
1 The Beginning

A long long time ago, there lived 10 individuals who attained immortality. Each one was famous in their own field of expertise.

Expertise that they developed through the years. With them as the center the world ushered to a new hights that was previously unthinkable to their minds.

With humans, beasts, elves, demons and other hybrid races fighting for dominance; the ten immortal light the fire of hope giving light in the most chaotic times.

Cairo a handsome high elve with eternal beauty unmatchable by any of his race roused to become the immortal king of Ranil who was famous for his wisdom, created balance through governance.

Tylia the wood nymph of Miroa known as the goddess of music to those who knows her name. She brought color to the dreary world full of bloodshed with her song ringing throughout the the world. Like a lullaby, rocking people to sleep bringing peace and joy.

Junrie the immortal martial artist who lived at Mt.Hagumo with his wife Melanie the keeper of knowledge. The couple who guards the knowledge of the world inside the library mountain making sure that history would not be lost.

Maeva the immortal farmer revered as the goddess of the earth along with her brother Turwin, the immortal alchamist spread the knowledge of plants and there uses all over the world.

The siblings worked hard to spread the knowledge of plant and their uses, bringing hope for the sick and brought light to the importance of health and medicine. Thus started the Medici family, a family that hope to cure every sickness there is.

Then enters the twin devil of Diltro, Gion the prince of ice and Larkan the prince of fire. Famous for there military might and prowess instilling hope to their people and fear to their enemies.

And speaking of their worst enemy, we wouldn't dream to forget the fallen angel known as the assassin Queen, Rin and the beautiful angel coined as the auction Queen of Verdi, Miosa.

One day, the ten immortals meet with one another in the flaoting content of Lario with the hope of ending the twins continental war with the two Queens.

All had the same goal but with different means, but what they don't know is that they'll get more than they came for. After all, when did it ever become simple when it involves immortals lacking common sense.




