
Mistakes were made

In the beginning of time before fairies and any other mythical creatures came into existence. There were three entities that created and lived in the magical dimension. The first was the Great dragon and her name was Avvie. The second was called the Ice Dragon and her name was Elena. And The third was the shadow phoenix and his name is Lord Darkar. The ice dragon wanted children so she created Tomura and Yuuto Lucifen. I hope you enjoy looking into the life of Yuuto Lucifen. This is my first story and I hope you enjoy it. :)

Zoey_Rivers · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 5-Boredom and drawing

It's been a long time since Hiroka and Kasai talked with me but, the two of them are my bodyguards and are guarding this door. Maybe I'll look online and see if the internet has some ideas for me to do.

Yuuto then got up from his bed and went to his desk after he sat down he then turned on his laptop. He looked behind just in case Tomura was watching. After he entered in his password he moved his mouse and clicked on google and entered ideas to draw when your bored.

After he hit enter on google he got some ideas on what to draw but the ideas seemed way to easy to draw for an artist like him. He started drawing when he was 10 and got better as the years passed he looked at drawing tutorials online or sometimes when he didn't have his illness acting up he would walk to the royal garden and just draw all the flowers and animals if he saw any out there. Sometimes when he wasn't sick or in the hospital because of his illness his mother would talk to him about entering an art school to help him get better at drawing but he would always say no to her because what if his illness came when he was at school.

Also he couldn't think about what his br-I mean Tomura would've done if he did go to the art school that's in the magical dimension.

He could've been a professional artist in the magical dimension. If not for Tomura putting him in this place and torturing him physically and mentally or wherever he is right now he really hopes his mother can find this place and get him out there. Maybe she can teach Tomura a lesson because this isn't healthy but, Tomura is insane. No sane person would ever do this.

I think I'll follow a tutorial online that's seems easy enough to do plus maybe Kaisai will come by.thought Yuuto.

After all the man does like art just like he does and he always compliments Yuuto when he draws and the two of them do art contents sometimes when the both of them are on break and not guarding or risking their lives for him. Yuuto and Kaisai always let Hiroka be the judge when they do drawing contests.

Yuuto clicked on a tutorial and grabs his supplies and starts following it. After two hours of doodling and watching tutorials he looked at the time and saw it was 11:15 pm. He hopes his brother doesn't wake up him up again.

I hate when he wakes me up his voice is annoying and I just put the pillow in front of my face and go back to sleep or at least I try to thought Yuuto.

He then got up then turned off his laptop and made a note in his notebook to finish the doodle in the morning or whatever time he wakes up by. After making the note he went to bathroom. Then after that he went to the closet that is in the bathroom and changed into his pajamas.

He walked to where the front door is and turned off the light that lights up the room. Then he turned around and walked to the bed after getting in his bed he pulled the covers over his body and went to sleep.