
The Merchant (2)


'Please accept! What are you waiting for you fool! Accept!'

Thinking those thoughts inside of his head, Joseph was slightly in a dilemma as he held up the façade for a small while.

'The Main branch are already breathing down my neck for already spending al of our budget so soon, but I got them off my back for now by showing the materials this man in front of me has given us'

Stretching his arms as if slightly tired, Joseph discreetly wiped the sweat accumulating from his brow with a long brown sleeve.

'But if I don't recover our money soon then, the hounds looking at my position as Branch head will not hesitate'

Holding the cherished invitation coveted by mostly everyone in the city's upper class, Joseph hurriedly thought. 

'C'mon, accept this, you know you want to'

Slowly wagging the card in hopes that the fish who already benefitted them was going to bite, a surprise of immense proportion blasted the man right in the face.


"I'm sorry but I'll have to refuse"

"What!?" Raising his voice and attracting the others attention, Joseph hurriedly lowered his voice and whisper shouted at me.

"Why!? Precious materials and several rare Artifacts are there"

Rolling my eyes I calmly told him why.

I had no reason to.

According to what Joseph had told me, the auction was coveted for it's special minerals that it would reveal, several rare weapons also being sold on there.

And I was only interested in the weapons, but I could make my own if I got my hands on blueprints, or the Terraria Game system would friggin unlock them so that I could find out their requirements.

But yeah, Besides the special weapons.

I wasn't particularly attracted to the things in the auction.

"Ugh" grimacing Joseph looked around quickly before leaning in to whisper into my ear.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this as this information related to the special list, but I heard that some blueprints for special deployable traps are being sold and the main attraction will be a Heart Crystal"

"Oh" now interested I glanced at the card held in Joseph's hands and smiled.

Glancing at the screen displaying the amount of coins I had in my inventory accumulated from selling basically everything.

I nodded to Joseph.

"So, when are we leaving?"

[12 copper]

[69 silver]

[2 gold]

[1 platinum]


Leaving the merchants guild at the reply that he would send someone to get me when the time calls for it I smiled.

I was currently in the alleyways doing a very common trick for some cash.

You'd be surprised at how often it works.

Knocking out another poor gangster I began the looting process.

In this world, besides being slightly more dangerous and medieval.

It seems gangsters were the same no matter where you go.

The principle of what I was doing was one that I usually used when I was desperate for cash.

Or when I was unfortunately targeted by some unsavories.

It basically entailed looking incredibly rich while walking around.

Before entering a dark, enclosed alleyway far away from the common eye.

And if I was lucky, I could catch a few fish that I would harvest.

Those fish in this case being gangsters who were stupid and only saw a rich man entering the perfect robbing spot.

To bad I was the fisherman.

Taking the sparse amount of coins from this guy's pockets, I took the weapons on his body and thought about how I could get a profit from this.

But God damn these guys are poor.

I had already knocked out maybe 3 dozen of these guys and all I accumulated was one gold coin.

Each guy only contributing 3 silver at a time.

Sighing I spun the silver coin on the tip of my finger before grasping it.

Pocketing the coin, my steady footsteps exited the alleyways and entered unfamiliar territory.

But this territory may or may not have been already taken.

Seeing as I was surrounded by gangsters, a few of them of which I recognized to be the ones I beat up with just my fists.

Glancing at them I spoke "What's the meaning of this?"

A man with one eye who I presume is the leader stepped forwards and opened his golden toothed maw.

"You should know what this is young lad" pointing a proper sword unlike the kitchen knives and the uncommon knife the gangsters had at me, he continued.

"You beat up my underlings and stole their money so I'm just here to repay them for their loss, I've brought a few guys to help me as well"

Flourishing the blade with trained movements my eyes never left the sword.

His one eye lighting up as he saw my interest the man spoke "But you know what lad?"

Not even replying the one eyed man slightly frowned but pushed on "I see potential in you so I'll give you a chance, join me as my underling in the Street Sharks and I'll guarantee your rise"

Suddenly bursting into a chuckle I turned to look at the man who was now frowning harshly "I am the leader of the Street Sharks, One eyed Salmon, think carefully otherwise I'll make your life hell"

Smiling I manifested a pair of twin daggers in my hands and flourished them.

Causing the man named Salmon *Snicker* to frown even wider.

Things didn't seem to change even though my blades was kept in the inventory, so the green and red blood still stuck to the blades.

Slowly dropping down onto the ground I smiled.

"You know one eyed Salmon, how about this? I'll give you a counter offer, one you can't refuse"

"Heh, what can a boy who hasn't stopped sucking his mum's ween while I was on the streets offer me that I didn't have? I refuse"

Holding his sword up in a standard stance, the other gangsters held up their blades and/ or fists, grabbing whatever weapons they could use.

"Last chance boy, either accept our offer and become my underling or face the consequences and die"

I chuckled loudly.

"That's it! No more mister nice guy!"

Spinning the twin daggers so that they were held in a reverse grip I ran forwards and disregarded the number difference and round house kicked a man into a nearby wall.

Thus cracking both the man's back and the wall.

"I'm sorry Salmon but you seem to be mistaken about something"

Keeping a leisurely smile on my face, a chill went down the Gangsters spines.

"You never got the chance to refuse in the first place"