
Minecraft system in the apocalypse

In a dark night a skinny male walks out of a house shaking with iron armor on and a long diamond sword he walked forward and began scavenging with a torch in his left hand his with people in black robes with crossbows in their hands and a banner with a weird symbol in it follow this man closely i watched intently as i reported it to a gang located in a warehouse.

OZIAS · เกม
4 Chs


[7Hours later]

I yelled of exhaustion as i still continued the last zombie fell and i got out

as i went back and refilled my hunger bar as i walked and explored i wore stuff i couldnt afford and experinced what all the stores had and watched some tv at the electronic store before the power went off

"Ah s*** that scared me"I said while holding my chest as if my heart was gonna pop out any second

I then heard some loud explosions but little did i know this was a mutated zombie i then took a look at the 2nd floor window and was shocked "oh great heavens" I said as i digged up many blocks as i could and clobbered a mess of a barricade at the entrance it was banging at the sound also attracted a horde

I then said again out of fear "Oh great heavens"