
Miss Angel's Little Secret

"You can't always wish for things to happen, you have to do them yourself." "And If I wished for you to love me?" "You don't have to." --- Jia, a high school student who is very determined to make her dreams come true, gets herself stuck on the front page of every newspaper possible after meeting Lee Daeun, her lifetime idol. However, soon after, she finds out that her real identity was far from what she would've thought. Awaiting her were two of the school's most popular boys who soon became her friends; Han Yejun, the cold, quiet, straight A's heartthrob and Choi Hangyeol, the cheerful, bubbly, warmhearted student council president. But her issue with Lee Daeun was just getting started. Will she discover more about who she really is? Will she also unexpectedly find herself falling for one of her friends?

misszialtair · วัยรุ่น
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Jia's Dream

Be careful what you wish for, not everything seems like how it looks like.

In the middle of the crowd stands Jia, pushing her way through a large number of people, aggressively attempting to reach the end of the line, which, was where the most beloved idol of the whole country, is standing, meeting up with her fans.

It's no lie that ever since Jia was a kid, she had looked up a lot to this idol so much, especially that they were almost the same age.

Who wouldn't? Lee Daeun is extremely talented, she has won multiple awards for both her singing and acting career, she is also the kind of person who likes helping people.

Jia would stroll and wander around the whole neighborhood, happily singing Lee Daeun's songs, no matter how much her neighbors seemed to not like it. And of course, that didn't stop her from still doing so.

And now that her dream of meeting Lee Daeun in person is finally becoming true, she's not going to stop at anything to achieve it! Just like what the other fans were doing, she tried to get Lee Daeun's attention by yelling her name multiple times, from the top of her lungs.

Quite expected and unfortunately, due to the huge amount of fans surrounding her, her voice was nowhere near audible. Instead of stepping foot at the end of the line, she was pushed back to her original spot, at the far back, much, much farther to Lee Daeun than she wished.

Clutching the fan letter, that she wrote last night very wholeheartedly, to her chest, she made a big frown as she watched Lee Daeun smile at her fans for the last time and stride away towards the van that awaited her.

"But, I was so, so close!" Jia complained, reciprocating the same disappointment other fans were expressing. She can't believe that her only chance to meet Lee Daeun faded away just like that...

She was about to whine more about what just happened when, as soon as her phone rang with Lee Daeun's new song as her ringtone, she froze in place. Her mouth became wide agape as she realized... "Oh my gosh! It's way past 7 p.m.!"

Trying to reject the reality, Jia made peeks into her phone to see who it was that was calling her. But, of course, she didn't need to do that. No one else calls her but her mom, so who else would it be?

With wide eyes, she covered her mouth and looked around her, thinking of what excuse to tell her mom. She definitely CAN'T say that she was here, fighting about five hundreds of people also dying to meet Lee Daeun.

But-- "OMG! D-did my phone just stop ringing?" She bit her lips hard, internally screaming and saying, "I'm so, so, so dead."

"How am I supposed to explain it to mom? How do I actually-" When her phone rang again for the second time, she didn't hesitate to pick up the call immediately. She knew she'd be doomed if she doesn't answer it the second time.

Before her mother can even say something, Jia didn't spare any second and in a second, screams, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm so, so sorry, I'll be home as soon as I can, please don't make me sleep outside the house! I swear I almost met Lee Daeun..."

Jia was frantically waiting for her mom's reply, until, she realized she just screamed that for everyone to know. Her legs actually wobbled as she thought about how much she just straight-up embarrassed herself, doing that.

Because of what just happened, Jia walks away, trying to remove the gazes that were following her. She walked and walked until she found a bench that wasn't occupied by anyone. It was quite dark there so there was no one around...

"What are you talking about?" Her mom says. Blinking a few times, Jia tries to process what her mother just said. What? "Did you just say Lee Daeun?"

This time, for sure, Jia knew she was doomed. Why? Because she didn't let her mom know she was tens of kilometers away from their house just to meet her idol.

Jia silently gasped and panicked, "No- Yes?"

"What in the world- KANG JIA, YOU ARE GOING HOME THIS INSTANT," Jia's mom's voice roared through the phone.

"I- but- Mom!" And after that, the call was ended. Jia pouted, running her hand through her hair, knowing her mom would probably give her a scolding as soon as she gets home.

She closed her eyes and made a deep, long sigh. But how did she even get in this place? She only wanted to meet Lee Daeun... How could this-

From her behind, a girl's voice calls out and asks, "Hello? Would you mind if I sit with you here?" Because of Jia's frustration, she didn't open her eyes. Instead, she just nodded.

It was quiet for a few minutes, until, the moment Jia decided it was time to go home, the girl asks, "Why make such a face? Did something happen?"

Jia, not knowing who she was talking with, just expressed her disappointment straight away. There's no harm if she does it, right? In slow words, she says, "Yup. I was just about to meet with my idol today, you know? She's this really kind girl, really talented... I've been looking up to her my whole life..."

"Who is she?" Inside Jia's mind, she's thinking about how the girl she's talking with was asking too many questions. Though she knows she's partly at fault since if someone told her the same story, she'd also be curious who the idol was.

Letting out another deep breath, Jia opens her eyes to face the girl she was talking with... and it nearly gave her a heart attack.

Her eyes, probably much wider than they have ever been, shined at the sight of Lee Daeun who was sitting right in front of her. Is this for real? Jia couldn't contain her happiness, a smile immediately crept its way to her mouth.

She couldn't believe what's happening! She was star-struck for a moment and totally speechless, until, Lee Daeun asks with a smile, "So?"

Jia stood up and jumped in excitement. Instead of answering Lee Daeun's question, she asks, "Are you really Lee Daeun? Is this-"

"Of course, I am. Who else would it be?" Lee Daeun jokes, causing Jia to smile even wider as she looks at her idol with deep admiration.

However, as much as Jia believes that this night would be the best night of her life, she didn't know what was coming to her. It was something much bigger than anyone could have ever imagined and obviously, she wasn't prepared.

Hi, thank you for giving my novel a chance! Please let me know what you think about it! Also leave a vote if you liked it, it motivates me to do more! <33

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