
Millennial Superstar

[#ParallelWorld] [#Showbiz] [#Entertainment] [#Acting] [#Urban] [#PoorToRich] From growing up in the streets to becoming one of the top superstars of the new millennium. Follow Natasha Lyons in her journey to become a global box office sensation...

kirupakaran · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs


"How much did they pay?"

Natasha asked Tony when he came around the next evening.

"$5,000," Tony said slamming the check on her table. "It is a pretty decent sum. You made a good impression on Kid Z and the director. They paid you the same amount they negotiated with the one that was replaced."

"Huh, looks like a good bargain," Natasha shrugged. "Take 10% as your cut. That is the standard broker amount from what I heard. You have earned it. Deposit the remaining in my account."

"I am not taking cut off your income," Tony said stubbornly. "Besides, by doing this favor, my relationship with Doug had only tightened. I even got a line in with Kid Z. He is really big in the circle."

"Don't care," Natasha said waving away his explanation. "You earned it. So, take it. Don't be wishy-washy."

"You won't take no for an answer, will you?" Tony asked helplessly.

"Nah," Natasha said sticking her tongue out. "I only care about when the MV will air."

"In two days," Tony said. "I heard from Doug. There is a party at Kid Z's place next week. Doug has invited me to attend. Do you wanna come along?"

"Kid Z invited me personally. So, I guess we both can go together," Natasha said shaking her head.

"Damn girl, when did you get in line with Kid Z? I didn't even know," Tony said in surprise.

"He invited me when he sent me off. As for getting in line with him, I don't think we are that close. He just wanted to repay me for helping him out of a tight spot, I guess," Natasha explained.

"Still, it is good. Kid Z is really big in the rap music circle in the south city," Tony said looking at her. "Usually, he throws two kinds of parties. One for his buddies and followers. Another was for his friends in the industry and other important people he had connections with. This time it is the second one. You are really lucky to be invited. You can get some connections there."

"Huh, who knew Kid Z was really sweet? If you listened to his songs, it is all about guns and gangs," Natasha said in surprise.

"It is called gangster rap for a reason, you blockhead," Tony said insultingly. "And you think he extends an invitation to everyone he meets? You must have made a good impression on him. Otherwise, he wouldn't bother."

"Whatever, pick me up next week. We can go to the party together," Natasha didn't put much stock in Tony's words.

Kid Z is not someone new to the industry to be dazzled by her beauty. A famous rapper like him should have seen a lot of beauties in his career. So, she didn't have any unrealistic expectations.

After being ridiculed by Tony, Natasha had woken up and came back to her original personality. She wasn't dazzled by many things. If not for that, she would have gotten cheated out by some sleazy men claiming to be agents in the last month.

As for Kid Z's party, Natasha was naturally looking forward to it. Building good relationships also needed the right occasions. And this might be her ticket into the circle. So, why wouldn't she look forward to it?

As long as she kept her feet firmly on the ground and didn't have any unrealistic fantasies, then she wouldn't be dazzled by many things in the future. Natasha knew that she would become a star in the future if she walked steadily.

She didn't have the dream to be a top actress. Acting was a way for her to earn some good money comfortably with the skills she got from her counterpart. So, she didn't think of becoming popular all over the country in one leap. She was content as long as she got good roles that had decent pay.

The real killers she needs to worry about are the major events that will happen in the future. Events that had the potential to let her earn millions with minimal investments.

She didn't know if those would happen the same as they did in her counterpart's world. But, so far the trajectories of both worlds have been on a similar line. So, the chance of them happening in the same manner was quite high.

As long as she saved enough money, she could find one such opportunity and get rich. From then on, she can lead a comfortable life without having to worry about much.

That was her goal.

Since that is the case, why should she break heads with other people and compete for various opportunities? Isn't that just abusing herself? She would never do such a stupid thing.


"Huh, looks like you were right," Natasha said looking around. "This seems to be some high-end party. Look at those people in suits. Are you sure we should attend this kind of party?"

Even Tony's smile was a bit stiff at this moment. It was clear to both her and Tony that they didn't belong in this kind of environment. This looked to be a different world compared to the kinds of parties they usually went to.

"Well, we need to show some respect to Kid Z," Tony said a little awkwardly. "I will go and look for some other brothers. They must be here somewhere. We can mingle with them."

"And leave me alone in this place, eh?" Natasha retorted sarcastically. "You are an asshole, Tony. Go and find where your brothers are. And you better do it quickly. I can't stay in this atmosphere for long."

"Aren't you planning to be an actress? Think of this as training," Tony said smiling at her.

Natasha looked over with murder in her eyes.

"Tony," Natasha said in a sweet voice that made Tony shudder. "Do not take long. You won't like the consequences."

"Umm.. ok, ok," Tony stammered seeing Natasha's sweet smile directed at him. "You don't need to do this, Nat. I will come and get you as soon as possible."

"You better do," Natasha grumbled looking away.

"Damn, Nat, you looked scary for a second," Tony muttered sullenly.

"Get lost, Tony," Natasha snorted and walked into the party putting on a polite smile on her face.

Tony vanished the next second. He didn't want Natasha to drag him along and let him experience the torture. Yes, it was torture for people like Natasha and him to be at such a party.

In their minds, a party must have a lively atmosphere. Drinks and drugs must flow rampantly. Music must be blaring out from the speakers. And everyone should be letting loose and going crazy.

This kind of party where people mingled as if they were in a supermarket, with a glass of alcohol in their hands, and chatting amicably with everyone was pure torture for free spirits like them.

So, Tony was glad that Natasha didn't force himself to accompany her. As the person invited by Kid Z, Natasha must at least find him and have a pleasant conversation for a few minutes. That meant she must enter the party even if she is not willing.

However, Tony was different. He was invited by his brothers. So, there was no need for him to enter such a depressing party venue. He could find his brothers and let loose to his heart's content.

Why was Tony confident that his brothers must be enjoying somewhere else? It is because they too were like Tony. This kind of party would not be up to their liking. But, they were followers and friends of Kid Z. So, they must be present at the party.

It is most likely that they were holed up in a separate area or a remote corner and having fun. Tony would rather go there than mingle with these boring men in suits. He could only pray for Natasha's sanity as he went in search of his brothers.

Meanwhile, Natasha was already making her way towards the center of the party. She was dressed in one of her best dresses, her blonde hair with slight curls let out. The small heels she was wearing gave her a slight boost to her already average height. There was a pleasant smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes at all.

Compared to the dresses worn by other females at the party, Natasha's dress could only be barely termed as somewhat decent. Natasha also didn't put on too much make-up. She lightly touched up her face and put on some lipstick.

Walking around aimlessly, Natasha observed the dresses of other females present. It was an eye-opening experience for her. Every one of the females present were dolled up to shine prettily. Their dresses looked very exquisite and expensive as hell. And the worst part was that most of them wore high heels.

Natasha couldn't imagine standing in high heels for hours. She knew that while it had its own advantages, the strain it put on the leg was really terrible to bear. She could only admire these females who were smiling sweetly despite their pain. If it was her, she would already be glowering at everyone.

Shaking her head, Natasha found Kid Z talking with a few men near the bar. Natasha made her way toward Kid Z, not bothering to take any detours. A waiter passed by her with a tray full of alcohol. Natasha didn't even pause but still grabbed a cocktail from the tray skillfully.

Holding the cocktail in her hand, she neared the bar and waited for Kid Z to notice her. As she stood there sipping her cocktail, Kid Z's eyes glanced over and recognized her. He gave her a nod of acknowledgment. Natasha merely raised her glass in return and patiently waited for him to walk over.


A/N: Check out my other stories and let me know your thoughts...

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