
The Magical world

Elena was sleeping on her bed when she woke up...she rubbed her eyes and yawned and went to the little house window. There was one bed room one bathroom and one kitchen...it seems that she was broke but somehow she was capable to buy the furniture...actually, she inherited them. Elena went to the suffocated kitchen and took the bread from the cabinet and started eating there was no one who lives with elena instead, there was her one boyfriend. She was very happy with him. So far elena was broke and her boyfriend clan was from middle upper class. When she was eating she heard a knock on the main door. She happily went to the door but when she was to open the door she stopped she thought that there must be a theif or an agent or a mafia who was to kidnap her. At this she didn't even opened the door. She quietly went to the kitchen and started eating while she heard another knock at this she was afraid suddenly she heard the voice of clan sayi'n

"Hey elena are you inside opem the door im clan" at this she became happy and instantly opened the door when the door was opened we saw a handsome boy with bluish green eyes with black hairs. At this elena became happy and said to clan

"hey...good morning clan..."

"why didn't you opened the door...was there someone with you?"

"a..I'm sorry...i...i thought there must be a theif or a kidnapper to kidnap me thou"

At this clan smiled at the foolishness of elena and said

"oh yeah you think there was kidnapper to kidnap you?"he said while forwarding himself towards elena and she was steping back soon they both were in front of the corners and clan putted his one hand on the wall and said

"hmm ... What did you thought...was i the kidnapper?"

At this elena started blushing and said

" oh yeah...you know...the extraordinary kidnapper i got..."

"who is the one?"

At this she smirked and forwarded her mouth to his ears and said

"your Heart..."

at this clan smiled and said

" hmm...my heart... so what am i to you?"

At this she forwarded her face near him and said

"...My hans"


soon clan was gone giving some goods to elena and she was sitting on the dressing table combing her hears singing a song

" sweet flowers...sweet memories...singing flowers....remarkable memories...my love, with stars, holding my arm, taking me, through the night...clouds are sweet "

She was singing the song while she saw something heart type thing in the good s given by clan...she went to it and checked out. When she checked...she saw a heart box. There a note was sticked..she opened the note and saw something written on it. She read it. On it, it was written 'meet me in the park elen at 5:00. She blushed then she opened the box and saw many sweets inside then she closed it and then put it back inside. It was seemed as her best day...soon it was 4:30 she was getting ready to meet clan. When suddenly she heard another knock on the door. She became silent for a moment then went to the door. She decided to make no noise and quietly looked from the hole she made on her door. When she saw from it...she saw no one at once, she became a bit confused then opened the door... she opened the door. She saw a box on her doorsteps. She picked it up and took it inside the house. She opened it and saw many old stuff at this she became a bit angry and said

" good.now...they label me poor and give me their waste...seriously?"

she took it inside. But then she said

"ok now its mine so...let's have a look inside."