
The First Hello [Ch. 11]

Elderon had landed nearby. He had actively pursued the three of them for a short duration, but when Stanley started shouting and screaming in terror, he stopped. Now on the ground, resting on all four, this was Stanley's chance. A chance to say the first hello, to introduce himself to his grandfather. After traveling for what feels like days, going back in time, he had been through a-lot to say the least.

Stanley stood a short distance away from Amelia and Melinda. They had turned around to see if he was alright and unhurt; which he was thankfully. Looking back over his shoulder, he made eye contact with the witches.

"Go, go, go!" They muttered, waving their hands back and forth. That was the signal to him to make his move. Stanley faintly smiled and nodded his head. Turning around, he took one deep breath in… and then exhaled. Phew.

He put his bow back around his shoulder, and the arrow back in his quiver on his back. There was no need to spark any fear towards his transformed grandfather. What he would do if he hadn't put the bow and arrow away, you ask? We won't get into that. That's for you to imagine.

Stanley put one foot in front of the other; repeating this. He was inching his way closer one step at a time. A moment he'd never thought would come. Meeting his grandfather for the first time, but not in his normal form. He did, however, question his actions that led to him turning into this beast. Why was it permanent? Would he ever be able to change back? What would happen when he passed away? Would his soul revert back to his normal form? So many questions, yet not many answers.

"I think I'm going to cry," Melinda said as she wiped a tear from her cheek.

Amelia shed a tear as well. Because of this, she wiggled her staff. The orb at the top of it lit up a bright white. Stanley didn't see the light because he was too focused on Jack. When she did that, two white cloths appeared out of thin air. How convenient.

"Oh gosh, thank you," Melinda said as she grabbed a cloth. Amelia did the same. They both looked at eachother, Amelia grabbing a cloth and dabbing her eyes too.

"You're welcome dear," Amelia responded with a faint smile.

Melinda then gasped, pointing with her left hand, over at Stanley. He was now two blocks away from Jack.

"Look!" Melinda mumbled with another gasp.

Stanley held one hand out in front of him as he took the last few steps. Jack had noticed Stanley approaching him, and was spooked at first. He growled and huffed and puffed. But he wasn't scaring Stanley away that easily.

"It's okay," he said, "I'm not going to hurt you. I only want to talk."

He reached behind his back slowly and carefully with his hand. Slow movements to avoid spooking Jack to the point of him raging out.

"He talks, you know," Amelia shouted randomly. Stanley suddenly froze as Jack took his sights off of him and looked over at Amelia and Melinda.

"I do not!" Jack said in a deep voice as he stretched and flapped his wings.

"Jack, right?" Stanley muttered.

Jack looked down at Stanley, now rising up to where he was only standing on his back two legs. His wings were folded back. His shorter front arms were bent forward in a way, like a t-rex's arms would when running. When he heard that name, he looked back down at Stanley. He growled briefly, but stopped when Amelia and Melinda chimed in to stop him from acting childish.

"Jackson!" Amelia shouted, "don't be mean! He's come along way to meet you, you know."

"Who's the twig?" Jack asked, clearly referring to Stanley.

"The name's Stanley," he shouted, his on each cheek to amplify his response. "the twig!"

In his defense, Jack had no idea who Stanley was. He didn't know that he had a grandson. On the otherhand however, he was told that Cariliy and Frederick were expecting. But he would never bear witness to Stanley's birth.

Jack had an idea; a way to stop King Miraz for good. At that time, he was desperate. After a failed attack on the Kingdom, Jack had lost many good blockheads that night. Unable to bear the weight of such a loss, he quickly fell into depression.

The plan was to venture to the Swamp Biome to meet some old friends of his; Amelia and Melinda. He came to them, begging them to help him. They were hesitant at first, but after he explained himself a little more, they gave in.

They had given him a potion. From there, he now remains in the form of a dragon. He will never be able to return to his blockhead form. He knew of the consequences of drinking the potion, but he ignored them anyway. Amelia and Melinda even warned him of those too.

Upon returning to the farm after visiting Amelia and Melinda, he told them about his plan and what was going to happen. It was a last minute effort to try and stop King Miraz and his rapid expansion all throughout the OverWorld. We all know how that attack ended; failure.

The last thing Frederick and Carlily said to him, was the name of the baby on the way; Stanley. But it's been so long, that's he's long forgotten that name. But strangely, he remembered it when the twig [Stanley] said his name. Getting back down onto all four, he turned his head to look over at Stanley once more. He was at a loss for words, and didn't know how to react.

"Say your name again?" He instructed.

Stanley lowered his hand. It was now resting at his side. He took a couple of steps closer towards Jack. His bow was hanging from his shoulder, and his arrow quiver hanging behind his back. He was not looking to stur up trouble and spook Jack by keeping his bow in his hand.

"Stanley," he answered, "I've come along way to meet you."

"Sorry I'm a disappointment," Jack said, "not what you were expecting were you?"

Stanley shrugged his shoulders as he took another step. Amelia and Melinda were in the background, watching silently. Melinda began to tear up, as did Amelia too. This was such an emotional reunion.

"They can't reunite like this," Amelia mumbled as she lifted her staff up off the ground, holding it straight up and above her head. Circulating her staff around in the air, it began to glow bright. Jack and Stanley both turned their heads to look over at Amelia and Melinda. Just as they did that…BLIP!

White bubbles floated up into the air just above where Jack was. Now, he wasn't in his dragon form. He had been turned back into his normal self, but for how long? Aren't the effects of the potion permanent? Short answer: yes, it is.

Stanley glanced back over at Jack, who was now standing before him. Jack was examining his old blockhead form. Stanley stared at him, not moving our even blinking. He was surprised to see his late grandfather like himself. It was a strange and odd feeling.

Melinda wrapped her right arm around Amelia's, resting her head on her shoulder. She smiled and wiping the trickling tears off her face. The only thing she did, was smile. What a heartwarming reunion this is. A very emotional one at best.

"Now they shall embrace," Amelia mumbled, "the proper way."

Jack and Stanley rushed towards each other with open arms. There was nothing left to ask eachother. Still though, they knew very little about each other. Jack was still wearing the same clothing he did the night he came to Amelia and Melinda for help.

"My grandson… wow," he said, "you're Stanley."

"That's right," Stanley answered, "your grand—,"

"Grandson," Jack finished.

They wrapped their arms around eachother, embracing for a long minute or two. They continued to whisper and talk quietly as they embraced.

"That–th–that's right," Stanley answered.

"Has it really been that long?"

"Eleven years."

"Grandpa and grandson," Melinda whispered, "I can't help but tear up. Oh, the feels." Melinda and Amelia both sniffled and chuckled quietly with joy and happiness.

"I've dreamt of meeting you one day growing up," Stanley said, "ma and pa didn't tell me I had a grandpa until I was four."

"Really?" Jack questioned, "why?"

"They never told me why," Stanley mumbled, "it was only yesterday that they gave me a book. A book written by my dad about you. Eleven years. It took them eleven years to finally tell me what happened to you."

As much as Amelia and Melinda wanted to witness this for a moment longer, they knew that Jack's time in his blockhead form was running out fast. The spell that she had cast was only effective to an extent; about three minutes or so.

To this day, she or Melinda have yet to create a spell to reverse the effects of his transformation, but to no avail. But that doesn't mean they were going to give up on doing so.

"Stanley. Jack, Pardon my intrusion," Amelia said, "the spell will only last a few minutes. Then he's going to revert back to his dragon form again."

Stanley and Jack stopped hugging, taking one step back from eachother. Jack and Stanley looked into eachothers eyes once more. When they did that, Jack's eyes had reverted back to an all black color.

"What? He can't stay remain this way?" Stanley questioned, upset by the fact that Jack would turn back into the dragon very shortly.

"Stanley," Jack said as Stanley quickly turned around. When he did, he saw that Jack was already starting to turn back.

White trails of light began swirling around Jack's body from feet upward. His right hand had reverted back into a large scaly paw with sharp claws. His left ear had returned back to being pointy and scaly as well. Well… that spell didn't last long. Has it really been three minutes?

"He doesn't have much time," Melinda warned Stanley.

Stanley didn't know what to do. All he was doing was watching his grandfather quickly turn back into the dragon. His left arm had grown slightly longer, with scales appearing again.

"Recast that spell," Stanley shouted and begged, "please," he continued as he looked back at them over his left shoulder.

"I wish we could, but it requires a large amount of magic to cast that," Amelia explained.

"There's nothing you can do to stop this?" Stanley asked in a growing desperate tone of voice.

Jack walked over to Stanley, wrapping his arms around him once more. Stanley was not expecting this, but he was glad Jack took the initiative.

"It's alright," Jack whispered, "I'll forever and always be your grandpa, no matter the form I'm in."

Stanley sighed heavily, frowning. He wrapped his arms around Jack, giving him one last tight hug. Jack's other arm began transforming and growing. The dragon tail reappeared behind his back, dropping onto the ground behind him. Pointy scales ran the entire length of his back.

Up until the last moment, they hugged. But then Jack quickly took a step back from Stanley.

"Smile," he told Stanley, "smile. Everything will be–."

Before Stanley comprehended what happened, the dragon form returned fully. So much for a proper reunion, huh? Short lived it was.

"You know what?" Stanley said as a smile appeared on his face. He briefly glanced over at Amelia and Melinda, and then up at Jack. "its getting to meet him in blockhead form that counts. And besides, he's still Jack. Not on the outside, but deep down inside. Somewhere in there, is my grandfather. No matter the form, as he told me, he'll always be my grandpa. That's what counts too, right?"

"That's the spirit," Jack said. Stanley turned and looked up at Jack again, a big smile on his face.

"Now, about the Great OverWorld War," Amelia said, "let's talk business."

"I'm in," Jack said, "no negotiating necessary. I want that coward gone just like everyone else."

Elsewhere, at King Miraz's Kingdom, Quintin was alone in his quarters in the castle. As per usual, guards were stationed just outside in the hallway. He had his hands behind his back, pacing back and forth throughout the room. But he wasn't entirely alone however.

"I don't need your help anymore," Quintin said as he turned his head to his right. "You're just a voice in my head that won't go away. You're not real."

"I'm real if you think I'm real," Nightmare said in the form of a normal female blockhead. She had blonde hair and was wearing a light blue dress, with white shoes. She had one leg over the other, rocking her foot back and forth.

"Haven't you caused me enough trouble?" Quintin asked.

Nightmare scoffed, tapping her chin a couple of times. "Mmm, no. I'm only just getting started."

"Oh great."

She was sitting on his desk. But then she decided to jump down. Framed and hung on the wall, was a map eight blocks high, and eight blocks wide. The map showed a huge chunk of the different biomes. The Jungle, Desert, Swamp, Plains, and Woodlands biomes were all visible on the map. But this map had bright red X's drawn over the biomes. The Desert was crossed off, and so was the Plains, Jungle, and Swamp biomes too. The only one that wasn't crossed off was the Woodlands Forest. That was the biome in which the Kingdom was located in.

"I see you've made great progress," Nightmare said as she examined the huge map more thoroughly. "Consider the War to be over. Just surrender and give up."

Quintin stopped pacing, but still had his back facing Nightmare. His hands were still behind his back. Turning his head slightly, he looked back at her over his shoulder.

"What'd you say?" Quintin questioned.

"Your Kingdom losing the War, stupid!" Nightmare repeated her previous comment from a second ago, "It's only a matter of time before the Resistance come breaking down your gates."

"That's not going to happen," Quintin stated, "we can manage our own."

Nightmare raised one eyebrow, tilting her head slightly. Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. How could he be so convinced he'll win this War? The Kingdom's rule over the OverWorld is rapidly shrinking.

"The Commander is on his way here," Nightmare mentioned, "he's running down the hallway. He has something in his hand."

Knock, Knock, Knock. Quintin took his hands out from behind his back. He turned around and walked over to the door. He stood by the door, ordering the guards outside to open it.

"My King," he said as he rushed into the room. The guard then closed the door, remaining out in the hallway. Quintin stood silently, waiting for the Commander to explain why he's come here at this hour. "It's a letter… from the Resistance," he concluded.

Quintin approached him so he could read the letter. The paper was folded in half and was a light brown color. This paper had an odd dusty-smell to it. He opened the letter, glancing over to his left at Nightmare.

Unlike him, no one else could see Nightmare. Only he had that ability. The Commander stood quietly as Quintin began reading through the letter mentally. Nightmare was now standing alongside him, also reading the letter.

"Uh oh," she whispered, "that's not good."

"Shut up," Quintin muttered.

"I didn't say anything," the Commander said.

"Not you dummy," Quintin said as he very briefly looked up and over at his Commander.

The Commander raised one eyebrow, curious to find out why he said that. But he didn't want to interrupt him anymore. He was to be feared greatly, just like his father. Loyalty played a big role these days, and the commander was loyal to his King.

There was no introduction for the letter. There was no "Dear or Hi." This letter got straight to the point, and didn't disappoint. It was short and brief.

Mustn't waste anytime because by dawn, our ground fighters will begin our journey into the Woodlands Biome. It's only a matter of time before your Kingdom falls. We'll meet at sunrise.

That's what the letter said. There was no address to name on it. Quintin folded up the letter, putting it into his inventory for safe keeping.

"There's still a sliver of a chance," Nightmare said, "help me, help you. Bring me to your World."

Quintin ignored her as he thanked the Commander for coming here to bring this to his attention. He then allowed him to leave, which he did in a hurry. He opened the door and walked back out into the hallway. A guard had closed the door as the commander went down the hallway to the left.

"I said this before and I'll say it again: NO!" He shouted, "how can I trust someone like you? I barely know you, muchless who you are."

"I'm a shapeshifting demon," Nightmare stated. "There, now you know what I am. You're welcome."

"Why won't you just leave? Maybe you're the reason we're losing this war. You're a distraction; a pest that won't go away."

Nightmare was baffled by that last part. After all she's done for him, this is how he's repaying her? How crude and cruel.

"Fine," she said, "I didn't need your help anyway."

She then faded away. Quintin was now alone at last. No longer could he hear her voice in his head. She's gone. Thank goodness. Dumb demon!

A sudden powerful gust of wind began blowing around. Papers were flying into the air, swirling around and fluttering back down to the floor, his desk chair went flying into the wall, breaking it, and books were pulled off the shelves. The lanterns that were lighting up his room were blown out, plunging him into complete darkness.

The guards outside heard none of this. When he turned his head over to his right to look over at the door, he could see the gold helmets of the guards. The lanterns in the hall must still be burning. With light from in the hall and the door being closed, what was happening in his quarters wasn't heard by them. Suddenly, the hallway was plunged into darkness too. Indistinguishable shouting and banging sounds were heard. He couldn't see what was happening outside, but he had a gut feeling he knew who it was.

The door slammed open. Swirling gusts of wind stopped. Everything that was airbourne had fallen back down to the floor.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Nightmare said.

"You again?" Quintin questioned.

She walked into the room, leaving his door wide open. The moonlight from outside was enough to see some of her original features. Her eyes glowed a bright yellow, with the rest of her body being black and transparent. No feet, she floated around him with her hands behind her back.

"What's going on?"

"You can't dispose of me that easy," Nightmare said, "you owe me. I'm persistent when it comes to being repaid for helping. And you, mister, have a debt to pay."

"Kind of hard to repay you when you're from another Realm," he said in a firm and brave tone of voice. "Unless I open a portal, you'll remain where you are."

"Oh you see, that's the thing," she began explaining, "I never needed you to open a portal. I have my ways of getting around."

"Then why seek out help from me?" Quintin asked.

"That's all part of the illusion," she said.

"You're crooked and twisted demon!"

"Thanks for taking a notice," she said, "now, we have some work to do if you want to come out of this War victorious. That is what you want, right?"

"Was I not making that obvious?"

Nightmare noticed that he was rubbing his right forearm. After examining it, she found that his transformation was accelerating. His hand was red with a little bit of grey and black mixed in. It resembled a NetherWorld burning netherrack block.

"Just remember that I was the one who instructed you to drink that potion," Nightmare said, "you wouldn't have if I hadn't been around."

Well, this isn't good. Quintin and Nightmare teaming up. Elsewhere on the OverWorld, in the nearby desert biome, Resistance fighters were rummaging through the Garrison building. Looting and cleaning out all chests. But they only took the necessary items. Arrows, potions, food, buckets of water and milk and even TNT. Those should come in handy soon enough.

Mileena was joining in on the looting process as well. Although, she didn't need any armor like the others. If she wanted, she could summon her own whenever she wanted. She was highly interested in potions and ingots. As she opened one chest, she came across an odd object; a candy cane.

"Careful with those," Norman, another fighter warned, "those are candy cane bombs."

"Hmm, interesting," she mumbled quietly to herself.

"We must leave now in order to arrive by dawn," a female blockhead fighter had mentioned to Mileena.

"Right then," she responded as she put the candy cane bombs into her inventory, along with a few Potions of Strength. "Embark we shall. Let's move out blockheads," she shouted loudly enough for everyone to hear her.

And off they went, beginning their hours long journey to the Woodlands biome. There was only a couple of hours of nighttime left before sunrise. If they were to make it to their destination by sun-up, they must hurry. As for what tomorrow will bring, you wonder? Well the final Great OverWorld War Battle. They're close to victory. This will be a battle you won't want to miss.