
Mistress of Fire

In the world of dragons, werewolves, mages and magic, Ophelia is a slave in the kingdom of Eravia. She was a royal entertainer, until a catastrophe in the palace happened. In the middle of life and death situation, something magical happened to her. She discovered she actually can manipulate fire and has a dragon spirit within her soul. She managed to escape and later on found herself in another kingdom. As she discovers a new path with the goal to know her real identity, she unconsciously entangles her life with a powerful prince, and later on made a deal with him to be his temporary royal bride.

RileyRewis · แฟนตาซี
141 Chs

Dark prince

It's been days since I last saw Demitri. Like he promised, he never saw me again. Which on the contrary should suppose to make me glad, but why do it felt like I am missing something every single day?

"A royal decree is issued!" someone shouted in the tavern's door.

"Royal decree?" Thiara looked confused.

Everyone went out. If it's a royal decree then it's something that concerns everyone.

"What could it be? This is sudden..." I heard the murmurs.

"Stated in the royal decree is: every unmarried lady in the kingdom of Solterra must attend the royal ball on this month's full moon! The crown prince will choose the lucky girl to be his wife and future queen!" the courtier announced.

"What? Is that true?!"

"Oh my! I can't believe that! As in, every girl? Even a commoner?"

"Yes, everyone."

I don't know how to react. How should I react about it anyway? We were dancing just days ago, and now he's searching for a potential wife? I couldn't believe him.

Why would I care of what he's doing in his life, anyway? I shouldn't be concerned if he's that desperate to marry. I don't mind at all.

Indeed, my lady? Raja teased.

I hissed and walked out of the noisy crowd and went back to the tavern. Thiara followed me.

"Can you believe it? Every girl in Solterra has a chance to marry the crown prince!"

That sounds ridiculous to me. He'd just marry anyone he likes? Without even considering the background of the girl? This isn't something that should be taken lightly. If he's talking about marrying, then whoever he would choose in that ball would be the future queen.

"We should plan for our dresses, Ophelia!" Thiara said with a glint of malice in her eyes.

"Who says I'm going?"

As if I would want to watch how he would choose the girl he'd marry. Thank you very much but definitely no.

Look who's affected here, Raja teased again.

Affected? Who's affected? For your information, I'm not the least bit affected.

"Didn't you heard the courtier clearly? He said every girl must attend," Thiara said.

"Should the future queen must come from a noble family? Why even the commoners must come?" Probably he just want audience to applause for him once he had chosen the perfect girl for him. And why would I applause for that reason? It won't be long before I leave Solterra. He isn't my future king so why would I have responsibility.

You are honestly absurd, my lady.

Am I?


"I don't know but isn't that a good thing? Every girl has a fair chance of being chosen! I'm excited to witness such event!"

"And so does I," I replied sarcastically but Thiara was too busy dealing with her own happiness that she didn't notice it.

So since it was stated to be compulsory, I could not do anything about it. It's a royal decree and anyone who fails to abide what was written there would be considered as a criminal. I won't be pleased to attend such event but neither do I want to spend the rest of my life in prison or worst, receive a more grievous punishment like to be beheaded in public. The latter sounds more sinister so I'm left with no choice but to do the first option.

A few days before the ball, Thiara and I went to the dress shop we had visited before. I actually told her to just buy anything for me but she kept on insisting that I should come with her. At the end, I had no choice. Thiara was too good in convincing others. Must be her talent.

"You look fabulous!" Thiara commented when I tried the dress she picked. This time, my dress is an elegant olive green dress.

"You know what, Ophelia. Whenever I look at you, I don't know why but I don't just see a lowly lady. You actually look like a princess, especially when you dress up like this."

I chuckled because that is quiet impossible. I'm nowhere near a princess.

"I'm serious."

"Sure you are," I replied and return to take the dress off.

"You really don't have any idea about your father? What if he's a noble man somewhere? Or worst, what if he's a royalty? A prince? A king?" Thiara still didn't let go of the topic when I came back.

"You have quiet a creative imagination, Thiara. I told you. I served the palace as a slave. I was born as a slave and I lived that way for the past seventeen years."

"I just can't help but think of the possibilities. Imagination has no limit anyway. We can imagine things impossibly grandiose."

Well, she has a point.

* * *

"I can't believe I'm finally coming to the palace! In my almost three decades of life, I've never been here even once. I couldn't believe it!" Thiara exclaimed exaggerately when we entered the palace gates.

"How lucky you are to have a chance to see the crown prince's chamber. I forgot to ask you. What does his chamber looked like?" she whispered.

"Grand," I replied simply.


"I think this is not the right place to talk about that, Thiara. Someone might hear us and I don't want to be talked about.

The ballroom was very huge and grand. I didn't have a chance to look around the first time I saw it so I took my time marveling on each detail.

"This is so much beyond what I've imagined! The palace looks so magnificent! Wait here, I'll just get some wine."

I nodded and Thiara walked away. I looked at the freshly arranged flowers at the corner. They looked really beautiful.

But just after a few moments, someone went out from the shadows. I got nervous when I thought it was Demitri. But when I saw Prince David's familiar smug smile, I slowly relaxed.

"We met again, Lady Ophelia."

I bowed as a respect, something I forgot to do when I first saw him. "The pleasure is mine, Your Highness. You may just call me Ophelia for I'm no part of any noble family."

"Indeed. However, I'm a gentleman who respects every girl fairly. I believe everyone should be respected the same way regardless of their status."

"I could not agree more."

"I was really surprised when father issued that decree. I knew it was Ares' idea since our father won't decide for any of us, especially on that kind of matter. I'm not sure what's running on my brother's head actually. Got any idea?"

"Neither do I, Your Highness. I dare not say any assumption."

He smirked and picked one of the roses in the arranged flowers. I was about to express my contempt when another flower bloomed right where he picked the rose.

"Here," he gave me the rose. "A blooming flower for a beautiful lady."

"Thank you."

I saw Thiara across the hall about to go back to me so I excused myself. Thiara would surely bombard me with questions if she sees me talking with the second prince. I am not in the mood to explain right now.

"Here," Thiara handed me a silver goblet filled with red wine. "What is that? You picked a flower?" she asked upon noticing what I was holding.

"Yeah. I like it."

Soon, the arrival of His and Her majesty was announced. The three princes were also with them as they entered the hall. The queen looked exquisite despite the age. Everyone else looked very fascinated of the royal family.

"A pleasant evening to everyone. I hope you enjoy this night for my first son, the crown prince, will choose a fine and perfect lady to be his match!" the king announced.

My eyes stopped at the king for while. Then slowly, my gaze drifted to the man beside him, looking so dashing in his all black prince outfit only accented with gold and silver linings.