
Chapter 4

"Look it's that freak again"

I held the ball in my hands tighter before biting my lower lip. I roamed my eyes around and saw that most of our classmates were just staring at us, some avoiding my silent plea for help. It's like an everyday routine. On this particularly hot summer day where my grade school teacher just told us to go play outside, I took the opportunity to grab the one thing that felt right next to home. By doing so, however, I gained unwanted attention once again.

"Hey, we heard you can play basketball, let's see just how much of a freak you are"

I bowed my head lower, I knew that they were just teasing me but I still can't turn down a challenge, not when it was the most precious thing to me that's being put in the line. And I just hated myself for that attitude.

"You... you really are a freak"

The boys who challenged me on a three-on-one basketball game pointed a finger at me before breathlessly hurrying to get out of my sight. I bowed my head again and stared at the ball by my feet. They were the ones who were unfair and yet when they still lost, they had the guts to be mad at me.

I felt myself tearing up but I aggressively wiped it off and shook the thought when I remembered that I don't need them anyway. I just wanted to have some friends but if they were just going to be jerks like those then I rather not.

As the school bell rang, I went to the nearby park and sat under a tree to wait for grandma to pick me up. I watched as all the other kids were taken by their parents one by one. I stared at them with pure envy. Both of my parents are alive, they were just not present in my life. They were both busy making money that they had no time to look after me. My grandma raised me on her own and I would be forever grateful for that but sometimes I wish they too will also look at me.

I hugged my knees and felt that familiar surge of pain come in once more. Small tears clouding up my vision as I buried my head in my knees. That was when I heard his voice.

"Are you crying?"

I looked up and saw a boy staring down at me. His red eyes gazing at me directly, full of curiosity. I looked at his prim and proper demeanor and knew instantly that he wasn't from my grade school. I hurriedly wiped away the tears before eyeing him.

"I wasn't crying"

To my horror, a restrained sniffle escaped, instead of being disgusted, however, he laughed at me and sat by my side.

"Beautiful girls should not cry"

He then handed me a handkerchief, the action of his earning a deep stare from me. I looked at his handkerchief before proceeding to stare at him.

"Beautiful? Me?"

I didn't even know I blurted it out loud but when I did he just stared at me and seriously nodded. He then smiled and handed me his handkerchief.

"You are... and you're pretty amazing too. See you around Hanabi"

I felt my heart pounded a little, no one had ever called me by my name, and yet here standing in front of me was a person who spoke so normally of it. The way he looks at me wasn't like the ones that I had received so far, they weren't looking at me like I was some kind of a disease or black hole in society. The boy then smiled at me and pointed in the direction where grandma was walking. When I turned around he was already walking in the opposite direction, leaving me stunned in my seat holding his handkerchief.

"Hey, your name?"

I shouted just loud enough for my words to reach his ears. He turned around and gave me a bow.

"I'm Seijuro Akashi, hoping for a chance to meet you again Hanabi Hayazawa"


I stared at the wide brown ceiling that had welcomed me the moment I open my eyes. The buzzing of the ac and some clanking of metal downstairs were the only evident sounds resonating inside my room. A soft sniffle escaped from me as I sat up wiping my tears away. I didn't even know I was capable of crying while asleep.

I heaved out a sigh, of all the things to dream about, it had to be that one memory I wasn't very much fond of now. I hated that memory, it was because of that that a hole had been in my heart for some time now. My reverie was brought to a halt when I felt my phone vibrate.

Even though I already had an idea of who it was, I still snag it up only to see a message that came from an annoying male. I'm beginning to regret my decision of giving him my number now.

From: Kise

Hanachi! It's morning!! Good morning, wanna grab a bite?

Or you wanna go somewhere else later? I know a good place near Seirin.

I raised an eyebrow at his suggestion before turning my gaze at my calendar. If I remember it correctly, today was supposed to be the match between Seirin and Rakuzan. That would mean that they have a match against Shutoku. Was it a different approach to get me to watch their game?

After a minute of contemplating whether to text him back or not, I finally gave up trying. I just threw my phone back in my bed while I stood up to get ready. I have a long day ahead of me after all.

I stared at the gymnasium packed with so many people that there was barely any seat open. I can't believe I went to see their game, I really am stupid. As there were no more seats open, I leaned by the wall and put my hands on the front pocket of my hoodie.

"I wonder why Kise didn't play in that 3rd and 4th match, they could've won if he played"

"I heard he was injured"

"Eh? Seriously? That's some bad timing"

I glanced at the two males by the side conversing, Ryota-kun was injured? The thought sent chills down to my bones. He looked fine by me the last time we saw each other. I could just imagine how frustrated he must be to not participate in an important game. I fished out my phone and hovered over his contact, about to send him a message when I suddenly realized what I was about to do. After staring at his last message, I decided it'd be better to just let it go. I did already decide to not see them anymore anyway. And yet you're here watching his game, I shook off that annoying voice at the back of my head and looked straight at the court.

The announcer started off the introductions for both sides. Just like that, I caught my breath when I saw the familiar redhead figure, his aura standing out even though there were many people inside the gymnasium. However, this wasn't the aura that he had when I fell in love with him, it was different, it was constrained, so proper, so, painful.

The game started and my focus suddenly shifted. Seirin was able to get the first ball earning them the first points. I wouldn't say it was too reckless of Kagami to enter the zone at the start of the game, after all, they were against the emperor. A much more unconquerable force compared to Daiki-kun. However, I expect it to be taxing especially in his physique. The zone does consume more stamina and energy.

Just as things were starting in the right direction for Seirin, Sei-kun marked Kagami. The taller redhead passing through him without seeing the bigger picture. When he did, it was all too late, his drive went farther causing him to miss his shot. Seirin kept on the fast pace of the game while consistently keeping score, the same can be said to Rakuzan.

However, if Seirin keeps on playing like this, their stamina and overall team performance will fall, Riko-nee should have a backup plan when this happens. This is their first challenge, the second one? Identifying that the shadow is now shining brighter than what he should be.

"GO NO. 11!!"

"There it is! No. 11's Miracle pass!"

I stared at Tetsu-kun and wondered what he did on their last game with Ryota-kun that made him shine this bright. His presence is now all over the place, it had scattered all around the area and everyone can now see him much clearer. He should've known that when a shadow learns to shine dimly, it ceases to become a shadow itself. Rakuzan intercepted his pass and was able to score another point leading all of it to a tie by the end of the first quarter. Now, it was only a matter of time before Tetsu-kun breaks again.

We were all too fragile, all of us. Just one change in our own bubble and instantly disappoints us, leading us to think that we can't go back to being all worthless. We're all just the same right? Tetsu-kun.

Rakuzan really had high-end players, I kind of feel bad for the benchwarmers and the others who didn't make it past the first team. With Sei-kun, added the three uncrowned kings of the court and the white-haired guy who, may I add had been bugging me ever since the game started, the team's lineup couldn't have gotten better.

While watching throughout the quarter I couldn't keep the anxiety at bay, it was like I was missing something while watching them play. And I should know, I may not have the emperor's eye like Sei-kun but I could usually pinpoint the whole gameplay especially from the sidelines, and right now it's like I wasn't looking at the whole picture yet. When the white-haired guy made a pass that was all far too familiar to me, that was when I got it. He too was a shadow. I glanced at Sei-kun who was playing almost perfectly with him, he made his own shadow, he used someone for his benefit again.

I felt my chest tightened at that realization. Have I been wrong in my impression of you all those years? Or was I just too blind to see that, this was who you really were? Keeping those beneficial to you close and discarding the ones that are not? My reverie was broken off when I heard a whistle, followed by the referee's clear instructions. I looked back at the game and my eyes widened at the sight before me, Furihata-kun was up against Sei-kun. I almost laughed when I realize why Riko-nee substituted him. The other members were all being too much uptight, a way to relax while having someone on Sei-kun to help them gain some momentum was something. However, not everyone had yet relaxed.

"Defense, black no. 4, Basket counts, one free throw"

I looked at Hyuga-senpai who was now clenching his fist, his posture says frustrated and infuriated. He was up against Reo Mibuchi who owned three different kinds of shots that he can use whenever he can, the earth, heaven, and void. Senpai needs to hang in there and not break his cool if he wants to counter all of those three shots. As the game resumes, I watched as Eikichi Nebuya overpowers Kiyoshi-senpai, how Hyuga-senpai's shots countered, how Kagami can't shake off Sei-Kun's emperor eye and how the white-haired guy do passes without even having someone on him. Before I knew it, the second quarter ended with Rakuzan leading a 62-37 score.

I crossed my arms as I watch both teams exit the stadium. With the whole Seirin team bowing their heads, It was like I can feel their dismay. If this kind of plays continues, they wouldn't have any chance of winning. A group of males stood up in front of me walking towards the exit, leaving their seats empty. I took the liberty to seat in their former place but not before hearing their conversation.

"I told you it was a waste of time"

"Yeah, I mean no one can defeat Rakuzan, it was just a streak of luck that some former unknown team came this far"

Was it though? I don't even think it was due to their luck that they got this far. Before I can even retort, a ravenette appeared sending them a scathing glare before telling them off.

"You don't know how amazing they are and they're surely much better than you"

The group of males hurriedly exited the stadium murmuring something about Shutoku. I narrowed my eyes and saw that the ravenette was indeed wearing an orange uniform that had the logo of Shutoku in it. If I wasn't mistaken, Shutoku is the school that Shin-kun attends. I hurriedly pulled up my hoodie above my head and turned the other way when I saw a green head walking in my direction. I should've known that my path will cross with one of them in this gymnasium. I bit my lower lip and inhaled a deep breath to calm my nerves, I mean it's fine, if they see me I can always just turn my head the other way and act like I didn't saw them. They wouldn't even bother to follow me after all who was I. I was just no one.

"Takao stop idling around, it's bad luck"

"Eh? Shin-chan don't be so uptight, look your buddy down there is trying hard"

"Shut up Takao"

I breathed out when I realized that he hadn't noticed me, I pulled off my hoodie when it was clear that he was out of my area. A few minutes later and the game resumed with the same lineup as before. However, this quarter quite proving to be on Rakuzan's side the moment it started. I stared at Tetsu-kun who was observing Rakuzan's number 5, a small smile forming my lips when I remembered a certain incident back then. If he could remember what I told him then he would have another sliver of hope on their way. But that was for later, now they have a much bigger problem.

"Defense, black no. 4!"

"Seriously? I didn't hit him"

"Technical foul, black no. 4!"

Now I see, what Sei-kun was doing, he was trying to break the legs of Seirin, their foundation being Kiyoshi and Hyuga senpai. As calculative as ever. I watched as the whole Seirin team tries to pick up the small pieces of hope and conviction to continue the fight. Sei-kun would've found it meaningless, but I know just how painful it is to hold on to that small piece of hope and watch it slowly slip out of your grasp. I just hope the same won't happen with Tetsu-kun and the others.

They had somehow closed the gap but it was still about 25 points, I watched further only to see the team put Tetsu-kun back on the court. I smiled when the whole team's gameplay changed all of a sudden, they were finally looking at the problem one at a time. And they were starting it off by having the shadow go back to its former place.

"Rakuzan's No. 5 made another basket!!"

"Here he comes! It's Rakuzan's No. 5 Mayuzumi!!"

Overwriting, a form of manipulation that not many people can do. No person can indeed do something about their own presence but they can definitely do something to alter another person's presence. I closed my eyes for a moment to savor the calm aura of the former shadow once again. The game continued with Seirin gaining momentum, not only that but Kagami is also diving deeper into the zone.

There is a myth that had once circulated amongst athletes. The thing that they call true zone, some say it was a large door at the end of the zone. The large door won't budge nor open no matter what the person does or no matter how hard they concentrate. And I personally think that Kagami is almost close to reaching that door.

One by one the pieces that fell apart during the earlier quarters were now being put back into their rightful place. They were also closing in on the gap, but it certainly was not the time to be celebrating. Especially not when Sei-kun had entered the zone too.

"He made it!"

"He took the ball from hoop to hoop"

It was like watching a one-man show, I stared at Sei-kun's back and shuddered as I saw a glimpse of his dichromatic eyes, had he ever been dichromatic? I should know that it wasn't like that. I had always stared at his deep red eyes so I would know for sure that they weren't dichromatic. So, what the hell?

The game continued and as expected it was basically like Sei-kun was controlling the game again. Just when he was about to make another fast break, perfectly avoiding Kagami-kun's block, Tetsu-kun intercepted him, making this effort of his futile. Almost immediately, Sei-kun lost his cool, having his play become sloppy making Seirin earn more points.

Remember when I said that we were all fragile, above us all the one who was the most fragile had been Sei-kun. Having the unsettling feeling of being weak, of not being able to control or hold those that are truly important. I clutched my chest as I felt the familiar pain and sting in my now furiously beating organ. Do you feel it too Sei-kun? Can you now feel the fear of being tossed aside?

Seirin was able to catch up during the last quarter closing the large gap completely, however, after Rakuzan's time out an amazing feat happened. That perfect pass towards Mibuchi, the whole team's overall movement, and synchronization. Before I knew it, a teardrop rolled out of my eyes, one after the other. This eerie feeling, that gameplay, was like I was watching him from middle school and grade school. I don't know why but seeing him play like that once again got me all emotional that all I want to do is just up and leave. But, I knew better, if Tetsu-kun was able to bring out his old gameplay then there might just be a chance for them to win and I, want to see it until the end.

Sei-kun's refined plays made it possible for each and everyone from his team to draw out their own natural potential allowing them to drive in deeper in the zone. The whole Seirin lineup is now tired, a huge contrast to the Rakuzan's team. I clenched my fist, you can do it Seirin. I wanted to shout at them, it may be not much but I am rooting for them.

"Go for it, Kuroko! Don't give up!"

"Go for it Kuroko!"

At the other side of the stadium, one loud voice echoed throughout the gymnasium. I looked up and immediately recognized that face.


He's here, cheering for Tetsu-kun and the others.

"Dammit, Tetsu! Kagami! You guys won against us, didn't you? If you can't even defeat Rakuzan, I'll go after your heads!"

My eyes widened when another voice shouted, rising from his seat just not far from where I was seated was Daiki-kun, I also immediately spotted the pink-head beside him, Momo-chan. He's cheering for Seirin too?

"Let me say the same goes for us! Go and win, Seirin!"

"Go, and defeat Akashi... and Rakuzan!"

Ryota-kun, Shin-kun, you're all cheering for Seirin. I roamed my eyesight and caught that tall purple head standing amongst others. As if on cue, each and everyone from the stadium began cheering for them one by one. All telling them to not give up, I too muttered a silent cheer, hoping that they finally feel that everyone is rooting for them. I smiled when all of Seirin huddled up, most likely strategizing about what to do next. I felt a chill ran down my spine the second they shot a point.

They're in the true zone. Where you are accepting that you're not fighting alone anymore, that you're fighting as a team. Just one point difference, Hyuga-senpai thought of a four-point play earning them the rights to one free throw, with only seconds in the clock. If they can complete this plan this then they will come out victorious. Hyuga-senpai missed the shot-making Kiyoshi-senpai take the rebound only to be passed to Tetsu-kun.

With a form I had never seen before, he held the ball. Is he gonna shoot it? Just as he was about to shoot it, Sei-kun jumped over to block him. My eyes widened when I realized that it wasn't a shooting form, it was a pass.

"Time's up, Seirin High wins the winter cup"

Just as the whole gymnasium cheered, I placed my hands on my furiously beating heart and stood among them clapping. He really did it. I shook my head, I can't believe he really did it.

You really are amazing Tetsu-kun.


Just as the awarding ceremony ended, Hanabi took the liberty to start walking towards the exit, her heart now full with relief and a genuine surge of happiness. Fully smiling she took her time walking outside the gymnasium, just then she turned around when she heard a small bark. She saw nigou running towards her followed by a tall blonde woman. She crouched down to welcome the cute puppy in her arms. She then stood up while carrying Nigou in her arms.

"I'm sorry do you know him? He just suddenly went up and leave"

Hanabi stared at the pretty tall blonde woman, nodding her way she smiled and Alex definitely thought that she was pretty she could barely contain herself to kiss her.

"Yes, I'm Hanabi Hayazawa from Seirin High"

"Oh I'm Alex, Taiga's coach"

Taiga? Hanabi pondered at the thought before realizing that she had meant Kagami.

"Ohh nice to meet you"

Hanabi bowed at the blonde woman and patted Nigou who was now nuzzling in her chest. After a few introductions here and there, they both decided to let Nigou stay with Hanabi for the night because they were both sure that the whole team would be tired to even look after. After a few pats to the puppy's head, Alex headed her way but not before throwing Hanabi who was busy playing with Nigou a glance. That's some aura you have, might as well call yourself a gifted one.

Unbeknownst to Hanabi, another blonde was staring at her. Eyes wide at the thought of her in the same place as him. Kise clutched at his beating heart when he saw Hanabi smile genuinely at Nigou who was playing with her. She was the prettiest thing he had ever seen. He couldn't handle it any longer, so he hurriedly strode towards her direction, earning a small gasp from the lass when she felt his large body crash into hers enveloping her in a hug.

Hanabi's eyes widened when she realized who it was that had hugged her so suddenly. She felt something on her throat preventing her from muttering a single word. Her hands tightening around Nigou who was caught in between them. If it weren't for Nigou's restrained barks, Kise would've not let her go, especially when she wasn't pushing him away. He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head when he took in Hanabi's expression, speechless and eyes wide at his sudden attack.

"Uhm... sorry I just..."

Hanabi snapped back into reality and breathed out a restrained sigh, one that didn't go unnoticed by Kise. Did she hate it? I mean she does hate me, doesn't she? He had thought and for a moment he contemplated on whether to say something to her to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Is your injury better?"


Kise stared at Hanabi who was now cautiously eyeing him from head to toe. The fact that she had known about his injury and is asking him if it was better now sent statics to his whole being. He smiled widely throwing an arm around Hanabi, which he often did to the lass when they were in middle school. A familiar yet somehow uncomfortable feeling went through Hanabi as she took in the fact that Kise was far too close to her now. Her inner self screaming at her for being stupid. Asking Kise if his injury was better was like an invitation to tell the blonde lad that they were finally on good terms.

"Were you worried Hanachi? It'll get better soon, it's not a major thing that therapy and a 'lil bit of rest can't handle"

"Ahh It... it just slipped you didn't need to answer"

Watching Hanabi's face and ears reddened sent some joy to the lad. He was finally seeing the natural reactions that Hanabi had once given to him whenever he'd teased her back then. He was glad if he was being honest, yes there was this frustration that she might have watched their game and saw him not play. Especially when he so wanted to show her just how much he grew. But just her concern is enough to wash over that frustration. As he was taking in his sweet time of having Hanabi around his arms, a smaller figure came from his behind and smacked the back of his head powerfully.

"Do not run off like you're just alone. The whole team was looking for you"

Hanabi turned around just to see the whole Kaijo team by their tail. She then stared back at Kise who was now rubbing the back of his head. Kasamatsu threw her a stare and his eyes had instantly widened when he saw who it was. This idiot. He had thought as soon as he threw a glare at Kise who was now just smiling widely.

"Did Kise ran off to meet a girl?"

"Excuse me miss, you shouldn't listen to his whims and sweet talks."

"Right, he is a ladies man after all"


"What you get for running off"

Hanabi chuckled at the warm interaction she was noticing right now. She doesn't know why but she feels lighter than before. She still finds Kise's presence uncomfortable but it was like it was bearable now compared to before. And she was certainly in no mood to pop this warm atmosphere right now. With a slight bow, hands tightening around Nigou, she introduced herself.

"Hello, I'm Hanabi Hayazawa"

Then she smiled, a smile so mesmerizing that all of Kaijo was left speechless, a smile that tugged on Kise's heart. It was that genuine smile that he had been missing all these years, she was smiling like that once again. He felt his chest tightened and right there and then all he wanted was to hold her and keep her for himself. They were so focused on the scenario among themselves that they had failed to notice the rushing tall form towards their way. His green hair moving along with the wind.

He wasn't curious at Kaijo's business, no not at all. But when he saw that familiar figure by Kise's side, holding Seirin's puppy, smiling beautifully, he had failed to keep on his composed and cool exterior. He doesn't know why she was there, even the fact that she had returned slipped under his radar. He had ignored Takao's shouts and hurriedly went by her side. His sudden appearance earning another surprised look not only from the girl but from the whole Kaijo and Shutoku team.

Hanabi was certain she wouldn't meet any one of them anymore as she had hidden in the bathroom stalls when the awarding ceremony ended. She had waited until she was certain that all of GOM was nowhere to be found. But she should've known better, the fact that Kise was here would also mean that some were still left too. Her once calm demeanor was now replaced by an uncomfortable one, even as she tried to hide that fact, Nigou who was still in her arms could feel this as he sadly looked up at the lass.

"Hana-san, you're back"

Just one look from Midorima and Hanabi knew she knew that shaking off not one or two but three members of GOM would be a pain in her ass.