
Millie and the Machine

seoyeonghee · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The Royal Aegis

From the wood-line and shrubbery, jumped a strangely-shaped animal.

Unbelievably large, it was fur-bound, streaks of black ran along its hairs, with multiple red eyes appearing from beneath the tufts.

Jagged and misshapen teeth snarling, it was prepared to devour him, who was seemingly idle.

His eyes remained closed still, but his right arm reached outwards at the beast.

Grasping it by its snout, his hand clenched down on it, undeterred.

Sounds of bones and teeth crunching were made.

Blood spurted profusely, drenching his hand in a deep red.

Eyes closed, he was still studying the area from above.

He asked the creature, without turning to face it:

"Beast, is't necessary f'r thee to attack me; Millie Shanalotte, his Royal Aegis?"

After a moment, the creature gave up any will to fight, or survive.

Pausing, with a somber tone to his voice, he followed up:

"No, herein a title's nothing."

Dropping the corpse, he continued to use his ability to see from above.

The depressed look on his face, when he realized that he was no longer in his time, didn't leave him.


A multitude of bronze colored bells ringed above their heads. From the ringing, created a symphony that could be heard across the entirety of the massive church. Old and cracked, they're sudden reanimation only meant that a hero was revived. White-clothed priests and priestesses looked above in shock at this sudden revelation.

Several voices commented on the sudden ringing.

"We're not forsaken..!"

"The divines haven't forsaken us yet!"

"Praise the ascended!"

Millie Shanalotte's resurrection was, unknown to him, already announced to the world.

A feverous hope filled everyone present, the golden 12 pointed star necklaces they all had wrapped around their neck's jingled and jangled, with their dancing and movement.