


Episode 1

Genre: Erotic, trilling romance and suspense

👖👙Mike's POV💋👖

I laid down on the couch thinking about the new nanny

I will surely find a way to enter her because immediately I set my eyes on her, I can't just stop admiring her.

OMG! She is so se*y, her b**bs is so big!! Gosh!!

Suddenly, my phone beeped

I stretched my hands to where it was and picked it up

"Hello mum;" I said on the phone

"Son, how are you doing?" She asked

"I'm fine mum;" I said

"Alright, hope you are taking care of your little sister?" She asked

"I have already gotten a nanny for her, I'm tired of taking care of her all alone;" I spat

"Oh! I'm sorry for leaving you all alone with your sister, I just have to go because of my Job, I hope you understand;" she said

"I understand mum;" I said

"Alright son, take care;" she said and hung up

I heaved a sigh and dropped my phone on the table

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door

'Could it be the new nanny?' I thought standing up

I walked to the door and pressed down the door knob

It opened and truly she is the one

I stared at her from head to toe

OMG! So lovely

"Good morning sir;" she greeted

"Welcome dear, you can enter;" I said gesturing my hands

"Thank you sir;" she said and walked in

I locked the door and turned to go back

I stared down at her b**t as it moves from left to right

Gosh, I'm ho*ny

I sat on the couch as she stood in front of me

👙Katrina POV👙💋

I'm not comfortable with the way he keeps staring at me

"Well, there is nothing I can do, I really needed a job;" I thought

"What's your name?" He asked

"I'm Katrina sir;" I said

"Ok, Are you sure you can work for me?" I asked resting his head on the couch

"Yes sir, I can;" I said

"Alright, but I have rules;" he said studying my facial expression

I nodded

"Rule number 1; Take care of younger sister very well because that's the main reason you are here, I must see changes; is that clear?" He asked

"Yes sir;" I replied

"Rule number 2;" You have to cook and do all the house chores,

Rule number 3; No picking of calls doing work time" he said

"But sir;" I tried speaking but he shut me up

"I'm not through yet and that's my rules, you can't change it;" he said

"Alright;" I said lowering my gaze

"Rule number 4 which is the last, You must obey my words, anything I ask you to do at any….pick my words, at any time, you must respond immediately;" he said

"Ok sir, I'm ready to do anything you ask me to do;" I said thinking it's gonna be any chores

"Ok, fine; your payment per day is $4320" He said

"Alright, thank you so much for this opportunity;" I said bowing

"Start your work now but promise me you are gonna take good care of my sister, she is so precious to me; deal?" He asked

"I promise sir;" I said

"Alright, go ahead;" he said standing up

"Ok sir;" I said and walked away

I washed the dishes, sweep the floor, cleaned his room and other things

I worked very diligently since it's my first day at work

I prepared their meal and walked to Molly's room

She is still asleep

I woke her up and bathed her

"Aunty, what's your name? Are you the new nanny my brother talked about?" She asked with her tiny voice

"Oh yes baby girl, my name is Katrina, you can called me Aunty Katrina;" I said with a smile

"Ok aunty Catryna;" she said

"Oh no, It's Ka-tri-na;" I corrected picking my word

"Repeat after me;" I said with a smile

"Ca-tri-na;" she said

"No baby, it's Ka-tri-na, the letter is 'K" not "C";" I corrected

"Ok, Aunty Ka-tri-na;" she said

"Good girl, give me a hug;" I said with a smile

She hugged me and I chuckled

"I like you, Aunty Katrina;" she said as we hug

"Alright, let's get ready for school;" I said to her and she nodded

I dressed her up and she was set to go

I held her school bag and we walked out of the room together

We got downstairs and walked to the dining room

I served her breakfast and she began eating

I also picked up her food flask from the kitchen and served her lunch

I put it inside her lunch box and carried it to the dining table

By then, she was through with her food

"Let's go to school;" I said to her and she nodded

"My brother is gonna drive me there;" she said

"Really?" I asked

"Yes;" she replied and shouted her brother's name

"Brother Mike;" she called

He came out from his hideout and smiled as he saw her

"Wow, you are looking so beautiful sis;" He said smiling

"Thanks to my nanny;" she said smiling

I also smiled

"You know what? I'm not going to take you to school, I've gotten a driver for you and he is gonna driver both you and your nanny to school;" he said

"Really brother?" She asked

"Yeah;" he said and dialed a number

"Get ready;" he said on the phone and hung up

"You can go outside, your driver is there;" he said and walked back to his room

We walked outside together and got to the car

We entered and the driver drove away






After some minutes, we got to school and I dropped her off and the driver drove me back home

The driver drove smoothly until we got home

He drove into the compound and I alighted from the car

I entered into the building and closed the door behind

I walked to the kitchen and served his food then placed it on the dining table

Where could he be now? I thought searching for him with a frown on my face

Suddenly, I heard a sound from his room

Ohh, he might be there; I thought and walked to the direction of his room

On getting to his room, he was shirtless

"OMG! I'm so sorry;" I said and tried walking out but I heard my name

"Katrina, wait;" he called coming closer to where I was

I became suspicious of him immediately

I stopped and faced back only to find him smiling at me

Why is he smiling? I thought wondering

"Come in and close the door;" he said

"Sir?" I asked squeezing my face

"Rule number 4, don't forget that;" he half yelled

I'm sorry sir; I said really scared

I entered and closed the door with my hand shaking

I was really scared

I stood by the door and stared at him

"Good," he said seating on his bed

"Come closer now, will you keep standing by the door?" He questioned

"I'm sorry sir;" I said and walked up to him

"Good;" he murmured

"Have your seat;" he said pointing at his bed beside him

"Sir?" I called with a frown

He shot a stare at me

I heaved a sigh and sat beside him on his bed

He smirked

He held my waist and began moving closer to me

I tried stopping him but he held me tight

Suddenly, I felt his hands on my b**bs

"What?" My eyes widened and I stood up immediately

"What nonsense?" I flared

He stood up and smirked

"I'm your boss here and anything I do, you must take it like that, is that clear?" He uttered

I stared at him angrily

"Now, Off your clothes;" he commanded

"What?" I half yelled

"Rule number 4' anything….;" he tried saying but I interrupted

"Are you out of your mind? What nonsense are you trying to do? On my first day at work, you want to rape me? Do I look like a sex machine to you?" I yelled

Shut your mouth there; he flared

"Now, lay flat on the bed;" he commanded

I rolled my eyes and hissed loudly

I tried walking out of his room but he held my back and pushed me to his bed

"Ouch; I muttered as my back hit the wooden material of his bed

It really made me weak

He then walked to up to the bed and tied my hands and legs to his bed

I struggled to loosen myself but it made me become weaker

He used a cloth to cover my mouth to prevent me from shouting

He smiled as he was done tying me

He climbed on the bed and opened my l*ps

He placed his hands on my thigh and reached to my p*nts

He tore it apart and threw it away

I wept mercilessly

He smiled as he was done with that part

He then moved upward towards my b**bs

He tore my clothes and stared s*cking my b**bs really hard

"Please, let me go;" I cried out but he turned a deaf ear and continued s*cking it

Tears keep rolling down my cheeks

He removed his lips from my n**ple and smirked

"I warned you, isn't it? I'm your boss here;" he said and placed his lips on mine and began kis**ng me

Oh my God, is this how I'm gonna live my life? I thought as he began twisting his tongue with mine

Why did my parents have to die in that accident?

I should have die together with them

More tears rolled down my cheeks

Suddenly, he placed his hands on my b**bs and began squeezing it really hard

I was in so many tears

I can't believe I am being raped by my boss on my first day at work

After some minutes, he unlocked from the k**s and placed his lips on my n**ple again and began s*cking it really hard

He bite it really hard that I tried screaming but just couldn't

Suddenly, he crawl his hands to where my pu**y was

He rubbed my Clit and I seem to start enjoying it

He made me really wet and hungry for it

He still continue sucking my b**bs

I became horny that moment

Suddenly, I felt a sh*rp pain in my abdomen



