
Mixed Between Love And A Non-Human World.

Brittany_Ayers8004 · วัยรุ่น
19 Chs


"Where is Zack and Christina ?" Anna asked Max as she hopped off the counter ." Are you going to tell me why you was crying ? "Anna looked away from Max .She had only known him a few hours . Her life had changes in the past two days was even to much for her to comprehend .Even though her heart felt like it had known Max all her life , she just couldn't seem to put into words of what all had happened .Anna needed Zack ." Can we please find Zack and Christian? Its been hours since we left them . Christina is probably worried about me ."Max looked at Anna knowing she was probaby right .

Max sent a mind link message to Zack and Christina telling them they was at the tree house ." They are on their way ." Anna was super confused . " What do you mean ? You havent even called them ."Max smiled . How did she not know about mind links? She was a wold wasn't she ? " I sent them a mind link . Wolf's can mind link each other instead of calling or texting, but they have to be within you pack for it to work ." Annas eyes widdened ," Wow thats so cool !" Confused , Max asked ," Are you not a wolf?? I thought you had to be a wold to mate with a wolf ?"

A loud nock came from the other side of the door before Anna could Answer . Anna ran to the door swinning it open fast .Zack grabbed her imidiatly hugging her . After a few silent moments he let her go and walked towards Max ." Did you hurt her ??Why didn't you bring her back to the office ??" Zack was furious . Why was Zack so mad , Anna was fine .

Christina stepped through the door she looked frustrated . " Zack stop. Look Annistasia is fine . Seeing that he is your sisters mate , I doubt he would do anything to cause her harm .He definitely wouldn't allow harm to come to her also because she is now part of his pack ." Max didn't understand ," Anna is your sister ? I have known you since we was five years old and you have never told me about you having a sister !" Christina stepped forward gesturing for them all to take a seat .

Christina explained everything that had happened . Anna wasn't listening . Stuck in her own mind there was so many questions that had suddently started bothering her. It seemed there was still so much she didn't know . Suddently she needed those questions answered ." What am I ?" Everyone stopped and looked at her . Christina gave Anna a warm smile ," You darling are a she wolf ." Anna didn't bielive her . How could she ? " How can I be a wolf ? I have never turned into a wolf before . Its not possible . " Standing up now she started to pace back and forth in the kitchen . Running her fingers throught her hair . Christina stood up taking her hand making her come to a stop ," You wont turn till you turn 19 . Its normal . If you wouldn't have been taken from us you would have already known . Im assuming that the people who tool you had no idea either ." I must be dreaming or something . But the dream seems to never end ! " Tears were now streaming down her face again ," Annistasia , I know this is very had for you . Why don't we take things one step at a time .When we get back home I will find my books that explain everything and u can read them in your own time. So that it isnt so over whelming . " Max stood up ," Anna isn't going anywhere she is staying with me ." Anna wanted to know everything . She wanted to know now . Her whole life has been a lie . " What about a father ? Do I have a real one ? Or is he non-existing because I havent seen him or heard of him yet . " Christina shook her head sadly ," Yes your father was a woderful man his name was Jace .He died in a hunting accident about four years ago . Well so thats what they tell me. I tried to get them to investigate further but they wouldn't. It didn't make sense to me . He also never hunted by himself ." Anna had had enough . She walked ouside . She needed time to herself .Sitting on the top step of the tree house she watched the sun setting in the sky .The sun scattered many colors throught the sky . It was peaceful .

The front door opened revealing a worried Max .Looking back at the sky she felt him sit down beside her ." Would you please stay here tonight ? I can't stand the thought of you going back over there after what I saw last night ." Anna closed her eyes sighing Max was the wolf .

Anna looked down at her hands ," I can't . I need to go get Coco . She is my only friend in this world that I apparently know nothing about anymore . Max grabbed her hand ," Will you stay if I go get her ? " The warm feeling she from earlier returned . She put her head on Max shoulder ," If you insist ."

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