
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · วัยรุ่น
19 Chs

Reality Is Not Reality At All

Anna's eyes sprang open . Taking in her surroundings. She did not recognize where she was . It seemed she was in a bedroom . A huge bedroom . Probably five times the size of he own bedroom .The bed she was laying in had velvet sheets with a red and gold quilt . To her left was a night stand that had three drawers . On top of it stood a magnificent golden lamp . She had never seen such a fantsy lamp in her life . She wonderd if it was real gold or not .The curtains to each side of the bed , that covered the huge windows , were red mesh with gold in the middle allowing the light to shine through . The curtains complamented the bedding on the bed she was now sitting up on .Good she thought , I couldn't have been out that long . But where was she ?

Voices started coming from outside the door . Anna jumped up like she was ready for an attack . Jack walked thought the door followed by a short middle aged woman , whose fase was smeared of what seemed like mascara . She must have been crying . She had long curly red hair that ended right at the back of her knees . Her bright green eyes had a sense of saddness , yet happieness at the same time . Anna was very confused .

" Hi ... my name is Christina . I am sure you are very confused right now . I assure you that we are to . Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? "

" I'm not telling you anything till you tell me who you are , and why I am here !"

Christina waved her hand in the air ," Of course ." She sat down on the edge of the bed . She motioned for Anna to sit beside her, but Anna continued to stand . "You might want to sit down for what I am about to tell you . It will probable be a bit over whelming ." With that being said Anna decuded to sit down at the opposite side of the bed then Christina . She wanted to be as far away from her as possible .

In a quick motion Zack scooted thr lamp over on the night stand and sat down on it beside Anna . Anna jumped in surprise at the quick movement . " Annasasia , we are not going to hurt you ...and if you want to leave after we explain I will take you home ."

Christina laughed shifting their attention back to the red head opposit from them . " Annisasia ..we believe you are my daughter , Zacks sister, that went missing quite a few years ago . " She paused allowing Anna to take in what she has said . She continued ," We searched everywhere but we could never find her . After a few years we lost hope for finding our baby girl ." Christina Handed Anna a photgraph of a baby girl about a year old . The baby was playing in the sand on the beach . It must have been Golf Port Mississippi , which is where Anna was originally from . As Anna scanned the photo the lady had handed her , she noticed the baby had a birthmark beside her belly button .Wow she thought this is crazy . I have the same birthmark . This can't be true . It just cant be .

" Our little girl and Zack are twins . Even though they had different hair colors they were twins. They both share the birthmark you see in that photograph ." Zack lifted his shirt to show Anna his birth mark . It was true . Annad eyes filled with tears . Everything she had ever known had been a lie. Is this what her parents , Bethany and Thomas, were hiding from her ? Did they kidnap her ?

Christina stood up and moved closer to Anna . Tears swelling in her eyes . She sat down and wrapped her arms arounr Anna in a tight hug .After a few long minutes Christina let go of Anna . With pleading eyes ," Please tell me you are my baby . Please Annistasia ! You have to be ?" Anna stood up infront of the lady that was apparently now he actual mother . She slowly lifter her shirt revealing the same birthmark Zack gad shown her .The woman gasped tears streaming down her face . She jumped up with a huge smile of reliefe . Christina hugged Anna so tight . " My baby ! My baby. Its all going to be okay now .You are home .Where you belong ."

Fear started boiling up inside as Anna started thinking about , Bethany and Thomas . What were they going to do to her not that she knows their big seceret ? Was their more to the seceret that she didn't know yet ?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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