
Chapter 4 - I Did Some “Off-Camera Grinding” (Part 2)





(Third POV: Mahito)

Mahitoasm had gone back to his room with newfound excitement. While he was taking advantage of the infinite waves of zombies during the night, he experienced a problem.


His inventory was running out of space. He had cluttered his inventory with stacks upon stacks of transfigured souls. In a desperate attempt to continue his grind, he put the souls in his crafting spaces.


To his surprise, something new was born from that. The now-named 'Compressed Transfigured Souls' were able to fulfill his needs. They cost four transfigured soul fragments from the zombies to make.


He ended up turning about 60 percent of his gains into compressed versions. That news was not what was getting him excited, though.


He had begun experimenting with the Minecraft side of things more, and his experimentation paid off. In front of him was a disfigured enchantment table being made from the transfigurated resources he put on the crafting table.


It had multicolored skin with closed mouths on its sides. Mahitoasm wasn't done though, as he made bookshelves as well to see if he could get the maximum enchantment.


He even made transfigured lapis to allow for the use of the enchantment table. The only question was how to get experience points to put into the things he wanted to make.


But as the saying goes, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' and so Mahitoasm used the transfigured souls in place of his own experience.


In Minecraft, you get experience doing everyday things. Those zombies were adults, so they should have gained experience when they were alive. Especially because, in the game, the zombies drop experience when they die.


Then he began work on the weapons. Using the compressed souls, he molded many of them into weapons.

The first weapon was a three-section staff connected by three rings between the joints of the weapon. Each staff is decorated with a flame-like pattern near the ends by the metal that connects to the chains.

Being made by many compressed souls, it was tougher than normal. That wasn't all, though, as Mahitoasm put enchantments on some of the transfigured souls and made an anvil to put the abilities into the weapon.


There were new enchantments as well that he couldn't help but take advantage of. [Energy Battery, Energy Capacity V, Sharpness V, Smite lll, Drain, and Unbreaking lll.]


[The Energy Battery enchantment allows the weapon to be infused and hold onto cursed energy, while Energy Capacity is a sub-choice that allows for a larger storage of energy. Drain would drain the cursed energy off of opponents hit with the weapon.]


I used the anvil to name it [Playful Storm]. It would store cursed energy and make use of it in attacks. The harder you hit your opponent, the more cursed energy is put into the blow.


The next weapon was a pitch-black sword. It had a bright scarlet line running down the sides of the blade that turned into a chain-linked pattern farther down the sword.


The guard and handle were also pitch black, with more scarlet lines decorating the hilt.

The enchantments given were Cursed Battery, Energy Capacity IV, Sharpness V, Smite lll, Unbreaking lll, Loyalty, Mending, and Inverted.


The blade could store cursed energy to be released in slashing waves of cursed energy or fast, long-ranged stabs. When the [Inverted] effect is triggered, the blade loses all of its dark coloring.


The sword becomes a bright golden color as, due to that specific effect, all cursed energy turns into positive energy. The guard turned gold with black lines in it, while the handle was blue with a bit of golden at the end of it.


Due to the duality of the blade, Mahitoasm decided to give it dual names.


[Sword of Promised Victory / Black Sword of Ultimate Light]

The third weapon was a pitch-black semi-futuristic bow. The string was also pitch-black, and the bow had a sleek design.


The bow had one arrow made with it. The arrow was made like a sword. The long tip had a drill-like shape. Being white and having blue lines wrapping around the drill.


The guard was gold, with blue lines invading the gold. The hilt was a mixture of blue and white, with more of the blue lines from the blade portion mixing in.

The enchantments on the bow were [Power V, Unbreaking lll, and Punch ll.]


The enchantments on the sword-arrow were [Piercing lV, Unbreaking lll, Sharpness V, Loyalty, and Smite lll.]


With that being done, there was only one more weapon. It would be something better than compressed souls. Compressed souls ll! Mahitoasm could compress souls even more by matching them with already-compressed souls of the same tier.


This weapon would be greater than all others that followed before.

The spear was bright gold. The spear was one whole thing as if it were just a sharp golden stick. At the beginning of the spear was a pinkish-red cloth that stretched for a couple of feet.


The cloth was tied to a hole at the base of the spear. Near the tip of the spear were six outward-pointing tips; they looked as if they represented the sun, as the spear had a secondary ring near the tips of those spikes.

Now what would happen if Mahitoasm merged two compressed souls with maxed enchantments? Greatness happens.


Taking five Fire Aspect souls and merging them with each other before adding them to the weapon, Mahitoasm saw something he had never seen in Minecraft.


[Fire Aspect(??)]


His smile grew as he began merging two more things. 'What would happen if I merged [Inverted] with [Inverted]?' Mahitoasm thought as he put them together before tossing them into the blade.


There were extra parts merged into the spear, and they would find use as both the inverts couldn't work at once. Instead, it inverted the appearance of the spear using extra parts.

The enchantments on the spear were [Fire Aspect(??), Sharpness V, Unbreaking lll, Loyalty, Energy Battery, Energy Capacity VI, and Inverted(?).]


But when the new parts came out, it seemed the enchantments were wiped blank. This caused the gears in Mahitoasm's head to turn.


The spear's sun-like six tips grew a pink eye in the center. The tip of the blade grew small spines out the side before two of the largest ones opened up. A large black blade appeared out of it, with a pink glow going down the middle of it.


Mahitoasm put the same enchantments it had on it before, but this time added a new one. Final Destination.

[What Mahitoasm didn't know was that by putting on Final Destination, which destroys the weapon in exchange for one almighty attack, it would massively affect the weapon.


Due to the weapon having Cursed Battery on it as well, it would inadvertently absorb the cursed energy in the atmosphere. For a short period of time, this weapon would act as a limitless source of cursed energy.]


Putting a little bit of his cursed energy into it and then activating Final Destination, Mahitoasm found the spear had split apart. No, it hadn't split apart! It was currently held together by cursed energy alone.


The abilities given through the enchantment table had merged together, and the blade had split, with the blade being made of pure cursed energy.

Mahitoasm checked the enchantments on it, and it is safe to say he was dumbfounded.


[Fire Aspect(??????), Energy Battery(?), Sharpness X, Energy Capacity X, Unbreaking VI, Final Destination, Loyalty(?), and Inverted(??)]


He would name this spear... Vasavi Shakti!