

I'm not dead and the story isn't over. I misinterpreted how long it would take for me to write the next few chapters while also having final tests and projects. I told myself that if I still didn't have anything to upload by my birthday I'd release the Q&A. Here are some questions I've gotten over the last few months.

These are from the comments section on Wattpad, Tapas, Webnovel, MangaToon, and Instagram!

Q- I thought Adrien already knew Marinette's identity from "All About Time?"

A- I got this question from more than one person so I went back and read the part everyone is talking about. Basically Marinette is talking to Tikki with her back to Chat after he was attacked. Chat never actually sees Tikki and is still half awake. I guess I should've been more specific🌚

Q- Where's Lila??? She was in like one chapter.

A- Fuck that bitch, this is Russia.

No...uh...I know she's a great villain but it's already hard enough for me to watch the episodes with her in them being able to sway the class so easily to turn on Marinette...idk it just doesn't seem natural to me. They know Lila for two days but Marinette for what? YEARS AND DONT TRUST HER. Yeah that's crap I don't want that in my story lol sorry. I introduced her just in case I changed my mind about using her but I didn't whoops -.-

Q- why does your writing style suck.

A- idk man I didn't really pay attention to it in the beginning and since I'm trying to put out chapters once a week it's hard to perfect everything🤷‍♀️

Q- Why are the chapters getting so short😞

A- again, I'm in college lmao I don't have a lot of time on my hands🤗

Q- When is Chat coming back??? Why did master fu drug him and give it to felix he's literally evil :(((((

A- felix is my bby. I've always loved the little bit we were showed of his character from the anime and wished they went with him for the show instead of Adrien. I get that it's a kid's show but having the ML being nice to the FL just makes everyone in the show so dense. My original plan was to have Ladybug on her own and struggle by herself but then I thought about how adrien would react with someone else getting the cat Miraculous over him. Who he would blame and how he would cope with it in the end. That's when I started thinking about my now favorite chapter, "Blood." Also I'm not saying anything about who ends up with what miraculous in the end because that'd ruin the surprise😉

Q- Will Adrien ever find out Marinette is Ladybug?

A- does he need to? Again, not saying he will or won't but would that change his perspective on things? Maybe...

Q-what made you want to write a fanfic? Your other books aren't like this.

A- yeah let's not talk about my other books....looking back idk what I was thinking with those I never planned out the plots or endings and shoved in random details🙃my good books are just sitting unfinished in my drafts lol. But I decided to write this because I really really really was a hardcore Marichat fan. Then I started thinking about the plot of the whole show and the love square and everything then ended up with 'Unrequited' to symbolize the unrequited love everyone had towards each other.

Q- If you love Marichat so much why did you break them up???

A- Think about the title a bit. Loving someone with them not loving you back. Hating someone without them hating you back. Accepting someone or something that doesn't accept you back.

Q- how many chapters are left?

A- About 4-5. That's including the epilogue chapter🥺

Q- will you ever rewrite the beginning? You've talked about how bad you think it is, that's why I'm asking ;-)

A- it's been something stirring in my mind for a while. But writing new chapters while also planning other books mixed with rewriting old chapters is a lot on top of my school work 😑 but I know that the beginning chapters are what hooks a person so I'll probably get around to it once this is over!

Q-why didn't you use a first, second, or third person?

A- I did. I just wanted to make it clear whose perspective it was in the beginning so I would always say who was speaking.

Q-Did the story finished or will there be more chapters?

A- I'm pretty sure I said in the Time-Spacer notice that the story isn't over. I'm just slow at everything I do and backed up with school work. Patience is virtue.

Q- Will you ever write another Miraculous Fanfic?

A- I've been thinking of just doing a compilation of one-shots instead of a whole book. I don't have enough energy to think of a whole new plot and character arcs when I already have a Fantasy-Adventure in the works.

Q- I want to know what's going on with Adrian. Also, was the episode with Felix and Brigdet an alternate reality or am I missing something?

A- You're not missing anything! I made some side stories that have nothing to do with the actual fanfiction. I thought they'd be fun but they seem to be confusing people instead ;(


Thank you to everyone that is still following this book! My finals are ending next week so I should be uploading soon. I can't wait to share the ending with everyone :)
