
MINE (an elite school trilogy)

On a normal day, Lexine is sent a large wardrobe and a letter telling her she is invited to a new school. She firmly believes it is a scam and refuses to go, not caring of the 'consequences' they had stated in the letter. However, on the day she resumed her normal classes, she is kidnapped and taken to the school. Here she learns that the world she knew was divided into two realms by what is known as a gate. The Headmaster took a risk in inviting her to be part of the academy. If anyone finds out that she is human, she might die in a duel. She agrees to the terms in order to find out the truth about her father. Was he part of this other world that had mystical creatures that were only found in fantasy films? If yes, what creature was he? What led him to get to the other side of the Gate? Lexine has to discover who she is, while rectifying the mistakes that her father made years and years before. Will she be accepted or kicked back to the other side of the gate or will she be killed to keep the secret? *Small excerpt* Lexine held the heavy metal sword tightly in her grip as she breathed heavily. She could feel the skin on her palm had become torn again. Either way, she could not give up now, not when she had come this far. She looked up at Taevlin who was attacking her silently with wave after wave of water. Her job was to cleanly slice the waves of water in half before they hit her body. So far, she had succeeded in hitting none. Taevlin was becoming increasingly irritated with the human. He ran a hand through his ash gray locks, trying to think of a solution. Without a word, he walked up to the human, held her by the hips and pushed down, thereby correcting her posture. Lexine internally frowned, not used to contact with a lot of people. Before she could get a word in, Taevlin had spoken in her mind, 'Plant your legs firmly, else the force of the water will continue to push you back.' She frowned, "I've told you time and again, don't speak in my head like that. It's disturbing." Despite the chastising tone she was using, she followed his instructions and planted her sneaker covered feet ankle deep inside the soil. Taevlin: 'Did she just...' Note: This book does not focus on the love life Lexine will have. Yes she will have a love life, but it is not the whole plotline. The main theme is how she grows as a whole, trying to accept who she is and find out who her father truly was. I would like to hear your guesses on who the love conquests are though. There's a whole new world being introduced, many different species. All characters, despite not being in the main cast, have a storyline. If they are important to the story, the storyline will be explained further. Hope you enjoy the book, and please comment on anything you would like to point out.

AudreyJeru4 · แฟนตาซี
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The remaining weeks of summer flew by very fast. If Lexine was not eating and watching the television, she was spending her time at the food truck she worked at. With Ceeret out of town, she found more time to herself. Mostly due to her mother's persistence that she was getting fat staying on the couch all day, she also joined a two-week gym. Before she knew it, the holiday was over and the new school term was beginning.

She woke up early that day, or rather early on her terms. That was exactly twenty minutes before it was time for school. Her feet got tangled up in the sheets as she struggled to leave the comfort of her bed.

Landing face flat on the carpeted floor, she took all her sheets with her. She remained on the floor muttering obscenities and looking like a monstrous cocoon. After finally untangling herself from the self-inflicted trap, she brushed her teeth, threw on a pair of black jeans and a black halter top. It was almost obviously going to be a sunny day, but she packed a sweater in her backpack just in case.

Her mother was in the kitchen preparing breakfast when Lexine plopped herself on the kitchen stool and sighed. "Let me guess, you're sick and do not feel like going to school today." Only in front of two people would she show this side to. Her mother, and Ceeret.

"How did you know." Lexine perked up and smiled innocently at her mother, "can I go back to bed now?" her mother laughed and shot an amused look at her.

"We've been through this every first day of school you have Lex." A plate of waffles was placed in front of her, "Eat up so you do not miss the bus."

Lexine poured herself a glass of juice and scarfed down her breakfast. "I've been thinking," her mother began slowly as if afraid of Lexine's reaction, "maybe we made a mistake you refusing to go to that school. They did say there would be consequences, who knows what those might be. Don't you think you have wasted such an amazing opportunity? It would be a shame to leave that wardrobe thing and trunk rotting in my too-small closet after all."

"Mom." Lexine groaned and downed her glass of juice. "We already talked about this. I have to go or I'll miss the bus." She planted a kiss on her mother's cheek, "Love you." She grabbed her backpack and glanced at the closed closet door where the items her mother had spoken of were. Not happening.

Thanks to her mother, she nearly missed the bus. Familiar faces smiled up politely at her as she passed by them to get to the backseat. High school. She scoffed to herself. Be eaten or eat yourself. She had refused to be eaten as a freshman and that had earned her respect. Never did she indulge in the warfare of high school, being the top dog, or being the one everyone feared.

Her witty tongue kept everyone from trying any funny business with her. Her class chose her as president and she kept to the role, still not joining a clique. She was no jock, cheerleader, nerd, goth or anything of the sort. It was quite simple, she was Lexine Woods. The girl who did not take shit from anyone and who apparently everyone saw as part of their group even though she was not and that made her approachable to all.

It was less than twenty minutes later the bus came to a stop in front of the blue and green gates. "BROOKHILL HIGH, HOME OF THE PANTHERS." The blue gate read. Lexine was the last one out of the bus. She walked straight to the principal's office.

Freshmen would have quite obviously crowded the office. There would be a disorder as they struggled to get their schedules. It was her unfortunate duty to partake in that mess being part of the school committee. During the next meeting, she would bring up the idea of sending the Freshman schedules through the mail like they did the rest of the school population.

Like she had predicted, the place was absolutely crowded. She could feel a headache forming and she pinched the bridge of her nose aggravated. She detested the noise. "Everyone quiet down." She shouted to gain everyone's attention. Once all the voices had died down, she made her way to the secretary's desk and smiled at her politely.

"Goodmorning Mrs. Xanders. Freshmen in a single file to receive your schedules. Once you hear your name, come and receive your schedule then you are free to leave and find your homerooms." She grabbed the first paper and began reading out names. Half an hour later they were done and she plopped herself on an office chair and sighed. "That was exhausting."

Mrs. Xanders chuckled. "I think you handled it quite well Miss Woods. It has never taken such a short time to hand out the schedules and give them directions. Although I am quite surprised you are here seeing I heard you do not go to school here anymore."

"What do you mean?" Lexine sat up straight, "I still have one more year here Mrs. Xanders." a chuckle escaped her lips.

"A letter stating your transfer was sent to our office three weeks ago Mrs. Woods. Or maybe it was another Woods. I am not quite sure."

Before Lexine could get another word in, Ceeret walked in screeched. After her walked in three tall guys. "Leeeeeexxxxxxxiiiiiinnnnneeeeee!" Lexine was swooped off in a bone-crushing hug and she struggled to breathe. "Gosh, I've missed you so much." Lexine took in her sun-kissed skin and smiled.

"I take it your vacation was good?"

"I'm sad you missed it. I still have to apologize for leaving you at that party. I just could not find you anywhere and mom was calling me every five seconds. Forgive me?"

"Tough. On one condition. Buy me chocolate every morning for a month."

"Done." they both chuckled and hugged once more. Lexine then turned to the three guys who came in with Ceeret. She had a blank look on her face. "Goodmorning?" she gave each of them a handshake, taking them into the office, "I am the school president, you can just call me Lex though. Here for your schedules, I presume? Are you transfer students?"

All of them had black shirts and pants. The one to the left had ash gray hair and an ear-piercing on his left ear. His black shirt was decorated by a yellow cartoon character Lexine was sure she had watched but could not remember.

The one in the middle had his black shirt with bright pink words printed at the front in words she did not recognize. He had flaming red hair that was shaved on the sides and then the top swept to the left. His eyes were electric blue. The last had blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes. His hair was pulled up in a man bun. His shirt was devoid of any writings and his lips were pulled down in a frown.

"Actually, we are searching for a Lexine Woods?" the redhead spoke up and Lexine smiled cheerily once more.

"Seems that you have found me. How may I help you?"

"You did not arrive at the said place and said time you were expected to. As punishment, we have been sent here to fetch you by our headmaster with immediate effect with or without your consent." the redhead spoke up one more. Lexine chuckled at his words, a frown on her lips.

"I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, I do believe you have me mistaken for somebody else? Now if you'll be so kind as to excuse us," she linked her arm around Ceeret's "we have got a class we need to get to."

The redhead held her forearm as she passed, "You do not want to be doing this. We shall be forced to result to drastic measures."

Mrs. Xanders spoke up, "do you want me to call security Lexine?"

"No. It is alright. They were about to leave anyway." she yanked her arm out of the boy's grip and walked out of the room with Ceeret.

"Leave her." the redhead whispered to the rest. "We result to plan B." he then turned to the secretary.


Lexine did not let go of Ceeret's hand all the way to class. Although she had put on a brave front, she was really terrified of the boys. The large wardrobe thingy that stood in their closet infiltrated her mind and she shuddered. There was no way she was going to that school. She remembered googling it and absolutely nothing came up. What kind of institution did not advertise itself on the internet to get more people to join? Very questionable indeed.

"Earth to Lexine." Ceeret was waving a hand over her face. "I have been calling your name for the past five minutes girl. Where is your head at?"

Lexine shook her head and smiled at her friend, "Sorry. Got a little distracted."

"Are you thinking about one of the guys we just met? I have to admit they're all pretty cute. not my type though. How did they know who you are by the way? Ever met them before?"

"Not my type either," she said as they took their seats in homeroom.

"Maybe they heard of your wonderful hospitality," Ceeret said with a smirk as she placed her feet on Lexine's desk. Her sarcasm was not lost on Lexine.

"What hospitality?" Lexine hit her friend's feet with her Geography textbook. "Get your feet off of my desk woman."

Ceeret pouted, "You're no fun," but took her feet off of the desk. "How did I get stuck with you for a friend?"

"Believe me. I ask myself the same question each and every day. Due to that, I have come up with a hypothesis. You are Yin I am Yang. You are the light and I am the darkness. Now shut up I want to read something on the civil war before class. Mr. Owens might decide on a pop quiz for the first day, I heard that from last year's seniors."

Ceeret looked stunned for a moment, "Hey!" she slapped Lexines's shoulder, "You can't say something like that and just leave me talking to myself." Lexine ignored her, "Meanie." Ceeret shook her head but smiled and pulled out her phone from her back pocket and began texting. "Friends these days."

The room, which was filled with lively chatter of people catching up on the events of the holiday, simmered down to a soft murmur when the three boys from the reception walked in and took seats at the back of the class. Ceeret nudged Lexine who had not looked up at all. "What?" Lexine said irritated not looking up from her book.

"It is the guys from the reception Lex."

"Still on your mind?"

"No, you hobo. In our class. At the back."

Lexine spun around so fast she was sure she heard a bone pop somewhere. Her eyes landed on the three guys. What were they doing in her class? They weren't students of their school were they? She muttered softly under her breath, "Oh shit."

S/T: (Small Theatre)

Lexine: *hugs Ceeret's waist* You have to promise to keep me safe. I don't wanna go to the new school

Ceeret: ...

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