
Mirabel's Room

Growing up as a child to becoming an adult, things happen and changes occur, the unexpected and the unplanned comes up and we make decisions that determine who and what we will become and; how some of the decisions we make become scars that cannot be erased or even wounds that cannot heal up in a lifetime. These are all that add up in Mirabel's Room. Her room describes her life and how the decisions she made determined her future. Find out!

Inspired · วัยรุ่น
23 Chs

Hope or total Despair?

Have you been in a situation where all you can imagine and wish for is seeing the world come to an end in your very eyes at that point but regrettably, it just wouldn't happen. Then, the only choice left is to face it head front... I guess this is where the tassle begins .

Same was my reaction, I couldn't think it could be true, ' it's definitely not me ' I kept muttering to myself as I sat up tight in bed wishing for death at the moment. it was difficult to accept that it was true. How could it possibly be?

I couldn't have gotten pregnant without having being with someone. Then,I began to think through. My mind suddenly flashed to the night at the party. That was the only time I left the house for anywhere apart from Church. I remembered sleeping off while taking a glass of wine with Bryan till I suddenly slept off and couldn't remember anything that happened after then. My head suddenly tickled as I remembered clearly, Waking up the next morning, feeling weird, my gown loosely tied and my hair roughly scattered, but ignored because I thought I slept roughly , seeing everywhere empty coupled with Bryan's sudden disappearance, I couldn't have concluded on any other fact that I must have been raped.

' But, how come I didn't think of such all this while? And I was bothering about him! ' I thought

' Ah....oh my goodness! Bryan raped me and left.' I blurted.

I sat up still and wished I was dreaming, but as long as I did, I was still in bed, it wasn't a dream. I cried bitterly, I felt like stabbing myself. I should actually, because I allowed all of this. I threw myself to the floor and wished I hadn't given him a chance in the first place.

Everything became clear to me at that point. How Bryan would always want me to come over to his place at all cost but didn't work out until that day, the care, the attention... it was all to get me. He must have wanted to all along.

Gullible me, I fell for it all.

Meanwhile, I didn't want to go for the party, but Vivian kept pestering and insisted that I attend, plus I didn't want to lose him to another girl like Vivian threatened with words. I loved Bryan and he was my first love. I also just wanted to experience what lovers do.

Here I am, bruised with pains and hurt. I opened the door for him to enter freely and he did without hesitation. 'I'm sure he knew I wouldn't allow him have s#x with me, that was why he had it his way.' 'He must have planned it all out before the party.' I reasoned.

it was difficult to accept that it was true, but it was. I had two things to battle with, my pregnant self and a lonely life as an orphan.

Who would save me?

I cried out like a baby that the nurses had to rush in, I couldn't believe everything was happening to me at a time .

' Mirabel, you have to calm down so you don't hurt yourself.' One of the nurses retorted.

' Someone should get me Bryan, I need to see him, he must not go...' I said as I wailed.

I knew I had lost it all at that point, all I just wished for at that point was death. But, I guess, sometimes, when you wish for death, it doesn't come. It comes when you don't even wish for it. : ' What a life! ' I blurted.


Not long after, a man came in and claimed to be Mrs Davis younger brother. One could easily tell, he had so much resemblance with her.

' Oh, what happened to her? ' I could hear him as he walked in hastily.

Seeing him, fear gripped my heart, I had mixed feelings. I didn't know if he came for good or for bad. As he approached me, I saw hope glitter at me again, it was for good!. He looked like a saviour. I cried out more and he held me closer.

' I heard everything that happened to you, don't worry, you will be fine.' He assured.

' Do you know about me before now? ' I retorted almost immediately he talked.

' Of course I do, my sister has told me a lot about you and I really feel for you. She loves you so much. You were so dear to her...She has ensured that you don't lack anything after her death, and that is why I am here.' He said calmly.

Really? I exclaimed.

Hope had come, this is the second time. I was so relieved that I almost forgot that I was pregnant.

God indeed doesn't give up on us.