
| Three |

- this is not edited, please take that into consideration! -

"Hi class, since a few students left us yesterday. I have three new students to introduce to everyone!" Mr. berlin excitedly says.

Suddenly whispers begin to travel across the room. Everyone excitedly wonders who is gonna walk into the classroom- some people were hoping for one of the new students to be apart of the new rookie band.

The band was called tiny yellow days, you expect the songs to be mellow and soft, by the band name. but surprisingly they sing rock. Ken has listened to a few of there songs, but never saw a photo of them before.

Ken noticed the teacher look down while telling a student named crow to walk in. Suddenly you could hear girls squealing, and men cheering. With that in mind, Ken figured it was one of the band members.

The teacher asked the student named crow to introduce himself to the class, the next few words that came out of crows mouth was unexpected:

"Well, you already know. Why should I introduce myself?" He declared while smirking at everyone.

That's when Crow looked over at Berlin. let's just say, he was surprised. Berlin smile faltered, his eyes began to look like a flower dying. Berlin pointed to a seat in the front, Ken guessed it was because he wanted to watch him like a hawk. Ironic, Crow V.S. Hawk, Ken thought.

Elite and legendary teachers are way different, but Ken missed Mrs. Alex. She had this soft aura around her, it reminded Ken of a daycare teacher.

Elites differ from legendary, elites are considered middle-class while legendary is high-class. 

Wondering why there is no lower-class, well because that doesn't exist in the 'perfect world' well, that's what the government makes you believe. When truth be told, it's nothing from perfect- we're corrupted, scared, and dying.

Berlin's smile was back on his face, he called out Ken's name. The feeling of Nervousness Nauseated Ken. He wasn't expecting to be put into such a high-level class.

Let's just say something simple, so nobody will want to talk to him. Ken thought while walking into the classroom.

"Hi, I'm um, Ken. Nice to meet you. I'll be in your care." Ken softly greeted the classroom. Relief started to pour into Ken's soul, noticing that people didn't take interest in him. Smiling fondly to the teacher, he noticed Berlin pointing to the seat in the middle of the classroom. Ken wanted to sit in the back, but ken guessed that wasn't happening today.

Knowing misty was next, Ken's uneasiness was back. He understood misty wanted to be his friend, but what's the point in having them if I'm not gonna end up liking them in the first place. Suddenly, Mr. Berlin called out Misty's name. She began to walk into the classroom.

Ken start to hear students gasping. Everyone was in awe. that was very understandable. She was beautiful, but they never in took her personality. Humans Immediately fall in love just based on looks. That's why most people in the perfect world where beautiful, but then again that was only fifty percent of the population. The other fifty were pretty ordinary, like me. But since they had amazing grades, they passed. So they're allowed to be in this unforsaken perfect world.

Don't be mistaken, just because we live in a perfect world. It doesn't mean that we live perfectly either. there were still bullying suicides, drama, murders, anxiety, and much more.

But the government likes to hide that from everyone- Ken was suddenly interpreted from his thoughts, he could see misty smiling at him. He should've known this was going to happen.

"Hi! I'm Misty, Ken is my BEST-FRIEND-FOREVER! Please get along with him, he may not talk-" Ken suddenly coughed Interrupting misty, but she continued; "but he's sweet! I hope we can all become great friends in the future!"

Mr. Berlin was smiling from ear to ear. Ken starts to frown more.

luckily for him though. Mr. Berlin puts misty in the back, making Ken happy. While on the other hand, Misty was frowning. She was expecting to sit next to ken since she announced that they're best friends, but she was put in the back of the class. That was unexpected, she thought.

The teacher clapped once, immediately the students were all staring at the teacher In anticipation. The teacher starts to speak, immediately ken starts to go blank. You can hear the clock ticking in his brain, he begins to think about things he never wanted to remember:

The boy sat there on the swing. Unfazed, by the whispers that where being said behind his back, he kept swinging as his life depended on it. Suddenly dawn heard someone yell; "Snow!"

Dawn stopped swinging, his head turned so he could see the victim who stopped him from being free. Once he noticed who it was, he ignored the boy, while flexing his legs. To get him to swing higher and higher.

"Snow don't ignore me, that's rude!" Ken laughed while sitting on the swing right next to dawn.

Dawn didn't like people calling him snow, it felt nasty hearing it from someone other than his father. It made him mad.




That- " he dragged each word, to get it across that boy's thick skull.

Ken, was swinging. Trying to catch up to dawn, who was swinging higher than him. That's when the boys began to see the beautiful sun vibrate the blue sky.

It made dawn smile knowing his father could see the same thing he was seeing. Suddenly Ken looked over at dawn to see dawn smile, it made ken smile even more.

"Can I tell you something?" Ken asked, swinging even higher than before.

Dawn saw something fly, it was breathtakingly beautiful. The boy landed on his feet, like a cat with nine-lives. His eyes shined as though he was still innocent of the world's cruel reality.

"Don't listen to anybody, all they want is for something interesting to happen.-" Ken let out while continuing; "by doing so, they whisper sweet lies to each other's ears. Until they're finally full."

Ken didn't understand what he was saying at the time, it just sounded like something needed to be said to the boy who was always alone.

Suddenly he heard a whisper coming from snow:

"What if they're not lies?"

Ken was back to reality, he heard someone repeating his name. He looked up to see Berlin staring down at him, the feeling of nervousness was coming from everyone in the room.

They where scared, everyone in that classroom witnessed Berlin getting mad at students who even dared to daydream in his class. If they got caught they stayed after school for detention.

"Ken if you can answer this question, you won't get detention-" Berlin chirped excitedly while showing a fake smile. He continued: "what is a phrase that you believe to be the best phrase in the world, and tell me why?"

Usually, people would think this was an easy question, But Mr.Berlin only accepted extraordinary answers. That's when Ken began to speak, and what he said next was better than extraordinary.

"they whisper sweet lies into your ear until they're full-" quoted Ken, from his childhood days.

Everyone was taking in the words he had drawn out to the classroom, but he continued, "this phrase doesn't need me to tell you what it means."

The room went quiet, the only thing that could be heard was the teacher walking away.

Ken smiled knowing he won that battle. 




