
Minato: A different approach

Minato, the fourth Hokage, creator of Rasengan, and honestly a fucking cool guy. I don't know what to say about the synopsis but I will try my best in this fic and after seeing the Minato one-shot boy I was impressed Kishimoto really had to nerf him in the war to make the main cast relevant like the guy fucking tanked a beast boom with a rasengan which was not even completed The fic will be AU, like many things will change stay turned

Fire_Boy_5319 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs



[Minato's POV]

After trying to escape from an angry fox and getting caught by her chain, I am currently hanging upside down, being lifted up by her,

"Heh… Sorry?"

I tried to apologize to her for naming her fox, which I will definitely stop using after I die. She just looked at me with a fierce look and punched me in the face. I could have escaped if I wanted to as the chain wasn't as strong as it was when she used it earlier. Seems like she used less chakra to create it. I instinctively used lightning chakra to speed up my perception and saw the punch coming in slow motion. I named this move [Epic Super Slow Snail View] which was renamed to [Slow Mo] by Kushina when I showed this move to her during one of our training sessions. I wanted to see her reaction after punching me so I didn't dodge the punch.


Shit, I'm stupid, I should have dodged that, I was swinging like a pendulum because of the force of her punch, and my nose was broken and the blood was leaking.

"Ahhh! Why didn't you dodge!" So that's why she didn't hold back.

She canceled her chain resulting in me dropping to the floor. If I wasn't trained enough to handle situations like this I would have landed on my head, twisted my body and landed on my feet, and used my hand to cover my nose.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to drop you, Show me your nose" She quickly came near me and pulled my head to examine my broken nose.

"Shit, it's broken! Stand still I will try to heal it"

She didn't have to panic this much, it's not like I'm going to die and I could easily heal small injuries like this.

"It's alright, It doesn't hurt that much"

I tried to calm her down which seemed to be the wrong decision,

"Shut up! I'm trying to concentrate!"

Due to Kushina's high no monster-level of chakra, her chakra control is not as proficient as mine so she has to concentrate very much when using medical jutsus, and using simple low-level jutsus takes more than necessary chakra to be performed.

I looked at her face which had a serious look and her eyes were fixed on my nose and didn't notice me looking at her. She looked really cute while looking serious. I felt a good feeling in my stomach and chest as I looked at her.

She let out a sigh when she completed healing my nose and I checked it if it had any further injuries.

"Why didn't you dodge, I didn't even punch that fast?"

She asked while frowning and glaring at me, well now which reply will get me in the least trouble? Ah, it seems like I have to use my most powerful move currently against her, flirting,

"I was thinking about how cute you were."

I said in a much softer and clear tone, and the results were just like I expected, her blushing face, Wait is that steam coming out of her head? Hmm must be my imagination.

"You idiot!!"

And I still was punched by her, but I'm a man who learns from my mistakes and quickly used [Body Flicker] to avoid a punch from an embarrassed fox.

"You should stop doing that, you know? It could end up badly if someone got hurt" I said while again appearing next to her using [Body Flicker] and patted her shoulder while sighing.

"They should know better not to tease me, hmph" she turned her head to the side with a pout on her face.

"Now you asked for it, fox" I decided to give her the ride of her life.


Before she could finish her question I lifted her up in the air, my arms supporting her legs and back, while I gathered some chakra in my feet and jumped on the top of a tree near us.

"Ahhhh! Stop Minato!!"

She grabbed my neck very hard and hid her face in my shoulders, I sped up my running by using lightning chakra now that I'm proficient in it I can control it to only flow inside my body and not hurt Kushina, I exited the forest by jumping on the roof of an old restaurant and apologizing to the owner who shouted at up.


I ran horizontally on the walls of the buildings to make her scared but she too started enjoying it after some time and shouted at me to run faster saying that I was slow,

"Go Faster!!"

"Are you tired? You're getting slow"

Now it's on, calling me, the future best Hokage slow? I used my first B-ranked jutsu, [Lightning Mode] which could still be developed if I achieved Nature Change in Lightning style. I still do not like the name though, [Super Fast Epic Blue Lightning] was more cooler.

Lightning started flickering in my body, and it glowed in a light blue color and my hair stood up. I told Kushina to cover herself with her chakra to avoid getting electrocuted as it is still hard to control the lightning on high-level jutsus. My whole vision slowed down and I felt like time was slowing down. My body was slower than my reaction, But it was faster than normal. I felt the roof beneath me crack as I quickly shot off.

[3rd Person's POV]

On the bustling streets of Konoha, we could see a white-haired individual with long spiky white hair which was tied in a ponytail. He had a slap mark on his cheek which was swollen like a balloon, He complained as he rubbed his swollen cheek,

"Sigh, I should have hidden my collection in an even better place from Tsunade"

He was walking the streets after being slapped by Tsunade who found his "treasures" hidden in a scroll which she accidentally opened when trying to find a spare pen.

Suddenly he saw someone running on the rooftop at a fast speed and heard the sound of laughter of two kids, a boy and a girl. He got curious and healed his cheek and decided to see what was going on.

He jumped on the roof and followed behind the kids who were moving very fast while leaving a small trail of blue lightning. For some onlookers, it just looked like a blur of yellow and red.

When he went closer, he saw two kids, a boy with spiky bright yellow coloured hair with bangs on the side of his face and bright blue eyes and a kind smile, and a girl with bright red long hair and blue eyes which was not as bright as the boy's. The boy had lightning flickering around his body and he was glowing his hair stood up, and the girl's body was covered by chakra.

[Jiraya's POV]

I instantly recognised them as Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, the kids Tsunade often talked about these days, She said they were geniuses, If before I was skeptical now I can say for sure that the boy's talented, I've never seen someone in Konoha use any lighting jutsu like that, Even if he was thought that jutsu, which I doubt he was, it is still impressive to have that level of control over lightning as it is very hard to maintain it for a longer time. I still don't know about the girl though except her being a uzumaki which immediately increases her threat level.

They suddenly stopped and the boy called out, " We know you are following us, come out"

It seems like they can sense me. I appeared In front of them as the girl landed on the ground and stood in a defensive position. Are those chakra chains coming out of her palms? So she's the next jinchuriki huh? Sigh war and politics.

I smiled and introduced myself to them,

"Hi, I'm Jiraya, a Jonin of Konohagakure. I saw you running around and decided to check what was happening."

The girl relaxed and the chains went back inside her and the boy dropped his defensive stance but still had his jutsu active, so he's a vigilant one huh? He'll survive.

"I'm Minato Namikaze and this is Kushina Uzumaki. We are just playing around, Sorry if we caused any inconvenience?"

He introduced himself and the girl and apologized while bowing slightly while the girl just stood there, He seemed to be a polite boy,

"No no… it didn't cause any inconvenience. I already know about you both, Tsunade said a lot about you guys."

"You know Tsunade nee-san?"

This time the girl asked curiously, did Tsunade really say nothing about me to them? I'm slightly hurt.

"Yeah I'm her teammate, We are students of hiruzen-sensei, did she really not tell you about her teammates to you?"

I wanted to know if it was just me or both the snake bastard and me. This time the boy replied,

"She did say when I asked about her team, about some guy named Orochimaru who was very talented and scolded her other teammate saying he was a nasty pervert and that I should never become like him. Are you the other one?"

Damn you Tsunade and you too Orochimaru! For failing to recognize the majesty of a woman's body, My lips and eyes twitched at his question and I didn't know what to reply to reduce their disgust towards me, as the boy stood in front of the girl in a protective manner and both of them had a disgusted look on their face.

"I'm not that perverted, OK! I'm just appreciating the beauty of nature. It's not that different from appreciating the beauty of a river."

I desperately tried to make them not be disgusted at me but it seemed to have the opposite effect as both took a defensive position. Damn, he still has that jutsu active, Just how much chakra does he have? I tried to sense his chakra and Fuck! That the brightest chakra I saw in anyone, I was too bright, and he still has more chakra than a chunin remaining? Just what did Miti-sama teach them? If I knew she was that great I would have ditched Hiruzen-sensei earlier and begged her to teach me. I would have even become stronger than that snake bastard, not that I'm weaker than him currently.

"Why are you jumping to conclusions? Being a pervert doesn't mean I'm a bad person. What is Tsunade teaching you?"

"She told me to kick between their legs with full strength and punch their nose after seeing a pervert"

Both Me and Minato flinched at that, I have a feeling we will get along really well.

"Why won't we drop this topic and start over, I'm Jiraya and my dream is to become a world-renowned writer"

I said introducing myself,

"My name is Minato Namikaze, And I dream of becoming the best Hokage", he said with confidence and conviction in his eyes, Hmm a nice and ambitious dream.

"I'm Kushina Uzumaki and I want to help Minato in becoming Hokage. '' She said with a blush, damn kids 11 and having a girl while I'm reading porn, life is not fair indeed.

"What! Didn't you want to become Hokage?"

"I wanted to, but after seeing Hiruzen-sama's desk I dropped the idea then and there"

"You lack resolve Kushina"

Said the boy, who was quickly replied with a punch he dogged while not even looking, could be his sensing skill is off the charts or he's too used to it, or maybe both. The girl didn't seem to give up and pushed very fast to the point it left after images while Minato just stood there and easily dodged the attacks.

I didn't want to be a third wheel in their lover's spat like a real man and left without a word not before giving the boy a thumbs-up while hiding my real pain of being ignored by two 11-year-olds.

[Minato's POV]

I lay on my bed after this long day, I came home after my regular spar with Kushina which I lost because of keeping [Lightning Mode] active too long, well now I at least know my time limit for it, I can keep it active for 17 minutes before burning out and 20 minutes if I really pushed myself. I lost cause when I got close to her she used [Earth Style: Mud Swamp] which made 17 meters around us a quick sand and I before i could manipulate the chakra on my feet to match the surface tension of the mud but it seemed that she modified the jutsu to change the surface tension of the mud at random interval. And before I would use [Body Substitution] I was wounded by her chakra chains, and I'll say it again. It's too broken to exist, I should find a counter to it soon.

I was still not feeling sleepy so I decided to read the book Mito-sensei gave me, The Personal Notes of Tobirama Senju-Sama. I said the password to unlock the book, "Broody Uchihas". I didn't know he was such a funny guy. I started reading about his notes. Mito-sensei made me swear on my pride as a shinobi not to try any of the jutsus mentioned in this before getting approval from her.

'I read it for a while and found how talented he was as I read about all his personal notes about his experiences in many hutus and details about Nature Transformation of Water, Lightning, and Ground. He wrote many things in detail about the workings of Kekki Genkai

'A kekki genkai is engraved in the genes of a individual from his birth, a kekki genkai is the combination of two chakra of different natures, for example, an Individual from Yuki clan will possess ice-style and be proficient in wind and water-style, but it doesn't mean a simple civilian couldn't use ice style if he achieved Nature Transformation in both Wind and Water style he could perform Ice-style but it requires hard work, perseverance and luck to find the perfect ratio. A kekki genkai is passed down from generation to the next because the ancestors of the said clan used the combined jutsu so much that it was engraved in their genes. This is considering the basic chakra natures, not considering Yin and Yang affinity.

I have to say it totally makes sense now, I can create a kekki genkai If I try really hard, a style unique to me, Well let's not get greedy and try to achieve Nature Transformation for Lightning style.

I started getting sleepy so I closed the book and sealed it inside my special scroll, which could only be opened by me by injecting my chakra in a specific pattern if someone other than me tries to open it for more than three times it gives out a warning before summoning a bunch of paper bombs which will explode within a second. I turned off the lights and drifted to my sleep.