
Newly Gained Allies (2)


Looking at the figure slowly controlling the grass to cover their body like a second piece of armor.

I could sense that this guy got stronger.

How much stronger exactly I didn't know.

I just knew...

He was extremely flammable.

I feel like I'm becoming a pyromaniac.

Grabbing a handful of gel from my inventory and coating my blade with the flammable substance, I lit the fire with my black flaming head.

Surprising the figure now completely covered in plant fibers that acted like a second skin, they held the blood sword across their chest.

I couldn't see the [Quick Bow] Which was the main cause for me being unable to properly strike the figure in the auction house.

But remembering how the figure manifested the weapons at the blink of an eye while fighting like a knock off inventory.

I kept in mind this fact as I wielded the flaming blade and felt the heat caress my face.

Eyes facing forwards.

We looked at each other in a face off as the flames fell and sparked onto the ground while burning the grass.

Circling the small clearing like a pair of predators.

Before I knew it.

We were engulfed in a charred ring of black as the flames disappeared quickly as it ate the gel and the grass before disappearing.

But I couldn't keep my eyes off the figure who mirrored my actions and caused red blood to drip down their blade.

Silence reigned in this small battle field as we circled the small self made arena of charred grass and blood.

The only sound being the crunching of leaves and the crackling of flames.

And just as we made another step onto the ground.

A loud explosion coming from the woods attracted our attention as the trees were cleared right in front of the both of us.

Immediately turning my blade at the newfound clearing I opened my eyes widely as I saw something I didn't think I would.

[King Slime] [2800/2800]

It was a gelatinous thing.

No different from the common blue slimes which plagued the land with their heavy bodies that crushed many a soul underneath their weight.

The only difference this guy had was that he was gigantic and had a golden crown adorned with a red gem.


Oh yeah.

There was a guy in a ninja costume within the King Slime.

Staring at the monstrous being of Slime gel, I couldn't help but notice one small detail.

Well, if I couldn't see that small detail than I was legally blind.

Several Chunks of slime gel had been thrown around as if played with a giant toddler who was immersed in throwing things.

The chunks of the King Slime that had been sliced and diced by some sort of blade had been strewn about.

As the remnants of the several King slimes battle and the so called master of the unknown figure who I presume to be an elf made themselves known with several craters and sharp blade marks.

At least four different Golden Slime crowns were laid on the ground in varying states of durability.

One of them being sliced in half.

Staring at the Giant King Slime which was bouncing around with the Ninja within.

I glanced at the plant covered elf and couldn't help but notice that they had disappeared.

It didn't take a rocket scientist to know where the elf had went when they had screamed out in pain.

'I guess Co-Op is on now'

Equipping the Ice shards in one hand and the Marksmans bow.

I fired both of them simultaneously.

The arrow flew across the air as it arced above the running elf's head before it went past them and plunged into the King slimes flesh.

"Wait for me!" Shield charging forwards to get a running start, I continued to fire my bow at the boss slime while making the ice shards follow the elf.

But ignoring my shout, the elf ran forwards in a blind rage as the Slime king, having felt my arrow.

Turned its golden crown to face us.

'Sad I can't burn it alive'



The grass covered his body as each individual strand exerted their strength as they propelled his body forwards.

With each bound and leap propelling him several meters ahead as they grabbed the quick bow.

And without regards to ammo efficiency.

Let loose a storm of arrows.

Rage clouded their mind as the strength enhanced by the plant armor made the blows all the more devastating.

Arrows upon arrows fell down from the sky as they seemed to blot out the sky.

The elf than switched to the Blood Sword as they ran out of arrows in their quiver.


Seeing Ice shards whip past their jumping form that leaped to the air.

They saw how the ice shards sunk into the gelatin as the King Slime trembled underneath the many blows.

They couldn't see it, but they instinctively knew.

Because of their irrational actions that led to the disappearance of a hundred odd arrows in the blink of an eye.

Followed by several much more powerful arrows and elemental ice shards that froze the squishy bastard in place.

That the King Slime was about to die.

Which Slade himself already saw.

'Bloody hell'

Thinking those two words inside of my mind, I looked at the health bar which had already dropped down incredibly quickly.

'But honestly?'

If it didn't drop as quickly as it did due to the literal rain of arrows, than I would've been disappointed and called foul on the games balance.


Yeah, from it's initial three thousand HP, the squishy slime was already down to a third of it's original.

'Though that guy is definitely much more powerful'

Looking at the guy who was swinging their blade wildly, visible air currents, much larger than the ones I had seen before had now flew through the air and cut at the Slime.

Which reminds me.

Was it possible to learn this power?

Thinking those thoughts, I continued to run forwards while charging with the Cthulhu's shield, which generated a semi translucent shield around my body as it pushed me forwards.

Reaching the elf who had just dashed away without warning.

We ran across the torn landscape while jumping over several craters most likely caused by the King Slimes as I finally went past the guy.

'Kill steal!'

Firing a few more ice shards the slimes way it trembled as it sensed it's impending doom.

But there wasn't much it could do as we both had taken down it's health in a matter of seconds.

Slamming my blade deep into the gelatinous goo, I felt something was wrong as I was right next to it.

Despite having a chance to counterattack by literally rolling over to crush me.

it didn't seize the chance to do so and instead rolled away from me.



Glancing at it's health bar to make sure that it wasn't somehow regenerating through the corpses of it's dead friends.

A shadow covered my body as I looked at the Ninja man inside the Giant slime.

Seeing the widened eyes and the slow but frantic gestures behind me I realized one thing.

'There were four dead King Slimes and one alive one, makes sense that there was another one'

Thinking those thoughts I looked up to see a giant blue blob of Gelatinous flesh falling down to crush me with it's weight akin to a mountains.



Oak Tree