
Misty rox

There is friendship, family, drama and more So, please read, and reviewif you could, thank you!

NEHA_TIWARI · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
55 Chs

Chapter 39 motherland

"Peggy, you alright?", Steve asked as he turned his attention back to her since most of the remaining

German forces defending the area were retreating south through the roads and hedgerows while he could see off in the distance the landing crafts only several hundred feet away from making it ashore.

Peggy smiled, reassuring him, "I'm good, Steve. Just still buzzed up, that's all. So, wanna keep going to push the Germans back or help out the folks at the beach to get ashore?".

Steve replied, "We pretty much cleared the beach, they should be fine. And yeah, let's keep going and push Jerry back to the motherland. Did I say that right?".

"Fatherland, Steve. The Soviets are defending their motherland.", Peggy chuckled as Steve smirked and nodded.

"Right, right... still a whole lot of Germans between here and Paris for sure; probably going to be busy all morning.", Steve said as they suddenly were buzzed by several allied planes.

"Those guys are in a hurry...", Steve said as he noticed them running back towards England. "Almost like something spooked them...".

Peggy looked back, and gasped, "Steve, it's her! Eris's back!", looking in the distance of perhaps 2 miles off, to see Eris standing on one of the ridges, holding pieces of planes in her hands.

"Damnit...", Steve rarely cursed but this certainly deserved it. "Thought she was still on the Eastern front... or at least in Calais...".

"Steve... she'll tear up everything on the beach if she reaches it...", Peggy said. "I know, I know.",

Steve glanced back. "Can't contact the battleships... nor would they be perfect with their aim against her...".

He bit his lip as both of them were quickly rushing through their head about what to do and how they could fight her this time.

Peggy exhaled, "Can you make more animals, Steve, but tell them to flank around her quietly, and when she's distracted,

you make balls and spears from the rocks, while I do fireballs and fire spears?".

"Well, it's certainly better than nothing. Now I kinda wished I didn't smash up all those 88s; they might have helped.", Steve said as Peggy patted him on the back.

"It's alright, maybe you can try making some big guns of our own... if you can.", Peggy smiled reassuringly.

"Never tried... but might as well; I can still make all the other stuff.", Steve exhaled determinedly with a nod.

Peggy nodded and kissed him on the lips shortly yet passionately before letting go, "We will get her.",

smiling at him and then went on to hide and crawl in the forest that's trailing up from the village to the ridges, waiting for Steve's animals to go distract Eris.

Steve quickly went to make more animals, faster ones, along with smart ones, telling them the order of flanking

Eris, and they then went off, quietly and sneakily into the forest, with Steve then making cannonballs, bullets, spears, and any other weapon he could remember about while going off to the other side of the minor valley.

Peggy watched Eris as she walked closer from the ridges into the minor valley, and within minutes, the animals went to attack Eris, acting like pests and such around her, and

Eris was annoyed, trying to swat them off, to flick them off, to smash them, to stomp on them, but Steve was quite detailed in his orders, distracting Eris long enough for Peggy to get close enough to shoot fireballs, fire spears, and even fire swords from the left side, with

Steve coming from the right side to shoot his cannonballs, bullets, spears of his creations, hitting Eris all at once.

Eris grew enraged, furious and determined to end those tiny giants at once, and despite the emerging wounds on her,

she made a huge jump, the force when she landed, the winds and such blew the animals away, rattled everything, and caused the two giants to fall.

Before Peggy knew it, she was grabbed by Eris tightly, and with a snarl in German, 'See if you can survive this!', and then she threw Peggy like a human cannonball, going for a few miles,

destroying ridgelines, watchtowers, even a couple of newsreels planes, and eventually, crashing into a castle.

Peggy screamed all the way, trying to turn on her fire powers, needing to fly, and with a few attempts, she slowed down her descent, but not enough as she feared,

unknowing that her unborn daughter is awake, sensing the danger, and created a force field, the biggest she could around her mother's body, infusing with her fire power.

Steve was horrified to see his beloved, his queen thrown like that, but Eris was getting atop him as he screamed Peggy's name and narrowed his eyes angrily as he dodged Eris's hand,

getting into a run, and jumped, punching her on the face, his soldier instincts on all cogs firing up, unknowing that Peggy is alive and well, but in pain.

Peggy was shocked that she was unscathed mostly when she discovered that she didn't black out or anything, but she is in total pain, much more than anything she'd imagine,

and not even the pain of the change could compare, but she is also angry, furious that Eris got another one on her again!

She narrowed her eyes, turned on her fire powers, becoming the Human Torch, and grew the intensity as she ran out of the ruins of the castle, diving down, and finally kept the fire going as she properly flew for the first time.

A flare of pride came through her heart, realizing that she finally did it like Erskine said.

Peggy flew back, hard and fast, straight for Eris, seeing Steve clobbering Eris while dodging her in his jumps, leaving her to be open from the back, and

Peggy knew what to do. She created a shape of fire, creating a lightning bolt, big as her yet light and strong, and with a roar, "Eat this, bitch!", impaling Eris in the heart.