
| Five |

- this is not edited, please take that into consideration! -

When the truth is ugly people try to keep it hidden, Because if reveled, they know the damage it can do. So they conceal it within sturdy walls, or they place it behind closed doors, or they obscure it with clever disguises, But truth no matter how ugly always emerges, and someone we care about always gets hurt. The truth always comes out, That's the ugliest truth of them all.

"Ken, there you are! I've been looking for you!" Misty shouts, Interrupting Ken from his thoughts.

He looked over at misty, her eyes where puffy. Ken assumed that Misty was crying. noticing that Ken was staring at her eye.

Misty smiled while saying:

"It was raining,"

Ken knew she was lying, but he didn't wanna take it any further. Because he noticed the glint in Misty's eyes, if you where a bystander-- you could tell she wasn't happy with the conversation.

Ken and Misty heard a loud sound of someone opening the door in a hurry, it was Crow, the new boy who was apart of that boy band.

Everyone in that classroom noticed the tense aura that was flooding the classroom, it was mainly Misty who caused this uncomfortable situation. Light bulbs started to go off in Ken's head.

Was Crow the one who made Misty cry?

"I'm here to talk to misty," Crow addressed to Ken.

This made Ken think, maybe Crow is here to apologize. Understanding the situation, he hurrly gets up from his seat. Walking towards the lanky Male at the hight of six-one. Compared to Ken, he was tall. The fluffy green hair, with white tips made him look like a cabbage.

That's when ken thought of something: 'why do people call him Crow, if he looks like a cabbage'

Ken told crow; good luck.

Let's just say, Crow was surprised to say the least. He didn't expect Ken to leave so easily. Crow thought he would at least try to put up a fight, but he didn't.

Misty didn't look so happy though, she glared at the boy with hatred.

"Hey, calm down Mist! I'm sorry about earlier! I would really like to become friends with you," crow explained.

She didn't like the new nickname that was givin by Crow. Only one person was allowed to call her that:

Hiding behind the tree, scared that they'll find her.

"Huff..huff...huff," holding in her breath, eyes closed tightly. The air was consumed by uneasiness, she knew the secound that she made a sound. The three musketeers would find her.

Waiting, hoping they wouldn't find her.

The smell of dirt engulfed Misty's mouth, "you seriously didn't think we wouldn't find you behind this tree?" Bitch number two snarled.

Misty opened her crusty eyes that needed to be wiped, but she couldn't do so because her hands were pinned against the tree.

Bitch one, is Cleo. Bitch two, is Coco. Bitch three, is Cybil. They're the three musketeers, but Misty likes to call them the three B's. Its pretty explanatory.

Suddenly Misty saw a boy with beautiful white hair, being chased by a little boy who had hair that looked like the abysse.

It reminded her of someone-

"So, Misty what did you do wrong?" Coco asked, tilting her head to the side, with a smirk plastered on her face.

Cybills hand swiftly moved away from Misty's mouth, the dirt plastered on her lips. Uncontrollable coughs, could be heard. The smell of dirt, and hand sanitizer definitely didn't mix.

"Come on girls, Jops is having a sell today. I wanna get some outfits." Cleo addressed to her friends.

Cleo, never got her hands dirty. Always watching, always observing.

Misty could tell you one thing, shes the worst of them. She may not do the dirty-work, but her eyes looked at you as if you're from the other side.

The girls silently squealed, walking away from the girl who was silently crying.

Misty at the age of eight didn't understand why the world was being so cruel to her, it was supposed to be perfect- how is this perfect?

"Mist, your mom wanted me to come find you"


"Ok, let's get one thing straight. I don't like you, green cabbage. Your annoying, now leave Me and Ken alone-" cursed misty, while continuing: "got that?"

His face, was slightly red, ears twitching.

Before Misty could say anything, crow was gone. She smiled, satisfied that he was going to leave her alone.

She hummed, waiting for Ken to come back into the classroom. Class was about to start, Misty wanted to talk to him before class started.

Immediately after thinking that, he walks in with a frown plastered on his face.

"What's wrong?" Misty questions, not happy with the sight she was seeing.

Ken eyebrows furrowed even more, if that was even possible. Misty slightly starts to touch his eyebrow, she begins to speak: "if you keep doing that, you'll always look angry"

Misty started to laugh at her own words, smiling fondly at Ken.

"Crow seemed to be mad at me, I'm really not in the mood to deal with that," Ken explained to Misty.

That's when Misty smiled, knowing the reason why-

"Ignore him, he's just being a cabbage." She sang out.

The frown was still evident on Ken's face. He walked towards his seat, a sudden thought interrupted him: 'the truth always comes out'

The door opend, and the students walked in-





