
Millennial Superstar

[#ParallelWorld] [#Showbiz] [#Entertainment] [#Acting] [#Urban] [#PoorToRich] From growing up in the streets to becoming one of the top superstars of the new millennium. Follow Natasha Lyons in her journey to become a global box office sensation...

kirupakaran · สมัยใหม่
25 Chs


"Ms. Lyons, I am glad to say that you are completely fine. There is no problem in your body caused by the accident," Dr. Xavier smiled sincerely at Natasha.

Natasha merely eyed him in response. Ever since her discussion with Mrs. Ropier, she knew that this doctor was very close to them. He was the one that introduced them and he even praised her for being wise after she accepted the deal.

So, she knew that this man never truly cared for her. His interests lay with the Ropier Group and it would be foolish to trust his statements completely. Natasha decided then and there that she must take a full body examination once she reached Los Angeles, just to be safe.

"Thank you, doctor," Natasha replied perfunctorily.

"Ah, I see that you are a little dissatisfied with me," Dr. Xavier smiled hypocritically. "Never mind, when I say that I have always had your best interests at your heart, I wasn't lying. If you don't trust me, you can take a look at this."

Dr. Xavier pushed a check leaf toward her. Natasha took it in her hands and read it. The amount of hush money given to her was pretty decent. It wasn't anything substantial. But, it would allow her to live her life comfortably for a few years if she remained frugal.

"Courtesy of Mrs. Ropier," Dr. Xavier smiled. "I even persuaded her to add a bit more to make your life comfortable."

"Thank you, doctor," Natasha smiled stiffly.

"Ms. Lyons, I hope you understand that this…um… check… comes with some expectations as well," Dr. Xavier said with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"I understand doctor. You don't need to worry. I have made arrangements to leave for Los Angeles immediately after I am discharged from here," Natasha replied with a fake smile on her face. "I think it is pretty far from here."

"Ah, good, good! That would be lovely," Dr. Xavier sounded genuinely happy at this moment. "Regardless, you will understand if I say that this check can only be cashed outside of New York, wouldn't you Ms. Lyons."

"Perfectly doctor," Natasha maintained her fake smile while inwardly gritting her teeth.

She knew what this was. A kind of power play by Mrs. Ropier to remind her of their deal. If Mrs. Ropier had the power to deny her payment from any bank in New York, then she had the power to make her life hell. So, she better get the hell out of New York.

"Then, I think I will take my leave, doctor."

Dr. Xavier smiled and nodded at her happily. Natasha left the room in a complicated mood.


"Hey Nat, how are you? Is everything fine?"

The moment she stepped out of the hospital, Tony embraced her. Natasha's smile stiffened a bit as she saw a reporter eyeing her speculatively from the distance. She knew why Mrs. Ropier had given her such a large check. It was to keep her mouth shut and reporters of any kind were bad news to her.

Gritting her teeth, she dragged Tony into the car and hissed at him to start. She could see the reporter beginning to fiddle with his camera. A colleague of his was running towards their car in a hurry.

"Tony, we need to get out of here now!!!" Natasha hissed.

Tony grunted without replying. He looked at her anxious face and checked the rearview mirror. His face turned serious and he started the car in a hurry.

"Fuck Nat, what do you have to do with reporters?"

"Get out of here now. I will explain on the way," Natasha said anxiously as she began to huddle under the seat.

Tony swore angrily and shifted the gear just as the one chasing after them started banging on the windows. Tony pulled the car out and they were off. But, they weren't clear of reporters yet.

The one with the camera had pulled out his bike and was chasing after them in a hurry. He stopped a bit to pick up his colleague, before rushing after their car. Natasha swore seeing him following them.

"Get on the highway and drive fast," Natasha said gnashing her teeth. "We need to lose them."

"Easy for you to say," Tony grumbled. "Reporters Nat! Are you crazy? You know what I do. Those damn pests will never let me off after this."

"Fuck you, Tony!" Natasha shot back. "It's not like I invited them. Those damn buggers are still behind us. Do something!"

"This isn't a damn sports car, bitch. This is the highest this could go," Tony shouted back angrily.

"Ugh! Tony, listen to me," Natasha said rubbing her brow. "There is a fat check in my purse waiting for a cashout. If those buggers photograph me or I spoke to them, then I can forget about it."

"How fat is it?" Tony paused his swearing and asked Natasha seriously.

"Fat enough for me to lie on my back and spend two fucking years," Natasha snapped back.

"Why didn't you say this at the beginning?" Tony said incredulously.

"Does it matter? We just need to lose them," Natasha grumbled.

"Oh baby, how naïve you are," Tony shook his head negatively. "Do you see that bastard in the behind fiddling with something? He is texting his boys on a pager. That is why running into these pests is so annoying. You need to lose them quick and fast."


Natasha turned to look at the reporters in shock. Sure enough, the one in the back was fiddling with something. Seeing her turning to look at them, the one in the front started to grab his camera. Natasha hid under the seat quickly, lest he takes a photograph.

"Stop hiding, there is no use. They already recognize you," Tony grumbled. "Hold on to your seats for a bit. I would prefer not to do this. But, with such a fat paycheck, everything is fine."

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked suspiciously.

"You will know," Tony said in a grim tone and slightly slowed the car a bit.

"What are you doing? They will catch up to us. They can't photograph me!!!" Natasha shouted anxiously.

"I know," Tony said smirking a bit. "Hang tight. Here we go…"

By then, the motorbike had already leveled with the car. Tony didn't hesitate to swerve the car right onto the motorbike causing Natasha to scream. The two reporters swore angrily when the car clipped their bike and sent them sprawling.

Tony didn't pay much attention to Natasha's screams or the curses of the reporters. The moment the car stabilized, he gunned it. Natasha could clearly see the reporters rolling on the ground in the rearview mirror.

Tony's actions also caused a small traffic jam behind them. She could see cars breaking suddenly and losing control slightly. Luckily, no other vehicle overturned behind them. Natasha let out a huge breath and turned towards Tony angrily.

"Fuck you, Tony! What did you do that for? You could have killed them," Natasha said angrily.

"They aren't following us anymore. See," Tony pointed at the rearview mirror.

"You caused a mini traffic jam. They could have died there," Natasha didn't relent.

"It's not my fault they were following us, is it? Or do you want to be photographed and lose that fat paycheck?" Tony retorted.

"What the hell, Tony!!! You could have killed them!!!"

Tony didn't reply. He merely sneered at her and drove on. Natasha felt as if her heart would burst out at the moment. She never expected Tony to slam into them like this. She knew Tony was an asshole. But, she never thought he could be a killer. This gave her such a fright.

"Look," Tony grumbled after some time unable to bear the silence. "I knew what I was doing. If we had allowed them to catch up or follow us, we will soon be mired in all of their buddies. Then, you can kiss your paycheck goodbye. That was the only way to lose them in a short time."

"You could have killed them!!!"

"Fuck it, Nat!!" Tony yelled back. "Do you think they don't know the dangers of following people like that? Do you think I was stupid enough to commit murder? I knew exactly what I was doing. And they knew exactly what they were doing as well. Can you calm the fuck down and shut the hell up?"

Natasha closed her mouth and angrily huffed.

"Look Nat, I knew you always had a soft heart. You never completely became a street kid. Out there, it is kill or be killed. Just like what happened now. Do you think they will care about your health or your loss? Don't be naïve. They will have pestered you until you said something you shouldn't."

"I don't have loose lips," Natasha retorted angrily. "You of all people should know that."

"I know," Tony said conceding. "But, this is different. You don't even need to say anything. Once they have a photo they can write whatever they want."

As much as she wanted to refute it, Natasha didn't have the confidence to do so. Her counterpart's memories were clear enough to let her know how shameless and morally corrupt those bunch of hooligans were.

Especially at this time when the Internet hasn't developed and common people didn't have a voice. They were called the Uncrowned Kings for a reason. They can write whatever they want and there wasn't anyone to question them.

"I understand," Natasha huffed in annoyance. "But, I don't like it. Well, where is my stuff?"

"In the trunk," Tony said gesturing behind. "I have put some in the backseat as well."

"Thanks," Natasha turned around and tried to see which of her stuff was in the backseat. "Um… Tony. Why do I see some of your stuff here?"

"Oh, I am coming with you as well," Tony said cheerily causing Natasha to jerk in surprise.


A/N: Check out my other stories and let me know your thoughts...

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