremely protective of those they recognize and terrifyingly oppressive to those they deem as their enemies, the day after Elda had awakened her bloodline she had understood it to the depth

At that time she was asked to choose a person whom she would be with, the young Elda at that time was confused but soon she understood, she thought long and hard and in the end only the figure of her beloved brother filled her mind

She unhesitatingly choose her brother to be her 'family', she was happy and exited to be of use to her brother but her happiness was short lived, it was only after her brothers disappearance did she finally understand her true feelings

The love she had for her brother was different, it was something that this world would no accept, she was crushed and saddened, she took an oath to seal these feelings away, but it was for knot, Elda had underestimated her feelings, the one's she sealed only grew with time

No matter how many other excellent boys she saw, no matter how many others expressed their feelings to her, in her heart these was only one person, her brother who had bracingly fought to keep her alive, no one else had a chance to enter her heart and no one else had the right to

She kept trying, fighting those feelings away but when she had seen me again after all these times the feelings she kept hidden broke out like a dam, there was no stopping it any more and she knew it, she was fine if her love was never reciprocated, she was fine if she never got my love, as long as she was with me nothing else mattered, her hold on me tightened as she snuggled closer to me

'Brother I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you , I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I will love you forever'


Hearing my voice Elda lifted her head as she looked deeply into me seemingly as if trying to convey something, her face had a hazy look, as a blush covered her face, her eyes was half lit, while her lips seemed red and juicy, seemingly desiring for a bite, seeing a charming look my heartbeat started beating faster, for a moment we both fell into daze

"Cough, are you too done catching up?"

It's only when I heard Nora's cough, did I break out of my trance, both of us quickly broke out from out hug, as I tried to reign in my beating heart

'Damn, that was close!'

Looking at my happily smiling little sister I felt frightful for a moment, her level of charm is beyond extraordinary, just her weak look almost caused me to loose my self, I could only smile as I raised my hands to pat Elda's head

"I am happy, looks like my sister grew up to be quite the beauty"

Hearing my words and feeling my head pat, Elda smiles, she closed her eyes as she relished in the touch she missed all this while, giving a pat on her head I turned to Nora who looked at me with a complicated look for a moment, then I looked at Grace who pouted for a moment, I inwardly chuckled at it

'C'mon is she jealous of her daughter?'

With a smile I moved forward towards my elder sister, seeing me coming close with my hands opened she panicked for a moment but I didn't give her time to react, I quickly closed the gap between us as I took her into a hug

"Austin wai-"

Nora tried to stop me but I didn't listen, as I held her sweet body in my arms, unlike Elda, her head was placed on my shoulder, Nora's sweet body scent filled my nose, it was different from Elda's

"I missed you a lot big sis and I am happy to see you all good, my big sis grew up to be very beautiful"

Nora at first wanted to resist but when she was in my embrace all those thoughts flew away, my words brought a small blush to her face as she laid her head on my shoulder, a complicated sigh left her mouth

She wanted to resist, she wanted to push me away, she wanted to keep me away, she wanted to keep it at bay, her feelings, she wanted to forget them, she wanted her brother to be far from her, she wanted her little brother to far away from her, so that she could keep her self at bay

She had promised to distance him, she had willed herself to be far away from him, to keep a distance, yet why?, why did it only take a single hug from him to sway those thoughts?

Chapter 134: Complex Family(2)

Nora Lionheart, it's a name pretty relevant within the Babylon Academy, being the eldest of a duchy and the future Duchess, she plays a great role in the up coming future of the world

If anybody's asked about her the reply they would get is beautiful, powerful, amazing and a future pillar of the Ezraeil Empire, it's a forgone conclusion that she would be an amazing commander, there were several noble scions that wanted to court her, yet she remained stoic, not at all moved

In fact she had even got violent when some of them got vey pushy, Nora's not a powerless woman that anybody could touch, to the other's she's perfect and has everything she could have in the world, yet no one knows that one things that she actually wanted could never be hers

It was her brother, Nora desires a greater love from her brother, Nora's childhood was happy when her father was alive but his death devastated her, at that time it was her duty as the oldest to support her sibling but alas the death of her father was too much for a 9 year old child

And it's then that Austin her younger brother became an outlet to her emotions, back then it was out her anger and despair, she had pointed to her brother and screamed, shouting that it was because of him that she had lost her father, back then her mind was messed up and she didn't know what she was doing

It was only after saying that did she understood what she had done, she could still remember his pained face that day, ever since then she carried the guilt of it, she thought that by staying away, it would be better but that was only hurting her and the ones she loved more

Her memory was still vivid, the day her closed heart was opened once again by the very brother she had hurt, she could still hear his words of consolation, that was the day that she had finally gotten freedom, no that day she got a place to lean on, a place to open her heart

Strangely at times she could feel like Austin was older than her but somehow that only made her happy, being the oldest she had a lot of pressure to handle so having someone to open up and just be herself was a relief, soon her brother had joined the family that was almost broken

Finally the happiness in Nora's life had returned, the days that followed were one of the sweetest of her life, just pure happiness, she had undoubtedly gotten close to her brother, he became a place to rest her head on, an outlet to her worries and a best friend, back when they were alone she could be willful, childish, playful and there was nobody to judge, no body to say that she was being disgraceful

It was always strange when she felt like Austin was older than her but she didn't care, she just wanted a shoulder to lean, Nora keenly understood that her feelings foe her brothers were turning into something else, it was faint but her heart would only ever be at peace when she was with her brother, it was only then she doesn't have to be the amazing Nora just the real Nora

Her heart would always lit up in happiness when she spend time with her brother at first she was confused of her feelings, she shrugged it off as she decided to spend her days in bliss with her family but darkness struck again, her memories were still clean, even though she couldn't move nor speak she had still understood what had being going on

She was the older one it was her duty to protect her family and her siblings, yet she ended up needing her brother, it was then that she had finally understood what she was feeling

She could remember it as if it was yesterday, the scene of Austin protecting her with his back, the scene of him taking arrows to his body for her, the scene of him fighting to protect her, at that time the feeling which she was barely developing bloomed to it's peak

At that time she remembered her fathers words of how he spoke about how he fell in love with her mother, at that time she understood the sweet taste of love, Nora felt unworthy of her brothers love and protection, at that time just the thought of his death broke her heart to pieces

She was playful, idiotic, willful, and she had hurt her brother, yet he never resented her, he never shouted at her, he took it all in and loved her unconditionally, he didn't hesitate to risk his life for her, at that time she truly understood the sweet taste of love

Her heart was flooded with emotions, yet when she had clearly understood her feelings she panicked, her feelings were taboo, something which she shouldn't feel, the day after she cried into her pillows cursing her fate, she clearly loved him and wanted him, yet she couldn't have him

She fell in love with somebody she couldn't have, she took an oath to keep her feelings away, she didn't want her brother to know about it, she knew that it would only bring ruin, she knew that this time she shouldn't be wilful, she thought she could always find someone else to fall in love with, it won't be that hard right?

Wrong, she was very wrong, Nora had underestimated her feelings, whenever she saw her brother standing with another girl or whenever she saw him playing with Clara, her heart leaped with fury and jealousy any other male she meets, none could dazzle her like her brother

Austin's presence itself was a light in her dark and gloomy words, his words and his presence were itself a sense of happiness to her, it was only when she was with him that she felt free, liberated and honestly relived, just the taught of someone else other than her brother holding her filled Nora with deep disgust

Similarly just the taught of him holding another woman, filled her mind with deep anger, but she controlled herself she promised herself not to interfere with his life, and it's then that Austin left for his adventures

The Academy was fun, she had other friends but she felt a deep void in her heart, no matter how great or awesome no boy could move her heart and when she had finally saw her beloved brother again the void was filled, just when she fell into his embrace her body lit up with pleasure and a surge of warmth she missed these last years

To her he was her light, her warmth and her salvation, just his touch wavered her will, his sweet words caused her heart to beat with great rhythm, just a single hug but it had already shown her that she had fallen in deep, Nora closed her eyes as she laid in her brothers arms

His broad shoulders held her body, yet she didn't feel a hint of discomfort, no she felt as if she belonged in these arms, she felt fulfilled in her heart, she felt loved, her mind was in complete disarray, just laying in his body filled her body with unheeding pleasure and satisfaction

The smell of his scent that she dearly missed drilled into her heart, she knew it, this is what she wants, this is what she really desires, her mind flashed with all those girls that surrounded him, she thought of her brother getting married and having children's and that thought repulsed her

'Yup all those girls could go fuck themselves'

Nora tried, she really did but know no more, she raised her head while sticking close to her brother, one of her arms held her brother face, a smile she rarely has filled her face

"Brother welcome back"

'Yes, you should be mine and only mine…..'

Chapter 135: Issue's

"Brother welcome back"

Hearing Nora's words as she held my face, I was surprised, I looked deeply into her eyes showing intense emotion's, I was very familiar with those eyes of obsession, I have already seen those eyes in some of my women

'Sigh….how did this happen?'

I mean, I had just held my sister and told her I miss her, is that enough for this development?, truthfully I don't know and I am really starting not to care, I caused this, so I too have to live with it's consequences, I shook off my thoughts as I too smiled as I spoke

"It's good to be home with family"

Hearing my words, all the three women in the room smiled, Nora's eyes glazed as she leaned in and kissed my forehead, I could feel her soft lips on my forehead, she kissed it for a second before she let go, I could see her eyes blaze in happiness after it

"Hehe..looks like big sister missed me a lot"

Hearing my teasing voice her face blushed for a moment before she snorted and let go of the hug, I could see Nora's eyes dim for a moment when she let me go, I could only inwardly shake my head as I sat on the sofa opposite of Grace

As all this was happening Grace only looked at it all with a smile, to her this was just her children's getting along nothing more, it was truly good that Grace right now couldn't peer into her daughter's thought's, otherwise one would wonder if she would still be able to hold that gentle smile

As soon as I had sat in the sofa Elda jumped into my lap, I could feel her soft perky ass within my lap, at the same time she leaned back using my body as support, Elda's fragrance filled my nose again, as her soft body lay in my embrace

I don't know if it was on purpose or not but as she sat she made sure to nicely move her ass up and down my lap, this girl was really testing my patience, unlike the other girls, Elda's beauty is something that sweeps into you the more you look at her, the more time you spend with her the more you would desire to protect her

"Hehe, as I expected big brother lap is the best"

Hearing Elda chuckling with happiness, I could only scream inwardly but I gotta say Elda sitting on my lap does indeed feel good, I chuckled as I held her lithe waist

"Elda you are already a big girl, should you be still sitting on my lap?"

"I don't care I want to sit on big brother lap, could it be that big brother doesn't like Elda anymore?"

As Elda said those words her eyes dropped as, she held her head done seemingly falling into despair, any man seeing this would beat up the guy that caused such a pain to such a fairy, looking at Elda's acting I couldn't help but think that the past shy Elda seemed far away

"How could I ever dislike my dear little sister, you are one of the most precious thing in this world to me"

As I said that I hugged her body and pulled her into my embrace, her soft body felt smooth, Elda smiled a she laid her head on my shoulder with a dreamy look, as soon as I held her, her tears disappeared and a smile took over it

"I have to say, you really have grown up my little Elda"

"I don't know what you are talking about"

Elda replied back to me with her face still deep into my chest, I looked at both Grace and Nora who was looking at this with a pouty look, they both seemed to have a look of jealousy as they looked at Elda

'Those to really are alike'

Like mother like daughter, is all I could think as I looked at the jealous look on these girls faces

"I wonder how you would feel when you get to know the problem Elda has caused for you"


Hearing Nora's words I looked at her in doubt, not only that I could also feel Elda tremble in my embrace

"What did Elda do?"

"It's nothing, she just declared to the whole Academy that she would only accept the boy that beat her big brother"


Hearing Nora's words I was stunned for a moment, before I looked down at Elda, I raised her head I as looked at her face but Elda was trying to dodge my eyes

"Elda, tell me what's the problem?"


"You don't have to blame Elda, she did it to get those boy's of her back"

"Boy's?, could it be that she's being pestered with love confessions?"

"Yes, it was quite the problem"

Nora didn't hesitate before she started explaining the situation to me, after she finished speaking I couldn't help but feel that nobility is really a pain, well the issue is not big, it's just that there are several boy's who fell in love with my sister

Elda's appearance itself is stunning, her beauty is one in a million in even I was charmed by it for a moment, it's not only that there's also the fact that she has the fairy bloodline, due to it she also has the aura of a charming, gentle, poise and well mannered woman

Anybody will feel protective of her once they laid their eyes on her, adding to the fact that she would be completely devoted to you once you marry her, who could resist?, after Elda had started attending the Academy there's no end to the amount of boy's that confessed to her

In fact there were several noble families that extended a need for political marriage but my mother had pushed all those away, Grace was a woman that believed in choosing their own partner, so she refused to use her daughters marriage for politics, plus no one wanted to upset Elda, after all she in one of the 2 people in the world that could use life magic

In the future she would be a very wanted healer, so nobody was forceful, plus Elda's status is also not something people could mess with but the problem came when boy's with higher level started confessing to her

It seemed that the prince of the lion tribe, the prince of the demon worlds Efeth Empire, prince of the Whale tribe and some other boys have deeply fall in love with Elda and they were unwilling to give up, so out of headache Elda said that she would only consider the one's that beat her big brother

Chapter 136: Issue's(2)

'Sigh…what a pain'

After getting to know everything, my head throbbed with a headache, well I had to see this coming, after all in the game there's no need to explain about the lives of the characters but still this was even beyond my plan

Well I did think that some might fall for Elda but I didn't think that she would attract this much attention, plus none of these guys are willing to give up, they are adamant that they love her, I sighed inwardly as I looked at the beautiful creature in my arms

Elda was fidgeting in my embrace, seemingly afraid of my reaction, I didn't keep her waiting as I held her soft body tighter in my embrace, one of my hands held her smooth lithe wait, while the there one slowly patted her back

Feeling my gentle touches the nervousness from Elda's body slowly disappeared, her body melted with pleasure from my gentle touches as she laid her head on my chest, she timidly raised her head coming up on my gentle and loving smile, something Elda had dearly missed

"Big Brother I-"

"Shuush, no need to feel guilty or bad, you did what you had to, plus as your older brother, isn't it my duty to protect you?, so don't worry, if those guys really want you then they have to go through me"

As I said those words I gently patted her head, feeling my pat, Elda closed her eyes as she purred in happiness, her body lost strength as she lay peacefully in my embrace, relishing in my scent

"I knew it, big brother is the best"

I smiled happily as I heard Elda murmur within my embrace, it was when we were happily getting into our own world that Nora spoke

"You two really seemed to be happily slipping into your own world"

"Um?, is someone jealous?"

Hearing my retort, Nora just snorted with displeasure, I looked at her mischievously as I extended my hand towards her head, since Nora was sitting next to me I so was easily able to reach my hands towards the top of her head

Seeing my incoming hand, Nora wanted to dodge but her body seemed immobile, while her mind said no, her body was more forward, soon within seconds my hand reached her smooth golden hair, I gently patted the top of my elder sisters head

Feeling the pat and my gentle look a hint of blush filled Nora's face, unknowingly she closed her eyes to enjoy it as a gentle smile accompanied her, I patted her head for a few seconds before I let go, feeling the loose of warmth in her head, a sense of disappointment filled Nora's heart but it was soon washed away with my words

"Sister, even if it was you I would still fight for your happiness, don't you already know it, both of you are one of the most important people in my life, I would do anything to protect you"

"Ye-Yeah I-I know"

Nora's heartbeat fastened at an unnatural pace, she tried desperately to hold back the smile and satisfaction that was building deep within her, seeing that Nora was traveling to her own world I turned to Grace as I spoke

"Mother have you already joined?"

Hearing my question Grace smiled as she spoke back

"Indeed, I have already received my own office, I would personally start my first class after the Academy starts again"

"Um, that's good, it seems that we would be able to spend more time together"

As I spoke there was a mischievous smile on my face, seeing it Grace smiled as hint of red filled her cheeks, it was pretty cute to say the least, afterwards both Grace and Nora continued to talk with me

We talked for about a few hours, at that same time Grace yelled at me for being reckless in my action, while Nora nodded to it, at the same time they congratulated me for my achievement's while bombarding me with several questions, especially about my so called followers, This talk went on about for a long time as darkness descended

"Looks like it's night already"

I spoke looking out the window and Nora seconded to it

"Um, it looks like we lost track of time"

"Sigh, how long as it being since we sat like this and talked"

There was a satisfied and contended smile on Grace's face as she spoke those words, Nora nodded her head to it as she looked at me lovingly, at the same time I was patting the hair of Elda who at some time had fallen asleep, Elda's smooth silver hair was extremely soft to touch

Elda slept contend on my chest with a big smile on her face, even when asleep her hands held onto me tightly, I smiled at her behavior as I have a small kiss to her forehead, she seemed to have felt it as she hugged me tighter

"It seems that Elda, doesn't want to let you go"

Grace giggled seeing her youngest child's behaviour

"Indeed it seems that she missed me very much"

My smile never left my face as I spoke

"It will be hard for her to sleep like this why don't you take her to one of the rooms here, she will fell more comfortable"

'I doubt that'

I retorted to Grace in my mind as I stood up carrying Elda in a princess carry, as I walked towards one of the bedrooms in the mansion, reaching the room I tried to pry Elda out of me but she held on tightly

"Um, noo~~"

"Elda?, Elldaaa"

I looked at Elda's beautiful and charming face as she slept, her eyes was closed as her head was snuggled close to my chest, I treid whispering her name yet she didn' budge from my embrace

"No~~, don't gooo~~"

"Sigh what do I do with you?"

I was having an headache looking at my sister who was talking in her sleep, it took some time but I finally able to get her off as I gently laid her on the bed, covering her with a blanket I kissed her forehead

"Sweet dreams Elda"

With that I headed back to the room, entering inside I could see that Nora was heading out for some other things while Grace was about to head for some sleep as she was tired from the long journey, before that Nora looked at me as she spoke

"Olivia wants to meet you"

"Oh?, when?"

"Anytime tomorrow head to our factions head office"

With that Nora tried to walk away but before that she turned towards me as she spoke sternly

"I will give it my all"

Seeing such a side from her I replied with the same seriousness

"Me too"

After that Grace too headed out to sleep, as she had to deal with many things she was tired but before leaving she made sure to give me a secret kiss, since we were in the Lionheart owned mansion we couldn't do anything romantic in public, with that I was left alone

"Looks like its time to meet her"

Smirking I too walked to a certain direction

Chapter 137: A New Catch

Darkness had descended in the whole of the world, the moon shined bright in the sky, small cold winds brushed aside my face as I walked through the street of the Babylon Academy, it's being a few minutes since I had left the mansion and began walking

Instead of the teleportation circle I thought of walking for once, the darkness of the night was calming to my mind, I couldn't help but think of the words Nora spoke, as luck would have it Nora had joined the faction of Olivia

If I really wanted I could have spoken to Nora and make her join mine but that would have many recuperations, most of all I know that Nora is powerful independent woman, she doesn't need me to tell her what to do, though I couldn't help but find her serious face a bit cute

I clearly know that Nora only has a tough exterior and a warm hurt, no matter what Nora will not be able to bring herself to harm me, that early expression of hers was she trying to confirm to herself, leaving that aside I couldn't help but notice that the Academy size is huge

Babylon Academy spreads over a huge distance, almost the size of a city, the Academy itself has many shopping center's, parks and many other areas, most of all the Academy itself is cut into three segments with each segments having it's own buildings

The three teaching segments were for the Meth, Seth and Berth division, not only that there's also different buildings for different activities, for example there's a dedicated area that allows for ground battle with mounts, there's also a one for Ariel combat too

There are several training towers that one can climb, the further you climb the more rewards and powers you get, in the academy there's a tower for each main path, the mage's, knight's, witch's and many more, climbing each tower represents the path you take in your occupation

Plus the Academy has training for other non combat area's too, like there is a illusion room where you get to be a commander and lead an army, depending on the scenario you overcome, you could earn points

Points indeed, it's one of the important currency of the Academy, you can use these points for all the things in the Academy, from renting a training room to renting or buying a mansion or a separate house in the Academy

Of course money too works here but again, it would cost a lot money if you want to use it in the Academy, plus for the most important things academy points are needed, the points can be earned in many way, it can be earned by completing any missions the Academy gives out or by earing a spot in any of the leader board

But creating factions is not allowed, only the ones that has one of the rings can do that but there are clubs, each one based one the occupation one chooses, they cannot fight for power but they can gather together and show that their path choose superior

In fact there is even a archer club but it's at the bottom of the power pyramid, the archer as a single profession only rose up after Eleanor, so the number of people proficient in it is very small

'But that's going to change soon'

I hummed as I thought about my plans for the future, before I entered the Academy Eleanor contacted me, of course even after we last met, we still kept contacts, occasionally I would even send her flowers and loving gifts, after all you gotta let them know you are there

Anyway Eleanor only spoke a single sentences 'show them the power of the bow', it might be simple to hear but achieving it is very tough but I didn't reject Eleanor, after all I still love her and most of all she had given me a lot, it's time that I did something for this path

And soon in deep thoughts I reached the male dormitory, yup that's right the dormitory, as I said before, if you are rich you can buy your own mansions and different places but for those poor nobles who couldn't afford it the Academy provides it's own services

So why am I hear even though I have a mansion?, well it's simple, smirking to myself I walked towards the room allocated to me, reaching my door, I started opening it, entering inside could see that it was a huge room for two and in the hall I could see a cute boy

The boy had short green hair tied in a ponytail, while his eyes was bright hazelnut color, his stature was short only reaching my chest, as his face was more ambiguous cute rather than handsome, though he had small well developed physique, it's sure that he trains his body very well, if I didn't know better I would have thought that he was a trap, but I do know better


Name: Shira Hillclowd

Sex: Female

Age: 18

species: human

Talent: 9/10

Power: Origin level 3

Title: The hidden girl, The one who overcomes

Love: 0%

Description: a girl who had no choice but to dress up as a boy, due to the circumstance's forced on upon her

>even though she had been through a lot of tough shit, she still believes in her own self

>Doesn't care about anything other than bringing up her family

Difficulty: B(You gotta do, what you gotta do)


Yup it's another capture target, here it's the cliche scene of having a girl roommate who hides that she's a girl, in truth this room should have belonged to Leonardo but when you have a doting aunt nothing's impossible

After using the excuse of wanting to feel a normal Academy life, Mira gave me this room, though I picked it, anyhow the girl that stands in front of me is from a fallen Baron house, her family is really in the brink of destruction and the only way to save it was to find their family weapon, which is kept in the hidden world belonging to the Academy

In truth Shira's family was a famous house hold that had done meritorious deeds in the past, in fact one of their ancestor is a hero but sadly the sands of time had swept it away, until Shira was born

She had inherited their family bloodline but she lacked their heirloom weapon to bring out her full power, moreover her father's position was at jeopardy, it was only due to her that Shira's father could keep his position

And for that Shira needed to act as a boy, there are many complicated reason for it but Shira doesn't mind, this girl is a complete training maniac, she only cares about increasing her power and nothing more, hell I think she enjoys being about because she doesn't have to deal with anything girly

Coming out of my thoughts I smiled at my roommate, it would surely be fun bringing this girl that only cares about getting stronger to scream in pleasure

'Ahhh, I really do love going to school'

Chapter 138: A New Time

Hey, at first I was really worried about going with this chapter but in the end hell I went with it!


"Hello are you my roommate?"

I smiled as I walked in and greeted Shira, seeing me her face lit up in surprise, it was normal after all I have recently became famous and even she was there when I had fought against the army

Technically I had messed up the Seth hunt and had stolen the show from her and the rest that had reached the last stage, still even they couldn't help but agree to it that I was strong, Shira soon regained her self as she looked at me suspiciously

"What is someone like you doing here?"

Shira's voice was soft, in fact it was androgynous, not manly and not too girlish too, hearing his question I reacted with confusion

"Um?, why can't I be here?"

"Don't play dumb, just with your status you could own your own mansion much less when you have a whole lot of dogs waiting behind you"


I asked back with a smile but inside I was holding back the bloodlust that was brimming within me, my question caused her to sneer as she spoke

"Why?, what's wrong?, to me those that bend down to others are just dogs, to think at once I used to admire one of them, it just makes me sick"

There was utter disdain on her face as she spoke those words, for a moment I had seriously considered ripping her head from her body, even though those guys had swore loyalty to me, I have never once thought of them as a slave to me

'Calm down Austin, calm down'

"Anyway shouldn't those dogs have built a mansion for you or anything, oh that's right you are from the Lionheart Duchy right?, I thought that maybe after your heads death they would fall who would have though that you family will still stand?"

The disdain in her face became more apparent, she looked at me with a scrutinizing gaze as she spoke

"I mean you have that stoic faced big sister, I mean who could even feel anything for that angry faced woman but I gotta say you little sister is lucky, after all she has all those guys to look after her, she's just lucky to be born beautiful"

The more she spoke the more the smile on my face widened, she didn't even hesitate to 'praise' my mother too

"Looks like I have miscalculated something"


Hearing my cold voice Shira looked at me in surprise, at first I had thought that shira was just trying to make me angry but looking at her I could say that she has at most disdain for me, my family and the one's that I care about

It's funny that now I realised it, she doesn't even have the power to oppose them yet she has such an arrogance?, from what?, just because she has a bloodline of a fallen hero?, just because she thinks she will get stronger one day?

"It's funny"

"What is?"

Shira asked back flinching at my cold words, I held back the at most anger that was boiling inside me as I asked this girl a question

"Did you join a faction?"

"Why do you care?"

"Just answer me"

"If you want to know, I have joined the faction belonging to the Rosalyn Prince"

"I see"

I nodded my head as I closed my eyes from what I knew in the game Shira didn't join any faction, actually I knew that Shira was arrogant, after all I had already kept some tails and informants on some of the capture targets

I could only do this on the one's that have no huge backing or power, I really didn't give much to it, I had thought that I would be able to handle her arrogance, maybe even twist her but the moment she spoke all those thoughts went out the window

During my travels I found out my major flaw, that was having too many faces, I mean if I showed different face for different girls, then what would happen when they all meet?, that's why I thought of showing my true self with a few hidden sides

In truth I won't give a shit if somebody I don't know dies in front of me but I do not accept someone talking shit about people I care, even though at first I only took them in for my own use, I slowly accepted them as family

And now there's a girl calling them as a dog, in truth I can easily control my anger and easily forgive her and talk to her but would that be the true me?, would I be needed to lower my head and hold myself back to every capture target?

Do I really need to be a goody two shoes in front of this bitch?, just to appease her?, in front of this bitch who doesn't even know to correctly reign in her arrogance?, I am no saint I lie and manipulate others but I make sure not to hurt them or treat them badly in the future, most of all I desire them and I did what I need to do to get them

I mean I wouldn't care if she was evil or talks shit about others, after all I am not a good person myself but after she calls the one's I consider my family as dogs?, am I to be loving towards a woman that taints my family?

"Hey, hello are you still here?"

As I was in my deep thoughts Shira kept waving her hands in front of me, she had her hands on her waist as she looked at me

'System, can I kill her?'



[The host's duty is to take in all the capture targets, killing one of the, would be counted as a failure]

'But what if she dies in an accident or by a natural cause, that's not my fault'

[None of the capture target will get killed, due to the worlds fate, law and destiny]

'What does that mean?'

[Sorry host, this is all I could say to you at this moment]

'I see…..'

Ever since a few years ago lots of doubt started to fill my mind, did a god really just create a fantasy world just to torture a guy?, plus each and every feature of the world is amazing, moreover what about the gods in this world?, are they weaker than the one who brought me here? and many more

'Looks like there is a lot of secret for me to uncover'

I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath, currently I am in a dilemma and I need to decide what to do, without even minding the girl who kept calling my name I walked out of the room, if I stayed any longer, I would surely rip the girls head of her shoulder

I walked out of the dorms as I looked at the night sky

"Sigh…..what do I do?"

I walked through the night sky relishing in the cold wind that blew against my skin, calming my mind down, I mean I could go back to her talk to her, maybe even change her mind, if not I could create certain situation and make her fall for me but after all that would I desire that girl?

I mean she only looked down on people I care it's not like she killed someone I cared about

"Hehehe….I really am in a slump"

'System tell me what should I do?'

[This is beyond my-]



"I am asking you as a friend and a partner who was with me from the very beginning, not as your host"

[As your friend I say that she does not deserve you, as your partner I say that you should make her suffer and as your host I oblige you to follow the quest to save your life]

"Tell me is there something you are hiding from me?"


"Should you be answering my question, don't you have some kind of restriction and all?"

[I do but as a friend shouldn't I at least try?]

Hearing the systems words I smiled, in this new life of mine I could say that the thing I know best about is my system


[Shira Hillclowd as being removed from the list!]

For the first time I could feel a great deal of tiredness from the system, I could tell that the system had to pay a price

[This is the first and last time that I could interfere]

I looked at the moon at the sky for a few minutes till I spoke again

"Thank you"

[No, thank you]


Okay for those whoes worried there won't be anymore girls removed, in fact there's something special I am planning from this

Also this was a just a sneak peek into a reveal I am planning for the future and as for Shira?, there's something special for that to in the future

Chapter 139: The Hidden Problems

The day after Austin had caused trouble in the Seth hunt, in a room sat 4 women, each displaying overwhelming powers, beauty and aura, each of them sat in a table facing each other, one of them had long black hair and dark black eyes with a beautiful face along with a graceful aura

Unlike her normal self the current her was not wearing any veil to cover her face, Eleanor looked at the familiar women surrounding her and she spoke

"Sigh…..why did you call in this meeting Naria?, you know that we are all busy right now"

The woman to whom Eleanor spoke had black and brown hair mixed along with sparkling peach colour eyes that seemed to contain a deep wisdom, her sexy body was hidden by her mage dress, she was Naria Whilliania the current head of the mage tower and one of the leading mage's in the world, she's also the master of Mira

"Ohh, relax will you Eleanor, you don't have to always be so stiff, after all I heard about the things your disciple did and I gotta say I am a bit jealous, the disciple of yours seemed to have brought back the talk on archers again"

Hearing Naria's words Eleanor didn't show anything outwardly but inwardly she was glad and happy, remembering her lovers face brought a hint of sweetness to her heart, even though they couldn't meet all the time, they would still contact each other at times

Eleanor had never thought that falling in love would be so good, whenever she was alone Austin's image seemed to have filled up her heart and mind, even before she used to worry about him but now there seemed to be something sweeter when she thought of him

Her thoughts about him increased everyday even though she stayed away from him and whenever he's a bit late in contacting her, her mind would be a mess, this was the first time in her life that she had to go through so many emotions at once

Moreover when she had heard about the things he had did her heart couldn't help but beat in eagerness and pride, she had even secretly ordered the saved videos of his display, planning to watch them at her free time

"Indeed my disciple's the best"

Even though Eleanor tried to be neutral, unconsciously her face had lifted to a loving smile while her voice was filled with pride, seeing it the rest of the women in the room were surprised, this was the first time they had seen Eleanor smiling full heartedly, normally Eleanor always held a fake smile on her face

"Looks like you cherish him a lot"

The one who spoke this time was a 12 year old, no it would be more appropriate to say that she looked 12 year old, the woman's body was small and petite with peach colour hair and blazing red eyes, her face was the definition of cute and adorable

The girls eyes seemed to shine with wisdom as she looked mischievously at Eleanor, but she soon flinched when she saw the frosty eyes of Eleanor

"Zeesha, don't you dare try to do anything to him, otherwise I would make sure to fill your body with arrows"

"Jeez, cool down will ya…hick….what's up with ya all causing so much noise….hick….you are all messing up my head…..hick"

The one who spoke now was a woman with golden hair and bright golden eyes, her face was beautiful while her body was slender and toned, she wore protective gear and a sword on her waist, there was a drunken look in her eyes

"Sigh, what am I gonna do with you Vallecia?, for god's sake you are a sword saint, at least act like one, you do know that people are now calling you the drunken saint right?"

Naria spoke clutching her head

"Um?, why should I care about….hick….what other…hick….things about me?"

"Ugh…you never change"

Naria could only shake her head looking at the gathering, the ones in this room are one of the few female Imperials, yet two are in bad terms with each other, while the other is a drunk head, Naria could only shake her head as she got on to more serious issues

"Anyway, I called you all to talk about the movements of the corrupts republic"

Hearing Naria's words everyone in the room became serious, soon the drunken look Vallecia's face disappeared

"What happened?"

Hearing Vallecia's question Naria continued

"I don't know much but you all must have noticed the several unrest these few years right?"

Nobody spoke but they all nodded their heads, Naria continued

"I had already gotten contacts from the much older Imperials, one of them did a divination and predicted a world of blood it might not be now but there would surely be a greater fight in the future"

"What should we do?"

Eleanor spoke with a frown on her face



All the other three reacted in surprise from Naria's words, seeing it she explained

"For now we should lay low, our enemies are in the shadow while we are in the light, plus there are others too working for the better people who are much better than us, for now we just have to wait for the perfect moment"

While Naria was giving our specific instructions, far away within another dark room, sat 8 figures, none of them could be made out due to the dark cloak covering them

"Is he the one?"

A voice spoke from among the eight, his voice was raspy and croaked, seemingly his voice was unable to be identified

"Yes, he's the one, we must make heist in this one"

Another spoke with the same voice

"It's good we found him out this fast, if it was later, more problems would have arisen"

"Indeed he must be taken out, you can use one of our important pawns in the Academy but the job must be done"

"Consider it done"

After the last one spoke he looked at the image of the boy at the centre of the table and the picture belonged to Austin!

Chapter 140: New Ways

"Now that was a good rest"

It was already morning and I was walking through the streets of the Babylon Academy, it was the next day after what had happened with Shira, that night I went for a long walk and slept in the mansion from before

After I woke up I had breakfast with Grace and Elda before heading towards the meeting Nora spoke about, as for Shira I already have a plan to keep that woman in her place and it ain't gonna be pretty, now since I don't have to care about her affection, I could do more extreme things

Anyhow leaving aside Shira, right now I am walking towards the private owned area of Olivia's faction, they themselves have a huge plot and a lot of powerful and talented students under their control, this also the reason that many don't believe in my success, after all the coming competition for the King Of Babylon is not just about strength, there are many other factors

Speaking of myself, currently my name as already spread far and wide, many people have already talk about me as a rising start talent, while the praises towards my Lionheart family continues, after all my family has produced three great talents, now that was something to focus on

Not only that, the scene of those powerful students kneeling down to me is not something that happens everyday, especially when one of them is an extremely talented student, in other words they will work only under me, ready for my any commands

While all the other factions have powerful students none of them have given sworn loyalty, more over these students are noble and future heads of their own house, why would they lay down their lives?, meanwhile I have a group of powerful students waiting readily for my command

Right now all I am missing is to show my funds and a prosperous future under me, thought it might not be easy, I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I reached the huge mansion, where students seemed to come and go

Seeing me walk towards their faction head office many of them looked at me warily but among them some had admiration, while many of the girls had stars floating in their eyes

As I walked closer I could see a familiar girl standing in the front of the mansion, her long golden hair was tied in a pony tail, while she wore her sword and protectives, her skirt reached her knees, while she wore black stocking that accelerated her long legs, making them more sexy

She had a stoic look on her beautiful face, many of the boys that walked past her would give her beautiful body a look before moving away with fear, while Nora was a beauty, she was a beauty with thorns, if not careful you would definitely get pricked

"Big sis"

Coming closer I called her name, seeing me arrive Nora's stoic face faded away as a beautiful smile adored her face but it went quickly as it came, the one's who were watching on were stupefied, nobody had seen Nora smile like that and when she did many of the boy's felt their heart beating faster

'Hehe…look all you want, because that's what all of you will ever be able to do'

I smiled inwardly as I reached Nora

"Good morning sister, you look beautiful as always"

"Sweet words aren't gonna get anywhere you know"

Nora snorted as she walked forward, I smiled seeing it as I kept walking along with her

"Ouch, how can you say that?, I was only speaking the truth"

"I am sure that you are like this with the other girls you meet too"

Though Nora said it lightly I could still feel her jealousy from her words

"Nope I only speak like this to my beautiful sister!"

When I said that I raised my hands and placed it on my chest and spoke exaggeratedly like a soldier to their queen, seeing my antic's a small smile came to Nora's face, it didn't take us long to reach a large office like room, Nora knocked before both of us entered

Coming inside I could see Olivia siting on a chair looking through some documents, she had a serious and regal face as she looked through those documents, I gotta agree that she's really beautiful

If Nora was a rose with thorns, then Olivia is like a shining star that makes one feel unworthy to stand beside her, she feels like someone who you should bow down to, someone that you should follow

Seeing us enter Olivia looked at me, seeing me a deep desire for revenge flashed in her eyes, the relationship between me and Olivia is a bloody mess, ever since the spanking I gave her Olivia's feeling about me as always being a mess

She hated me for doing something like that, yet she had admired my courage for risking my life for my family, she knows that what I did was for my family, yet she couldn't be happy with, I know Olivia's greatest secret that she has being hiding and till now I haven't used it to take any advantage of her

Olivia really doesn't know what to do with me, after all I am the only one to make her bend to her knees and make her submit but that doesn't mean she will be slave to my will, no matter what Olivia is a young woman, and all of them have fantasies of meeting their prince or finding someone to love

In fact that was my actual plan to make her fall, then bring out that deep hidden her but desperate time calls for desperate measures, right now my plan is to go from the back to the front, first make her submit then make her fall and I have the perfect plan for it

"Hey cousin, how's everything going?"

As soon as I entered the room I sat in the chair in front of my table, seeing me act like this, I could see Olivia's eyes twitching, right now they were at the Academy and Olivia's too just a student so there was no need for any formalities at the same time Nora stood near the door as a guardian

"Sigh look at you the first thing you do when you come to the Academy is cause trouble"

"Sigh…for that I am sorry, I really didn't want to cause such a mess"

I could only smile wryly as I responded to Olivia but she looked at me seriously before she spoke again

"Anyway who would have thought that you become one of the holders of the ring?, you should know I don't plan going easy on you"

"I don't want to have it any other way"

Hearing my confident answer Olivia was intrigued for a moment but she kept it one the back of her mind as she spoke

"I called you in to talk about some important things"

"I'm listening"

Chapter 141: Rich Daddy

"The first thing I want to talk to you about is the thing that might be troubling you"

"Troubling me?"

I raised my eye brow in intrigue in seeing the confident look on Olivia's face, seeing that it was a serious talk, I sat straight in a noble and serious manner, my eyes became focused as I looked at her

"Indeed, I want to form an alliance"

"An alliance?"

"Yes, an alliance of factions, nobody knows how the upcoming matches for the title will be, so we form a team, I will provide you what you need the most, funds and in return you will loan me some of your fighter's at time of need"

After Olivia finished speaking she laid back into her chair looking confident and she has the right too, while I do have powerful people, I lack the support the rest of the other ring holders have

Each of the rest have powerful backgrounds and each of them are price or princess of their respective nations, so they have a load of resources behind them, especially money

Even though academy points exist money is still important, there's a lot you can do with money, I went into thought for a moment, seemingly contemplating the answer but on the inside I was laughing my ass off

While it's true that being the third in line for the succession of the dukedom, I can't take a lot of money from my family, actually I had realised the problem long ago, I needed lots of money for my own use, one's that I don't need to ask anyone for and now I do

I'm probably one of the riches people in the world and that's no joke, as for how?, well it's all thanks to the system, well more thanks to the information part, the information part of the system is indeed a really great one for me but it too has restrictions

For example, with my points I could buy the location of a certain hidden world but I would be unable to buy the information on how to pass the hidden world, anyhow with that part I was able to buy several poems, books and many other fantasy stories from the system

Of course I tweaked it a bit to meet the world standards, in the end I am currently one of the worlds greatest novelist, poem and song righter, in fact no body know 'who' I am, It's just as my favorite teacher used to say

'It ain't cheating if you don't get caught'

Of course even if I have all what I need, this was not enough, to succeed I needed connections and money to start, so I contacted the witches, or in better terms the church of Razellia

Yup I went ahead and revealed myself as the holy son of their church and it was one of the most dangerous even I went through in my life, you see the witches union and the church of Razellia are connected

How?, well it's simple in this world there are only female witches but no male, why? simple to become a witch one needs to get the blessing of the goddess Razellia, granting them a small control over the element destruction, of course compared to the complete control I have they barely get 2%

Making potions is not about just mixing them, one needs the destruction element the break down the particles and mix them, hence to do that one must become a believer of Razellia, that's the reason why she's the only goddess worshipped in both the realms

So nobody in the world will dear to piss of the church of Razeilla, that means that they are cutting off their only sources for potions and other important stuff, that also means that they have connections across both the realms and they were filthy rich too

With such great attraction why would I hide myself?, so I went and revealed my self and that's when I understood something, I understood that I am a walking lust container for the witches

It seems that due to Razellia's blessing I am special in a way, in a nut shell I have the same standing as Razellia, so when I meet a believer in a way their belief is reflected in me, in other words they would feel a great sense of connection and closeness to me, the greater the belief and love for Razellia the same it would be for me, that's the reason why Zara was acting so strange when she saw me

I had almost lost got raped by witches, thankfully I trained to control it a bit but if I meet a senior witch, them all I could do was hide, in the end I promised to be their holy son but I would only come out after I have finished the Academy

With Razellia's church my business bloomed, I also made a contract with the biggest magic tool creating company, I would sell them some magic tools from the system, of course only the ones that won't cause big ripples

Locking away my memories I looked back at Olivia with a smile

"Your proposal's interesting I will think about it"

Olivia frowned hearing the unenthusiastic answer but she shrugged it off, she knows that I will come to her in the end, Olivia sat up straight as she asked me a question

"Come to think of it, do you know Scarlet?"


I tilted my head in 'confusion', well technically I don't know that Scarlet's Kevin, until I meet her face to face, after all I have being living on the move so it's not strange that I don't know Scarlet

"Oh?,do you know a girl with ash coloured hair?"

"Uhh…you mean Kevin?"


Hearing my reply Olivia became even more confused, she though of leaving it aside for know, just as Olivia was going deeper into her thought I spoke

"Hey, Olivia can we talk in private"


"Indeed it's about a certain recording device"


Olivia's face twisted from my words but she soon regained her calm, she stood up from her seat as she walked to a certain room, at the same time she looked at Nora as she spoke

"Nora we will be moving for some private talk"


"Don't worry sister, it's nothing serious we would be back in a jiffy"

Nora wanted to protest but we both told her that it would be fine, with that Olivia took me to her private training room, where nobody other than her could enter and as soon as we were alone, her smile faded as an ice cold looked appeared on her face

"Spit it, what do you want?"

Chapter 142: Subduing The Princess

"Spit it, what do you want?"

As soon as we had entered the room the 'warm' smile on Olivia's face disappeared, only a deep cold look appeared on her face, the room we had entered was closed off from the outside world, it was a huge training place, a place fit for a fight, I grinned as I looked at Olivia

"Well I wanted to give you a chance to take it back"

"Chance?, take it back?"

Olivia was confused but I didn't keep her waiting as a recording orb appeared on my hand and in it a very clear scene of princess spanking was being played, seeing it Olivia's face darkened, a seething anger raised deep within her eyes but at it's depth a small desire too burned

Olivia's mana burst outwards as a huge pressure filled the training room, I remain unfazed in such power, it took few seconds but Olivia calmed down, she took deep breaths as she spoke

"What do you want?"

"I liked you better when you were moaning in shame"

Hearing my reply a blush covered Olivia's face, anger filling her from looking at my face that was filled with disdain for her, the sadistic side in her fought with her other side desiring to bring me to her knees


This time Olivia was using more of her mana trying to pressure me hard, I stayed cool as I raised my hands in defeat

"Okay, okay I just wanted to give you a chance for revenge"

"A chance?"

I didn't speak as I took a parchment from space ring and threw it to Olivia, she caught it and she could feel a certain divinity in it, Olivia's eyes was furrowed as she opened the parchment, soon her eyes widened in surprise as she read through it

The more she read the more her breathing seemed to rise in excitement, seeing it I smiled inwardly, the parchment I threw to her is the contract of death, it's a special contract made by the church of death

The contract of death is simple, it's that you sign it, you sign it with your life on the line, if the contact is broken then the one who broke it will die and there's no way to stop it, the contract is completely in the control of the church of death

This is normally used by people who don't trust each other, hence the contract of death is only used in very secrete and important business, of course no one can use this contact to make a person whose not interested sign, it only works if you sign it with your own will and no one can use it to make another person their slave, without him agreeing to it completely

Leaving that aside the one I gave her is simple, both I and her would fight and the loser would become the winner slave for a certain period of time, of course there are other rules in it too

Like you can't be asked to kill or die, you can't ask things about the empire, you can't ask to betray and many others, basically I wrote those rules to reign in Olivia more, in this case the winner would have full control of the others body and that's only what I need

Plus I made it that I can't look down on her when I am with her subordinates and I can't rule over her during the programs for The King Of Babylon and that's mainly the reason the Olivia was hesitating

Olivia's inner sadist was fighting with her logic, the reason was simple because the contract was too good to be true and moreover me giving this opportunity means that I have confidence in winning

Olivia read the contact again and again looking for any loop hole, in the end she knew that the contract would be good for her if she won, she raised her head and looked at me, seeing my smug smile, she got more irritated but she held it in, as a ruler you must know how to control your emotions

Olivia closed her eyes thinking it through, from a single point the contract was good for her but that is only is she won, Olivia has confidence in her self, even back then the only reason I won was because I had caught her off guard

Olivia was struggling she wanted to press me under her foot to make me groan and this was the best opportunity for revenge but the unknown variable is my strength, even back at the Seth hunt she only saw strength equal to that of a Origin Level 4

The reason I was able to take down Xavier is already spread but Olivia's inner self smells a scheme, Olivia spend a few minutes in her thoughts, finally she opened her eyes, in the end, Olivia's pride had won

"Lets do it"

Olivia looked at me as she said those words, I smirked happily on the inside, I nodded my head, Olivia pierced her finger as she dropped her blood on it, then she tossed it back to me, I too did the same, soon a black smoke rose from the contact and flew into both our bodies, now I could feel the sensation of the contact

"Now shall we start?"

There was a smirk on my face when I said that but I was not the only one, Olivia too had one on her face

"Sure lets start"

After that Olivia walked towards a certain area and activated the protective mechanism of the room, with this we could go all out, well anyway I was planning on winning this match 'barely', as much as I would love to defeat Olivia in a single move, I have to hide my real strength till the start of the competition

Soon both of us moved to different sides of the area, Olivia snapped her finger as a very beautiful sword appeared on her hand, it was the perfect fit for her with golden handle and sun like patterers on it

"The sword of the first Emperor"

I spoke, hearing it Olivia grinned as she spoke back to me

"Why?, you scared?"

At the same time powerful protective gear started to surround Olivia's body, she soon turned to a beautiful warrior, one that seemed not to bent to anyone's will, a regal and royal aura surrounded her

"Are you ready my future slave?"

Olivia asked with a teasing tone, I didn't reply as a bow and arrows appeared in my hands, soon I got ready, my aura became calm and serene, I retorted to her with a calm smile

"Well I hope that your butts ready for another spanking"

With that the smile on Olivia faded, she snorted as she spoke

"Well then, let's begin!"

Chapter 143: Subduing The Princess(2)

"well then, lets begin!"

Olivia spoke with a high pitched voice as she slashed at my direction from where she stood, a bright yellow sword slash flew from her sword as it flew towards me, I smiled as I spoke


A barrier appeared in front of me blocking the attack that came towards me, at that time my 'real' origin level comes to light, feeling it Olivia spoke with a smirk

"Looks like you are only origin level 5"

My face became 'grim', because Olivia's Origin level was 6!, a great achievement at her age, seeing the grim look on my face, Olivia's heart thumped in pleasure but she didn't let the momentary happiness get to her

With a hum, she flashed as she covered the distance between us while swinging her sword to my face, I quickly dodged it trying to create a distance between us but Olivia didn't back down, she moved with lighting speed swinging her sword at me without a stop

All I could do wad dodge, outwardly I looked worried but on the inside I was completely lax, right now at my strength, no Origin level could face me, heck I even fought an army of beasts much less only one person, even just using the destruction element is enough to bring Olivia down but here I want to win by a hairs breath

Seeing me dodge restlessly Olivia chanted a spell, causing chains to appear from everywhere, they moved with accuracy as they tried to tie me down, I snorted as a {Disrupt} spell was cast, causing the incoming chains to disappear

With that at lightning speed I shoot three arrows towards Olivia, my hand was a blur as the arrows flew towards Olivia at inhuman speed, seeing the arrows Olivia didn't get flustered as she waved her sword, creating another ripples of sword slashes to appear

But as the sword slashes were about to hit the arrows one among the three arrows exploded in black light covering the other two arrows with it's spell, as the black light touched the other 2 arrows, their speed increased, with the black light covering them, they easily moved passed the sword slashes arriving in front of Olivia in a blink

At the same time Olivia didn't lose her calm as a golden light covered her body from the equipment she was wearing, both the arrows hit her causing Olivia to fly away but there was not a scratch on her

"Tch, it must be great to have a living protective armor"

Hearing my rambling Olivia who was pushed away smiled, she didn't reply to me as she waved her hand causing hundred's of bright hot arrows to fly towards me, seeing it I shot a single arrow that split into hundred's that blocked the light arrows Olivia shot, at the same time I shot 3 more arrows behind it

The first one I shot easily blocked the arrow of lights while the other three I shot started to crackle as lightning surrounded it, soon the three of them joined and with a boom they flew towards Olivia with light speed and same as again a light covered Olivia causing her to fly back again from the hit

This time I didn't stop, without rest I kept shooting arrows towards Olivia, blasting sounds still continued to be heard as my arrows continued to hit Olivia again and again but the golden light in her equipment seemed to protect her

It was not a problem as the golden light seemed to dim more as I kept shooting, as she kept being hit Olivia's eyes furrowed as a golden light burst from her body, soon the arrows I shot could not seem to make it towards her

With a roar Olivia's body shoot forward at lightning speed, I was 'unable' to react as she hit me in the stomach pushing me back but I didn't give up as I flew back I shot an arrow towards Olivia but she didn't mind it as she cut the arrow with her sword, with that she easily took over the distance between us as her sword was slashed to my face

I waved my bow blocking her attack with my bow, with that I send a kick towards Olivia's stomach, seeing it she took a step back as she swung her sword again, I didn't back down as I blocked it with my bow, my hands moved expertly as I fought a sword with my bow, seeing me react to her fast blows Olivia frowned

Soon her body movement became more fast, her sword movements became more fluid, the movement of her patterns seemed to change, I seemed to be getting 'overwhelmed', at the same time several chains and more bright light arrows seemed to surround me

Seeing it Olivia smiled but at that moment for a second the mana in her body became disrupted!, her spells disappeared as well as her body armour, just for a second she became completely harmless and for me that one second was more than enough, In a flash I appeared in front of Olivia with my arrow to her neck, a thin line of blood fell from her neck, I smirked as I spoke

"I win"


"Well do you remember the one arrow you cut?, well it was suppose to make the person who cut it mana less at a specific time, it was your lose from not knowing"

Hearing my words Olivia closed her eyes in defeat, she had lost due to a small lapse in judgement, well I lied partially, all I did was sent a small amount of the destruction element into Olivia's body, due to it's small nature she was unable to detect it, a few seconds passed before she spoke again

"I lost"

There was bitterness to her voice but not regret, Olivia had agreed to this on her own will, so win or lose it was completely her fault, there was nothing to complain about it in there, as soon as she had spoken a black swirl broke out from our bodies as a black line connected us, seeing it I smiled

"Olivia Ezraeil from now onwards till the end of three months you shall be my slave"

And that was final as the line between us broke and flew back into our bodies, with that Olivia closed her eyes as she sat onto the floor, she might not say it but this was truly a bitter defeat