
Misty and Her Lovers

Misty just wanted to get away from her humdrum office life to see the Northern Lights, but after falling off her ship, she finds herself transmigrated to the realm of Tumult where people can shift into beasts and marriage is a magical contact between compatible souls. Now she must find her five soulmates before the foundation of this new world falls apart! With overpowered magic and a pair of divine guides, she is stuck here learning the rules of magic and society. #beastworld #reverseharem #magic #isakai #overpowered **Chapters with (M) contain mature content. **Image generated using starryai

ChaosArray · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Dinner with Kason (M)

***Author's warning: Contains mature content

"Would you like to join me for dinner?" Kason asked Misty. At her nod, he motioned to her bedroom. Inside, she could see the bed and couches, but while she had been on a tour with Jay, it looked like Chez and Kason had set up a table and chairs by the window.

She could see the last remnants of sunlight drift over the horizon as the stars began to light up the night sky. She would have turned a light on in her old world so she could see, but here, the soft glow of candles lit up the room.

Kason escorted her to the table, holding her chair out for her. Delicious aromas invaded her senses and her stomach growled in hunger. Kason lifted the lids of the meals before taking the seat next to her.

In front of her sat a dish that looked a lot like chicken and mashed potatoes with stewed leafy greens. Kason lifted a jug and poured her a glass. She took a sip of the sweet pear flavored juice and realized that it contained some alcohol. She cut a small bit of meat and tasted it. It was amazing.

"This is really delicious." Misty said in surprise. Even though the food from this morning was also very good, she was still surprised at the delicate balance of flavors. Each bite she took had a slightly different flavor, especially when paired with the potatoes and greens.

"Chez made most of it. The pear wine was something Jay and I worked on." He swirled the wine in his glass and the scent of pear blossoms and lilac filled the room.

"Is it one of the commodities that Malkin's distributes?" Kason nodded.

As the night went by, Misty and Kason talked and learned about each other. They kept finding more to talk about deep into the night. By the time they finished their meal, the candles were almost gone. Kason got up and filled a cart up with the dishes before turning to Misty.

Misty could feel the tension in the room. Now that the food and wine weren't between them, she felt uneasy. She remembered Jay saying mates tended to alternate time with each other.

Could this be Jay giving me time with Kason? She decided that it was highly probable. Misty wasn't sure what to expect in that moment, but Kason walked over and helped her out of her chair. She could see Kason's desire simmering just below the surface.

As he leaned in, her breath caught, and her heart began to pound.

"Would you like to continue what we were doing this afternoon." He whispered into her ear. His lips brushed the top of her ear and Misty shivered in anticipation.

"Yes." Misty leaned into him, her hand trailing along the scattering of hair on his chest down to his abdominal muscles. She hooked the edge of his kaunak covering under the tips of her fingers. He grabbed at her hands to still them, pulling her to the bed. When the back of her legs hit the side of the mattress, she switched their positions, pushing Kason back onto the covers.

Misty climbed on top of Kason. Straddling him, she bent down and pressed her lips to his. His mouth opened under hers and her tongue darted out to taste him. Kason sat up and wrapped his arms around her back, pulling her closer until her breasts were squeezed between their bodies.

Kason tore his mouth from hers to nip at the flesh on her neck until he bit down on her shoulder lightly, sucking at her skin while his hands roamed over her back and lower. Misty felt a thrill at the thought of him marking her.

He drew back and flipped her over, his lower body pressing into her core through their clothes. He pulled the top of her kaunak aside. He stilled as he stared at her pert nipples, his fingers trailing around them before giving it a pinch. Pleasure shot through her and he dipped his head down to lick her breast, squeezing them in his large hands.

"Please," Misty begged, though she wasn't sure exactly what she was pleading for. She sat up and held his head against her. She could feel the length of him against her center and she couldn't help moving her hips to rub against him in carnal ecstasy.

She gasped as she came closer and closer to the edge. She had never realized that her nipples were so sensitive. Kason pushed her back, his fingers stroking her inner flesh and soon he had her wet and panting.

"Kason, I want more.' He nodded and stepped back to remove the rest of their clothes. Naked, Misty could see all of him. Her eyes widened at his size. She didn't have much time to protest as he lifted her legs and threw them on his shoulders. He positioned himself at her entrance and she could feel her body stretch uncomfortably at his girth.

"Misty," Kason called to her. She looked up at him, bracing herself on the bed.

"Please, I want you inside me." At her words, it was almost as if a dam broke inside him. He impaled her in one swift thrust. Misty cried out at the sudden intrusion. Kason barely paused before pulling out and thrusting into her again. in this position, he was hitting her deep. She could feel herself clutching around him as he fondled her breasts.

Kason's eyes glowed in the candlelight. He pulled her legs around him and leaned back, lifting her off the bed into the air. He continued to pound into her, their coupling rough. She could hear him growl as she moaned into the night.

And then, just like in the dining room, she shattered.

"Kason, oh, please…" Kason could feel her pulsating around him as she came, and a primal satisfaction filled him. His hips sped up and he thrust into her again and again until with one last push he came too.

'Misty," he called out, searching for her lips as she milked him dry. When he caught his breath, he rolled to the side, snuggling into Misty.

Misty could still feel the waves of pleasure from their coupling and basked in the closeness and contentment she felt in this moment.