
30. Chapter 30

Chapter 30

"What?" Jay repeated, bewildered, making sure he had heard Vanessa correctly.

"I, I- don't know. I don't know what happened. There was a drive by shooting that's all Kevin managed to get out over the phone before he…", Vanessa sat at the edge of the bed sobbing.

By this point Jay had gotten out of bed and put a shirt on, nudging Hailey awake.

"Okay. Wow. This is….a shock. Where is Kevin right now?" Jay asked calmly, sitting next to Vanessa at the end of Hailey's bed.

Hailey came to a minute later at the sound of voices in her room.

"What's going on?" She sat up and looked around, confused.

Jay looked at Vanessa then looked back at Hailey.

"Kevin called, Jordan was shot and killed tonight in a drive by", Jay said honestly, still trying to make sense of the words coming out of his mouth.

Hailey shot out of bed. "What?!"

Jay looked at her rather helplessly, trying to console a distraught Vanessa.

Hailey snapped out of it and joined him at the end of the bed next to her roommate. It didn't matter that the two of them were half naked, Vanessa didn't even seem to notice that.

"What should we do? What should I do?" Vanessa kept asking in between choking out tears.

Hailey sat there, completely frozen. She didn't know what to do either. Kevin had been through so much with his siblings already, now losing his brother.

"I don't know V. We have to support Kevin, he needs us- he needs you right now", Jay said, taking over for a tongue-tied Hailey.

"Mhmm, Jay's right. We're going to do everything we can", she replied quietly.

In reality, they didn't really know what they were going to be able to do. Because of the pandemic, things were shutdown, they were all supposed to be in quarantine. The hospitals weren't letting visitors in, not that they really wanted to go there right now anyways.

"I'm going to call Will", Jay told them softly, and snuck out of the room, grasping at straws as to what they could do.

Vanessa had calmed down enough to the point where she was able to tell Hailey what was going on with Kevin these last few weeks.

"Jordan got himself into a bad situation. Drugs, neighbourhood gang. Kevin was trying to get him out, but they knew his brother was a cop. So I'm assuming they..", Vanessa explained. Hailey didn't need to hear anymore, sadly she did know what happened in those situations. She's seen it too many times before.

"I'm so sorry Vanessa. I don't even know what to say", Hailey replied sympathetically, feeling so sad for Kevin.

Jay walked back into the bedroom. "Just talked to Will. He couldn't tell me too much because of HIPPA. But he did say that they let Kevin in, and he was able to say goodbye."

It was quiet in their bedroom, you could hear a pin drop. Vanessa and Hailey nodded at that. They had some comfort knowing that Kevin was able to see Jordan at least.

"So what now?" Vanessa asked.

Jay spoke up because he could see Hailey was still in shock.

"Will said that they set Kevin up with the grief counselor and sent someone in to help him make arrangements. But that was earlier, and as far as he can tell Kev went home."

"Does Voight know?" Hailey asked.

Jay bit his lip, raising his eyebrows. "I'm not sure to be honest, I don't think that's our place to tell him."

"Agreed", she replied, staring at Vanessa who had stopped crying.

"I think I'm going to go over there", Vanessa stated.

"To Kevin's?" Jay asked.

"Yes. I know we're supposed to be staying here and not seeing anyone else…but…"

"Absolutely, this is an extenuating circumstance. We can drive you over", Jay said.

Vanessa nodded, picking herself up off the bed and heading to her room to pack, making the decision that she needed to be with Kevin, not Hailey and Jay for a while.

The drive over to Kevin's place was silent, the streets of Chicago were eerily deserted. Usually by now, morning rush hour would have taken over, Lakeshore drive a nightmare. But it was quiet, and Hailey found herself staring out at Lake Michigan, feeling a strange calmness wash over her at the sight of the open water.

They had dropped Vanessa off, without seeing Kevin. They agreed it might be too much for him right now and were trying to stick to the current social distancing rules. Jay's truck was just as silent with the two of them as it was when Vanessa was in the back.

"I can't believe that", Hailey broke the tension.

"I know", Jay said shaking his head. "We should get something organized for Kev."

She just nodded, still staring out the window, trying to hide the tear rolling down her cheek.

Voight had called them that morning, having heard the news from Kevin himself.

"I want you to come into the district, I know we said we weren't doing that. But I think this is an emergency."

They made a quick detour to head towards the station, meeting up with Kim and Adam in the parking lot. The two of them looked like they had been up all night crying. They greeted each other with a small wave and head nod.

Jay stood outside for a minute to talk to Adam and Kim. Hailey decided to give them a minute since they had known Kevin for longer. She walked up the stairs to see Trudy at the front desk as usual.

"Where's your other half?" She asked innocently.

"He's just outside talking with Kim and Adam", Hailey replied without thinking.

Trudy raised an eyebrow and gave her a devilish grin. "I was talking about Vanessa, but okay that works too. Good to know where you stand with Detective Chuckles."

Hailey's mouth dropped open, feeling a small smile creep across her face. Then she snapped out of it, realizing that Trudy didn't know about Kevin yet.

"Oh…Sarge. You haven't heard", Hailey said solemnly.

"Haven't heard what?" Platt replied, dropping her joking tone, realizing how serious Hailey looked.

Hailey had never seen Platt cry before, until this morning. She told her as much as she knew and consoled her Sargent in the process.

"We're going to try and organize something…", Hailey said.

"On it. Leave it with me", Platt said abruptly, needing to keep her mind occupied with that, and trying to compose herself. Kevin always had a soft spot in her heart.

The 21st was completely empty, just Intelligence in the building. So when Jay, Kim and Adam walked up the stairs, Hailey let her guard down a bit.

They congregated in front of Trudy's desk, making quiet plans, exchanging a few tears and words together. Hailey looked at Jay, motioning they should get upstairs and read her face in the process.

He grabbed Hailey's hand, without thinking twice, and lead the way up the stairs. Hailey gently brushed her thumb across the back of his hand, softly intertwining her fingers with his.

Adam and Kim stopped in their tracks, for the first time actually getting a glimpse into Hailey and Jay- the real Hailey and Jay. What they had all been dreaming of for years, just waiting for the time that they would catch their friends in a slip up, and the fantasy of them finally admitting their feelings for each other. This was finally happening.

They looked back at Trudy, who had tears in her eyes again, her lips curled into a small smile, feeling hopeful as she looked at her two Detectives.

"See, everything's going to be okay", she whispered, nodding towards Hailey and Jay, blissfully unaware as they walked up the stairs, then nodding at Kim and Adam, who equally felt that sentiment. For the first time in a week, even after being thrown into turmoil in both their personal and professional lives, really feeling like things might actually be okay.

It had been one week, one week since their world was shifted with the news that Kevin's brother was killed. They were unable to have a funeral for him because of the pandemic, but thankfully the weather had been nice enough to have a small outdoor gathering in the park. The team went to support Kevin, who cried and laughed telling stories about Jordan, as the rest of Intelligence listened intently. Vanessa stood by Kevin's side the whole time, silently encouraging and consoling him when he needed it.

The team went their separate ways, getting news from Voight that they would be back to work in two weeks. There would be new requirements for everyone, including wearing a mask and getting their temperature checked every day before coming into the district. No one really complained that much, they were just ready to get back to some sort of normal. This was going to be their new reality for a while so accepting and embracing it was the only option.

Jay and Hailey left to go back to her place, the team now well aware that they had been living and quarantining together. No one seemed overly surprised by the news, even Voight. He looked at them leaving together, gave them a nod and the smallest of grins, but still chose not to say anything to them. They took that as his blessing.

The two of them continued on with their domestic bliss, having the house to themselves as Vanessa continued to stay at Kevin's. Jay was going stir crazy with the gym being closed, so they took up running together every morning and doing yoga at night. At first Jay laughed at yoga, he didn't really consider himself a yogi. But he had to admit, his body had never felt better. His anxiety had also come down a notch, feeling calmer and more relaxed than he had in years.

"I told you so", Hailey chuckled as she poured them a glass of wine.

"Ya, ya. You were right", Jay said, yawning. His sleep had also been better too.

Hailey handed him the glass of red, wiggling her way closer to him on the couch, Kohl lying in between them.

"I could get used to this", Jay blurted out.

"Wine and dog snuggles?" She giggled.

"No this", Jay stated confidently. Motioning to Hailey, her house, raising the glass at the end.

She realized what he was saying, the two of them living together these last few weeks had been a surprisingly smooth transition.

She blushed, splitting her glance between the fire and the handsome man who had started it.

"Me too", she grinned, searching his eyes, seeing the depth of emotion and yearning behind them.

Three Months Later

They say that time heals all wounds. That couldn't be further from the truth. What they thought was chaos in March, turned into full blown civil unrest in the city during the warmer months. The pandemic was not behind them in any way, and neither were the racial and political tensions building within city limits and beyond, threatening to erupt at any moment. There was more than one pandemic going on.

Kevin had taken some time off but was back with the unit. Kim and Adam were trying to work things out. Jay was still staying at Hailey's house, but they weren't really calling it living together just yet. Kohl had gone back to Will's. Chicago had re-opened, but the virus was still lingering. Most shocking of them all though, was that Vanessa was gone.

Vanessa was gone.

Hailey still couldn't believe it. She woke up one morning last week, heading down the stairs to get coffee. A note was left on the kitchen counter, thinking it was just Vanessa letting her know she had gone for a run or something.

When she read it more carefully however, her mouth dropped.


I'm sorry it had to be this way. But I couldn't bear to say good-bye to you. I am going undercover- I can't tell you too much but just know that I'm okay but I was needed by my old unit. I don't know when or if I'll be back to Intelligence. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me, you are the sister and the family I always dreamed and wished for. Take care of Jay- remember it's hard AND easy because you love him, and you love each other. I'll be in touch when I can. -V

Hailey had tears streaming down her face as she read the note, not hearing Jay enter the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" He asked confused. All Hailey could do was hold up the note. He read it, the same surprised expression on his face as her.

"Did you know?" Hailey asked boldly.

He shook his head, "No, I didn't." Feeling guilty because he knew that was a lie.

He thought he saw Hailey study his face, his reaction to her question. It was so hard to lie to her; she always knew what he was thinking.

"This year sucks", she stated, as Jay wiped a tear from her face.

"I know", he said sympathetically.

"Just when I think things might be turning the corner, the rug is ripped from under us again. What's going to happen at work?" She wondered out loud, already feeling the pressure of being a cop in Chicago.

Jay just stood there, completely understanding how she was feeling. 2020 had been a year like no other, and it was only halfway over.

"I think we'll be telling our grandkids about this one day", he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. "Or maybe we'll never speak about this year again."

His own eyes went wide as he caught himself planning and dreaming about their future.

"Yes, we will", Hailey didn't waiver. They shared a knowing glance and a small smile.

Jay was about to open his mouth, have the courage to be honest with her about Vanessa and how Voight had told him this was happening a few days ago, Hailey deserved to know- when his phone rang.

He held up his finger, indicating that he wanted to continue this conversation, and answered the unknown number.

"Hello?" He answered casually.

"Is this Jay Halstead?" An unfamiliar female voice replied on the other end.

"Yes, it is", he instantly felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck, all the muscles in his body tensing. Hailey stared at him, a knot forming in her stomach.

"I'm calling from Chicago Med, it's regarding your brother Dr. Will Halstead."

Another cliff hanger how bad am I?! First off, I am so so sorry for the big gap in between updates. Grad school has taken over my life, I have never been so busy and stressed in my life even though things are online. I think some of my pandemic frustrations have shown through in this chapter… Thank you to those who have written such kind reviews and messages checking in on me! Things are going well despite the crazy world that we're living in right now. Anyone else have pandemic fatigue? Longing for things to return to normal? 2020 has not been good to us. However- Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canadians! I have been trying to get myself out of this universal funk we're all in by reminding myself how much I have to be thankful for, while also allowing myself the space to grieve all the things that we've lost and missed out on. I encourage you all to do the same. Be kind to yourselves and to one another - K