

Early morning, Hogwarts Castle, Ravenclaw Tower.



 Opening my eyes, I realized that I had not fully rested. There was still a slight blur before my eyes, my head ached, it's good that my body didn't have the same heaviness and stiffness.



 Somehow I got up and took a shower and felt better. My thoughts became a little clearer, suggesting another plan of action for today. The fog that shackled the mind cleared, although not completely. Maybe he'll be back by the end of the day.



 Yesterday I planned that today I would pass another test, only this time at the healing school, but it seems my plans are not destined to come true. I really overdid it yesterday, even though I knew what the exam would be like. Somehow, my reaction to the attack exceeded all my wildest expectations, going far ahead.



 After doing my morning warm-up, which was much more difficult than usual, I dressed in sportswear and headed to Hog's yard. Nobody canceled morning training sessions with Nev.



 Arriving in the yard and looking around it with magical vision, I did not notice anyone. However, my mana, which was still "spilled" in the air after yesterday's training, spoke of the opposite. Someone was watching me, and I know who.



 Without waiting for Neville, I started training. An easy run is the best start to any workout. It helps the body warm up and go into an excited state, leaving sleep behind. Nobody canceled the light warm-up, although I did it in the room.



 About halfway through my run, Nev came up. I waved my hand at him in greeting and continued running. A few minutes later he joined me.



 Having finished running and doing a set of exercises, we stood opposite each other. His hand was tightly gripping his wand, while mine was relaxed. Today begins the "practice" of duels, something he was so eagerly awaiting.



 - Ready, Nev? - I asked. And without waiting for him to respond, he sent a tickling spell at him with a wave of his wand. He didn't have time to react, he only opened his eyes in shock and fell backward, bursting into laughter. After looking at this performance for several minutes, I sighed tiredly. Looks like I expected too much from him.



 - Well, where is your reaction? — I asked a question into the void, canceling the effect of the spell. A few minutes later, Nev rose to his feet and, having caught his breath, answered, staring at me indignantly:



 "It wasn't fair, Kol," he began, making an offended face. "I wasn't ready, and you attacked me without even warning me properly." You acted too meanly.



 - Well, tell me, if the Eaters were here, would they warn you about an imminent attack? - yes, this is quite low pressure on his sore spot, but in anticipation of the events that will happen in a couple of years - just right. Or maybe I'm too harsh? - Why are you silent? Swallowed your tongue?



 "But they are not here, and you are not a devourer," he answered somewhat sluggishly, seeming to have begun to realize something.



 "This does not in the least prevent the emergence of new devourers, only under any other sonorous name," I began a kind of lecture. - Understand, a lot of things happen in the world. Assaults, terrorist attacks, contract killings, banal accidents. Yes, we are now in Hog, yes, we are in relative safety - I would argue with that. "But we won't be here forever." Sooner or later we will grow up and leave the walls of this castle, and then what? I don't know where I'll go, but I don't even want to sit on my butt. Before me is a whole world that has not been fully explored. Secrets, riddles and everything else. They beckon and wait for someone to open them. So why can't this "someone" be me or, for example, you?



 I fell silent, waiting for his answer. Maybe I'm being too paranoid, but it's better to be on guard than under watch. In general, this issue was not raised out of the blue. I thought for a long time about what actually lies outside the castle walls? The world is not limited to England, and if we remember its size and other plans, perhaps worlds, the picture emerges much brighter.



 "Now I have two options for developing further training," I began without waiting for an answer from my friend. What a child he is after all. - Either we continue training at the planned pace, or I lower the bar for your training to the usual maintenance of the health and tone of your body. I will understand your choice, whatever it may be. It's up to you.



 Without waiting for an answer, I transfigured the usual target and began sending various spells at it, not exceeding the level of the second year. Since I am a "genius", then it's worth sticking to it. But the knowledge of more advanced courses may raise unnecessary questions, and I have no need for them now. And so some individuals pay more attention to me than is allowed.



 Probably, after all, I shouldn't have spoken so harshly to his face. There was a sinful thought to even mention Moody, as well as the Potter family, but that would have been too much. How difficult it is to be around children, it's a complete headache. But you will need to spend several more years among children until they are mature enough. Oh, how hard it is: endlessly restraining myself, simplifying dialogues, omitting some topics that I shouldn't know due to my age, and also explaining unwritten truths in simple words. Of course, not everything always works out, I have too many mistakes, but I try. More or less successful so far.



 Having sent another stinging spell at the target, I stopped, interrupting the flow of thoughts, at the same time pretending to be tired. At the same time, Neville's emotions filled with determination, and he headed towards me. Hah, it's like he's going to war.



 "Kol," Nev turned to me. Turning to him, I stared at him carefully. - I want to continue our training. During all the time that we have been training, you have shown that you can be trusted in this plan and that you do not do anything for nothing. That's why I want to continue training with you.



 "Okay," I smiled at him. "Then get ready and get ready for the next round," I was glad. Still, if I wanted, I could simply use facts to force him to do what I needed, but Nev is still a child. I want him to decide for himself what he needs and what he doesn't. It doesn't matter when someone decides for you. And then, during the conversation, I mentioned a couple of facts that tilted his decision in a certain direction.



 Betting against him, I asked my first question again:



 - Ready? - and at the same moment I walked away, letting the binding spell pass me by. "Not bad, but... Dis (push)," I answered him with a smile.



 An invisible wave went towards Neville in an attempt to overturn him, but it did not have enough strength. However, Nev, who did not expect this, swayed.



 "Tu devicto (sting)," a weak stinging spell, as if I had just mastered it, flew towards him. At the last moment, Nev dodged, simply falling to the ground, and from a prone position pointed his wand at me:



 "Colligationem (to bind)," the binding spell flew straight at me. Without trying to dodge, I simply "cut" him with the weakened Seko.



 Multi-colored rays flew in different directions. I sent a couple in the direction of Snape, who was watching us, as if by accident missing Neville. At one point I even caught the use of charm on his part, which once again confirmed his identity. Well, now I am one hundred percent sure that it is him.



 Our children's fight lasted about five to ten minutes, until Nev finally ran out of steam.



 "I give up," he said, raising his hands up, falling back to the ground. Now he was sweating, his breathing was incredibly heavy, his face was flushed, and his hands were shaking slightly. Not a bad workout not only magical, but also physical.



 "Phew," I wiped the sweat from my forehead, which I myself had caused for show. — It wasn't bad Nev. "I thought it would be much worse," I smiled at him. "We'll repeat it tomorrow," he finished, to a groan of protest from the ground.



 Having finished our training, we went towards the castle, each to his own living room. At the entrance to the castle, Snape tried to approach us, but something happened, or he changed his mind, but literally a couple of meters from us he turned around and went in the opposite direction. I wonder what he wanted from us? And what stopped him?



 The next day was unremarkable. Regular lessons, regular training. Only after lunch did Hermione try to approach Nev with some kind of conversation, but did not achieve what she wanted. My friend simply ignored her. Having achieved nothing, she lowered her head and walked in the opposite direction. Perhaps she wanted to apologize or something else, but alas. Time is running out, I don't even know when Nev will forgive them, if at all. Childhood grievances are some of the longest and most powerful. As a child, it is easy to make enemies, just as it is easy to make friends. No matter what Neville says, I clearly see and feel that he is offended.



 I simply squeezed Nev's shoulder as a sign of support, receiving a silent nod in response. I'm glad that he let go of this situation to some extent, although not completely. There is no possibility or desire to demand more from him, and there is no banal right.



 My condition never got much better, but on the contrary. My head continued to hurt, and my thoughts were occasionally confused. I hope tomorrow will be better. At the end of the day, I began to feel so sleepy that I had no strength to resist.



 But now I know what mental exhaustion is fraught with; it is no better than magical and physical exhaustion, and to some extent worse.



 Therefore, today the trip to the Help Room is canceled and postponed to the next day.












 The next visit to the Help Room was somewhat routine. Still the same road, still the same door, still the same arena with an altar in its center



 For the umpteenth time I approach this altar and utter a ritual phrase, and how many more times will I have to do this procedure.



 "I, Calder Wilson, mage of the School of Healing, ask the Spirit of the room to conduct an exam for increasing rank," as always, "seasoning" my voice with mana, I fell silent. Familiar echo, familiar notes.



 "Hello, Calder," the spirit greeted me, appearing behind me instead of in front of me for a change. Turning to face him, I said:



 "And to you, good evening, venerable Spirit," this time his outfit was also different. A greenish robe, of a simple cut, changing color to azure on the sleeves. A pattern of vines spread across its entire surface, entwining the scales that were located on the chest. Having looked more closely at the drawing, I recognized two related, but at the same time opposite plants. Vinea occissio (killing vine) and vinea salvis (saving vine). What a symbolic drawing.



 "Once again, I never cease to be amazed at your success," the elder smiled kindly. "Three schools at journeyman level at your age is an incredible achievement." Not many can boast of this. And this is even before the moment of active growth of the magical component, it's surprising - interest mixed with surprise splashed in his eyes.



 "I have nothing to add to my previous words," he spread his hands. - Persistence, work and stubbornness.



 "Ha ha," he laughed. "You're right about that," he paused, thought about something, and then said. — Young magician, are you sure of your choice? — his eyes instantly lost their sparkle and became filled with ice.



 "If you're talking about the Test, then yes," I answered confidently.



 The hall fell into silence. The test for a healer is one of the most difficult, one might say it is on a pedestal with two others: demonology and clairvoyance. Only adult magicians are allowed to take tests at these schools. If it were not for my past achievements in the field of reason and metamorphism, then I would not have seen this test as my own ears, at least until I was sixteen years old. This is what the Spirit confirmed in his following words:



 "Taking into account your past achievements, I have decided to admit you to the test," he said sternly. "You have only one chance to refuse, there won't be any more," he made another attempt to convince me.



 I shook my head. I have nothing to say.



 "Okay," he said, closing his eyes. "Let the test for the title of apprentice at the School of Healing begin," his voice boomed into the room. His eyes opened at that moment. An incredible radiance emanated from them, blinding and seemingly burning.



 The world spun. And it was not my mind, but the space next to me. I stood on such a patch of stability, and next to me everything floated and changed. Only the spirit was in no hurry to disappear, but looked at me with some sad look.



 "Good luck to you, boy," he said somehow sadly, and then smiled. His eyes and smile were filled with sadness and pain. "I hope what you see there doesn't break you."



 Having said his farewell words, he disappeared.



 As soon as he disappeared, the world began to spin with renewed vigor. There was no more light, darkness came, but it didn't last long, although I liked floating in it, as if I had returned to my home.



 A moment later I was thrown into some kind of multi-colored corridor filled with different flowers. Here and there various pictures flew by, and I flew past them, further and further, until I felt a push with my whole body.



 The air was knocked out of my chest. Trying to take a deep breath, I smelled burning and metal. I was distracted from thinking about the situation by a shout:



 - Boy! - a guttural roar sounded. - Finally open your eyes and help us! — this roar was unusually loud, it hurt my ears. They can kill. Hah.



 Having stopped thinking about unnecessary things, I opened my eyes.