
Miss Violetta

After traveling to New York City in search of the person she had been looking for for the past four years, Violetta did not expect to experience some certain situations in her life. In short, things were not going as planned. But what can she do? She must play along until her job is done, that is until he came. "I like you." She stared at him for a long time without any change in her expression. Her blank eyes staring at him intently without giving anything away. He was nervous, really nervous. He was expecting an emotion in her eyes or a reaction but all he got was silence, heavy silence. After the suffocating silence he watched her open her mouth to say " I'm sure you remember I made it clear in the beginning  Mr Reed, "Dont Fall For Me" Love wasn't her cup of tea and that made his task difficult. How could he win over this woman who had two identities and was hardheaded on not bending her will? Will he end up succeeding or just give up?

Midter_summer · สมัยใหม่
8 Chs

Chapter 3

The day's work had ended and Violetta was heading to her apartment. Since she came to New York City she has been staying at her apartment she shared with Vanessa Scott.

Vanessa was a petite woman with delicate features that could cause the downfall of a country. She was two years younger than Violetta and a writer. She's well known for her pen name "Snowflakes" in the literary industry and for her works which included romance and adventure novels. And had many fans which included Jennifer, who are dying to meet her someday.

In the eyes of the public Vanessa was an independent and sophisticated woman but in Violetta's eyes she was another baby whom she's taking care of. Violetta could sometimes see Jennifer in Vanessa and could not help but sigh. A baby at work and a baby at home.

Opening the door to the apartment Violetta stared at the papers scattered on the floor in the middle of the living room. Stationery in different directions, an empty coffee mug  close to an apple laptop that's on the verge of falling off the table if shifted an inch forward, a trash can filled with papers and a sleeping Vanessa sprawled out on the couch with her mouth slightly open you could see drool coming out. Her glasses hanging loosely on her head and soft snores sounding in the air. What a sight.

Violetta sighed and began arranging the room to its former glory. She took the blanket on the couch and draped it over Vanessa who turned and snuggled into the blanket with a smile. Violetta took off her glasses and placed them on the table and made her way to the kitchen to prepare dinner. She knew Vanessa must be hungry and didn't bother to order or cook anything for herself so she decided to make her favorite, Lasagna.

An hour later after Violetta finished cooking and freshened up she walked towards the living room and straight to the couch where Vanessa slept. Raising her right hand she tapped Vanessa on the arm hard cause she knew that the girl was in a deep sleep.

Vanessa opened her eyes and jumped up in alarm, she activated her selfdefence mode even though she was a bit sleepy and looked at the culprit. She saw the familiar feminine figure and sighed "V" she whined and then hugged the woman's waist. "Why did you wake me up? I was dreaming of ice-cream and chocolate chip cookies."

Violetta rubbed Vanessa's back and then tapped her softly, trying to wake her up, again. "Get up, you need to freshen up and eat."

"I don't want to..."

"Alright if you don't want to eat then I might as well have the Lasagna all to my self."

Suddenly she felt Vanessa stiffen and then like a lightening bolt the sleeping baby dashed towards her bedroom in a flash.

Violetta shook her head and headed to the dinning table and sat on her chair waiting for Vanessa.


Her phone lit up with a text message on the screen. She grabbed her phone and unlocked it before going through the text that was sent. Reading the text her expression became grave and the air...Frosty. Hearing the sound of incoming footsteps she quickly changed her expression and kept her phone on the table, acting like nothing happened.

"Alright I'm here, let's eat." Vanessa said after making herself comfortable on the chair and joined her hands together to say a short prayer. She never prayed before until Violetta showed up. Anytime they were having breakfast, lunch or dinner Violetta would always insist on praying, she said it was the way she was brought up.


"Hm." Violetta was busy putting food onto her plate as she waited for Vanessa to say what she wanted to say.

"Tell me about yourself." Vanessa started "I know nothing about you despite staying with you food a month." It was true. She knew little about the woman sitting across her. She only knew that Violetta likes black coffee, pasta and doesn't repeat a statement more than once, maximum twice.

"You know my name, Vanessa Winters, I'm from Canada, hate shopping and the only child of my parents." Violetta stated with a straight face.

Vanessa laughed at Violetta's short but straight forward answer. This woman is really something else. "I already know that but I want to know something else, like your favorite color, food, what you like doing in the four seasons, which book keeps you engaged, birthday... Wait, that's true I don't know your birth date!"

"January 6th." With a serious tone Violetta answered. She avoided answering the other questions and thought of changing the topic.But luck was on her side when Vanessa decided to change the topic on her own.

"By the way, my brother is coming."

"You have a brother?" Violetta asked with a questioning look while chewing her lasagna

"Don't tell me you forgot." Vanessa frowned and said "I told you I have a brother, but whenever he comes visiting you are never around."

"Oh... Too bad I won't be around tomorrow."

"See! Where are you going?" Vanessa knew Violetta's work schedule so she was wondering where Violetta was going to since she didn't have work tomorrow.

"Shopping." Violetta kept her answer simple.

"But you don't like shopping." Now Vanessa was suspicious. Having a roommate that doesn't like shopping was a first but all of a sudden she's going shopping... That's rare.

"I don't. I'm just escorting a friend."

"Is it Jennifer?" Jennifer was the only friend Vanessa knew Violetta has so that's why her name came out.

"Yes. "

"Aww that's nice. From the way you talk about her she seems like a sweet girl."

Violetta took a sip from her water and cleaned her mouth with a napkin" You are both alike."

"How?" Vanessa took big bites of her lasagna and moaned in delight at the delicious taste. Her roommate was a good cook.

"You are both big babies but of different versions." Violetta stood up and grabbed her plate before heading to the kitchen.

"I am not a baby." Vanessa huffed and pouted

"Look at yourself in the mirror and you'll know what I'm talking about." Violetta said

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