
Minecraft: An Odyssey

Ok, for anyone who is checking this or reading it still. uh. I have writers cease :} and cant come up with any way to continue this story. So. I am officially, 100% dropping this book... BUT! I am planning a complete rewrite using all the things I have learned over the like, year or two since I started my incredibly wacky writing journey. Please note that for now I will only be working on RoyalRoad.com (RR) and while I might port the rewrite here if I finish it, its gonna be a while before its done. Heres the link if anyone is interested (gonna be a little week or two before I start getting stuff out semi regularly) https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/53917/minecraft-an-odyssey-remastered

Lyric_Drake · วิดีโอเกม
17 Chs


Over time, I discovered I could make a few different varieties of tools with the wood: a hoe, a shovel, a pickaxe, an axe, and a sword. Of these tools, I viewed the pickaxe and sword the most important, as I so far didn't need the other tools. I waited out the next night - after getting a few 'stacks' of wood, which I had discovered had a limit of 64 'blocks' per slot, and they couldn't mix (A/N: for those who don't play minecraft, you can't put dirt + wood in the same slot, but you can put, say, oak planks + oak planks in the same slot; up to 64 blocks per slot of course, with the exception of a few items.) - and when the second day came I went and broke down the house, gathered the things that had fallen from trees - a few sticks, saplings, and apples - and started heading towards the nearest mountain, which was amazing and majestic, with a large, misty waterfall going over a side, many trees, strangely enough, one massive tree that seemed to have roots so expansive then even broke out of the base of the mountain, as well as seemingly reaching towards the clouds, and other amazing features - most likely, I was too far away to see smaller plants like flowers - that I had yet to dig into, maybe even literally.

As I wandered towards the mountain, I discovered a third new type of wood, which appears to be yew or pine, and it comes in thick, somewhat squat trees that cast lots of shadows on the ground. I didn't trust it, and avoided the shadows of this new forest, when an arrow suddenly sped out of it and hit the ground in front of my feet! I of course did the brave action of performing a rapid tactical retreat - in other words, I ran and screamed like a sissy - and proceeded to avoid shadowy areas from then on, as it appears monsters like that zombie I encountered 'spawn' or live in these areas.

I continued towards the mountain, and when I finally got to it, I mined some stone, made upgraded tools, and started digging a hole in the mountain, seeing as so far I had only found zombies and skeletons, and those were weak and I didn't trust this world to not throw something that can break wood at me. I waited out the night with a simple barricade made of the cobblestone - I figured out how to access 'item' names! - where the door had opened, and as I was digging a little bit - mostly off of touch - I discovered some new block that sounded like stone, but was harder to dig. I dug at it, and when I heard it break I checked my inventory, and it was coal! I then started seeing what combinations I could make with it and found I could make a torch!

When I placed one of them down - they came in packs of four - it immediately lit up the area and, to my surprise, only emitted a few sparks occasionally. No smoke whatsoever. I continued digging, much more accurately now that I had sight to work off of, and I found and dug out the coal 'vein' I originally hit. I then - to even the base out - replaced the walls and ceiling with cobblestone and started replacing the floor with wood, which I didn't finish because I didn't have enough wood. I dug out the top block of the barricade, and found that it was close to sunrise. To my surprise, there wasn't a monster in sight.

I then left the 'hidey hole' and went to the nearest tree and started chopping it down for its wood. I then went back in and finished placing the floor, and I thought 'Well, it would be annoying to always be having to break and replace stone at the door, so what if I can make a door?'. I then went and started putting stone in random combinations, and found that with the entire middle and left - six blocks total, and in a rectangle - I could make a 'reinforced door body', which I supposed was part of a door? I started messing around and finally, - with stones in the corners and wood in the top and bottom, and the 'body' in the middle - I could make a 'reinforced stone door'. I placed it down, I saw a wood door mostly covered in stone reinforcements. Strangely enough, I also got some sort of 'key' that took no spaces in my inventory, but rather showed up in a separate 'screen' that seemed to be... unlocked? Well anyways, there was a new 'screen' that I could open that had a collection of empty slots that looked like they had keys in the background, and the upper left most slot was occupied by a dark grey, almost stone key that was labeled 'reinforced door key', which seemed like it meant all reinforced doors that I make can be locked by this key.

I then made a second one (A/N: these come in packs of one instead of three.) and started making a mine shaft in order to see if I can find more coal without making a separate building. I then placed the door at the entrance, and started digging down, replacing my pickaxe whenever it broke, and just when I was about to run out of torches, I broke into what looked like a cave. I carefully dropped down and finished my staircase down into it, and started exploring and placing torches around. I then found a large looking coal vein and another light grey ore? I mined the coal and then went to the new ore, which I mined and I then got 'raw iron'? I grabbed everything I could and kept exploring until I ran out of torches - getting a total of 124 coal and 61 raw iron - and then went back up. I then made a furnace - which took me about five or ten minutes to make, and took filling everything but the center slot with cobblestone in the crafting table - and started melting it down, with coal down below and the iron up above. There was an arrow going to a third slot on the right, which would somewhat quickly fill up and would then make an 'iron ingot', which I was curious about, but wasn't too interested in.

I then went to sleep, after taking the iron out and making sure there was less than a stack to smelt, and I sat in a corner. As I sat there, contemplating my situation and questioning everything more, I eventually faded into sleep, which I hadn't had since I came to this place. When I woke up, I was sore all over and when I went to the furnace and collected the iron, and started seeing what all I can make. I eventually figured out how to make leggings, boots, a chestplate, and a helmet. I kept going - seeing as there were still the two 'gloves' and a 'shield' type of slot, I then went and eventually gave up on the gloves - after making a shield (A/N: look up the recipe yourself its' vanilla) and putting it in the shield slot - and then went outside and, to my surprise, found what looked a cow? I still didn't trust it, but when it mooed to me I lost my guise of caution and approached. It mooed at me, and I then - at this point very hungry - tried to kill it. I slashed quickly, and as hard as I could, to its throat and to my surprise, there were square, white 'stars' that popped up from around its neck and it just turned red and fell over? It then disappeared about a second after it fell over, and then it dropped two 'leather' and two 'raw beef'?

I went back to my home and put the meat - which obviously needed to just be cooked - in the furnace and started mucking around with the leather. I then put the leather in the center slot and put iron in the lower middle, left middle, right middle, and upper corners of the crafting table - on that strange intuition again - and to my surprise, the output was 'iron gauntlet'! I then made two of them - using all the leather - and tried putting them in the 'glove' slots in the armour area, and they went in! I then checked myself out as best as I could, and I looked like some sort of mighty knight at this point.

I then checked the meat and it had all cooked into 'steak'! I then ate one of them, and suddenly a pair of 'stat bars' like from a video game? To the left were ten square 'hearts', all of which were full and to the right were ten square chicken drumsticks, which were all empty - except for two and a half on the right side - and when I ate a steak it filled a lot! I then saw above the 'hearts' there were what looked like ten white shirts, which nine of which were full? I then went to sleep in my corner again, as it was rather late.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Or die.

Lyric_Drakecreators' thoughts