

When Corinna saw the weakened and pale face of the person standing, her eyes stopped moving, and for a moment, she felt her heart stop.

As tears formed in her eyes, her knees lost strength, and she collapsed.

In that instant, she saw the worst scene of her life. Malte was standing, breathing, and holding Sam's Soul Bone, while this man's body lay on the ground, dead.

Those on the battlefield realized the outcome of this confrontation and expressed either happiness or deep fear.

If one of their leaders died, it meant that one side would have the upper hand in the confrontation, and the other would be in despair very soon!

Sam's subordinates felt terrible for their leader, but none moved to avenge him. The right thing to do was to flee as fast as they could!

Malte was certainly seriously injured, but he was still standing with a free Soul Bone in his hands. If he successfully absorbed it, that would be the end of The Gray Eagles sect!