
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 58 Part 1

Idle Talk: Suppression of Rebellion

I, Durba Adatom, was requested by Prince Milimos to return to the position of General and I agreed. Even though I had lost the ability to fight due to the loss of my hands beyond my wrists, he didn't allow me to decline.

"If the problem is not being able to fight, then even without hands, you can be trained to handle weapons," Prince Milimos said with a smile, and he crafted weapons for me in his research and development room.

In terms of design, it was a modification to the armor from the elbow to the wrist, allowing the attachment of a round shield or sword.

While it took some getting used to, once familiar, it seemed easier to handle as there was no need to worry about the grip of weapons or shields.

With this newfound fighting ability, and since the reasons for stepping down as General had disappeared, I actively resumed my military duties.

The driving force behind this was the atrocities committed by the former administration of the old Rocha kingdom and my ineptitude in battle, which had led to Rocha losing its status as a country.

In light of this, Prince Milimos continued to make unreasonable requests.

"For the coordinated training of soldiers and rapid deployment of units, have the soldiers help in maintaining the roads. If any thieves are found during this work, eliminate them individually."

"We've begun exporting weapons and tools, but how about having soldiers provide security for the merchants transporting them? It could serve as both transportation training and protection."

"I've been informed to enforce tax rates strictly. There's a certain noble who seems eager to retain their privileges and is resisting. Pay them a visit to give them a little intimidation, or persuasion, as the case may be. Let them know that the knights of our country don't appreciate the pursuit of personal gains."

"For the training with the knights from the knight country, it's a waste for me to do it alone. Are there any soldiers who would like to participate? None? Well, can't be helped."

In the hundred days since becoming the lord, I found myself astonished and impressed by the various policies and their implementation.

Amidst this, there was one recent order given.

"Since it feels like the seeds of rebellion are sprouting, alert the soldiers in various regions and make them aware. If a rebellion does occur, distribute instructions for its suppression as a manual and follow it accordingly."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Prince Milimos's concerns.

Certainly, Prince Milimos had been rushing through various reforms, causing conflicts in various places.

However, there were individuals from the knight country, who upheld righteous actions, monitoring these reforms. If these individuals didn't intervene, it would indicate the legitimacy of Prince Milimos's reforms.

Nevertheless, starting a rebellion meant that the rebels didn't believe in the righteousness of the knight country.

It would be foolish for someone to disregard the existence of the knight country here.

That's what I thought.

Until the urgent report of an armed uprising arrived.

Upon hearing news of the armed uprising in the Kampala region, I clenched my teeth.

"To start a rebellion by armed force within half a year of Prince Milimos's rule, what fools."

Prince Milimos was a lord who truly listened to the words of the people.

If they had conveyed their difficulties through petitions, he would have surely considered them, no matter the content.

However, when it came to clear acts of hostility like a rebellion, even a lord couldn't maintain a lenient attitude.

Indeed, Prince Milimos had anticipated the possibility of rebellion and distributed manuals to the soldiers, enforcing their compliance.

"Following the manual, we will also move to suppress the rebellion. We'll leave a thousand behind to guard the capital and take two thousand with us."

"Understood! General Durba!"

We moved along the well-maintained roads, heading towards the Kampala region—the area around the land that used to be the only trade route with the Nonette country until the tunnel I used for invasion was opened.

Upon arrival, I was taken aback.

The rebellion had already been suppressed by the local forces.

"What is the meaning of this?"

The leader of the local forces appeared in response to my question.

It was the same person I had appointed as the leader of the advance party when invading the Nonette country.

"Long time no see. Did Prince Milimos order you to come here?"

"Exactly. Our new lord personally chose this location, saying 'This is the mountain that your unit subdued, so you should be familiar with the surroundings.'"

I chuckled at the thought that Prince Milimos might actually do something like that. Then, I decided to listen to the details of the rebellion.

"First, let me provide you with a report on the current situation. Upon receiving news of the rebellion, we mobilized fully-equipped forces near the site to prevent the spread of the riot. Though the opposition consisted of amateurs, there was a numerical advantage, so we were prepared for a tough battle... But seeing your wry smile, it seems things didn't go as expected."

"As we donned our armor and wielded long weapons, we routed the faction of martial arts practitioners supporting the nobles, which resulted in the rebels losing their fighting spirit quickly. They realized they had no chance of victory."

While it was possible for a martial arts-trained noble to take down soldiers clad in iron armor, it was challenging for rebels armed with crude weapons.

Given that reality, it made sense for them to give up resistance.

Although it wasn't effective in the war against Nonette, the combination of the impenetrable defense of our armor and the powerful attacks of our long weapons was more than sufficient to break the enemy's will to fight.

"Then, what happened after the suppression?"

"We detained the ringleader of the rebellion and their family, and threw them into the fort's cells. It's quite something to see the fort we built on the border with Rocha Country actually being put to use like this for the first time."

Upon investigation, it turns out that the ringleader was a prominent clan that ruled this land. Under Prince Milimos' policy, the unjustly collected taxes were revoked. With the opening of the tunnel, a safer route to and from Nonette Country was established, and the tolls from people coming from Nonette no longer came in.

In the midst of their decline, they devised a rebellion as a desperate measure.

"So, what about the others in the ringleader's clan?"

"Following the instructions, we individually interviewed them. Those who were only incited by the rebellion were sent back after undergoing the 'test of loyalty.' Those who were connected to the clan and couldn't pass the test are now residents of the prison."

"What about the ringleader then?"

"He's in bad shape. Used for the 'test of loyalty'—he was beaten, kicked, and had stones thrown at him by numerous people."

"Milimos' proposal, did it seem to have an effect?"

"Absolutely. Normally, even if you kill rebels, their families hold grudges. Even wiping out the whole clan leaves fear among the neighboring residents. But when they saw the ringleader, beaten and battered by their own hands, they didn't want to end up like that. They've become quite submissive."

"Do the ones you sent back still hold any resistance against Prince Milimos?"

"In a way, they've essentially betrayed their leader for self-preservation. Once their minds lean towards self-preservation, they tend to become obedient."

Although I can't quite understand the feelings of the rebels as described by the commander, it seems undeniable that the rebellion was quelled early.

"After this, the ringleader's clan will be brought to trial and punished according to the law."

"The head of the clan and his wife will be beheaded. Among their children, the older ones will be exiled from the country. The younger ones will go through reeducation and then be employed as soldiers."

"...It used to be the tradition to exterminate the whole clan of the rebellion's ringleader in old Rocha."

"It's the law of Nonette. The ringleader and their spouse bearing the guilt prevents the punishment from extending to their children. Well, Nonette was established by rebels from Mendasium in the first place. That's probably why they show some leniency towards such individuals."

"Hey, your words are getting a bit harsh."

"Oops, my bad. Please pretend you didn't hear that. I don't think that monkey prince cares about this kind of insult anyway."

Rather than disrespecting Prince Milimos, it felt more like the commander knew his personality well.

Indeed, even if these words were reported to Prince Milimos exactly as they were said, he probably wouldn't get angry and would simply acknowledge the truth.

"However, it's frustrating that the rebellion ended before our arrival, making our trip seem pointless."

"It's not like that. Now we've proven that a large army of soldiers will quickly appear if anyone tries something malicious. Those ambitious nobles who had ears for such things won't be thinking of rebelling anymore."

"You know a lot. Are you from that kind of background?"

"I come from a family of warriors serving a certain noble. I left because the noble's son was a nuisance."

With such a foundation, it makes sense how he developed the skills to become the leader of the advance team.

History really shapes people.

"Well then, even though we've just arrived, should we start withdrawing? We'll leave the rest to them."

"Understood. We'll give them a flashy trial."

As they were about to part ways, a fast horse came running towards them.

"General Durba! Where is General Durba?"

"Right here! What's going on?"

Raising his hand to call the messenger over, a letter was handed to him hurriedly.

"It's an urgent message from Prince Milimos."

Taking the letter and examining its contents, he felt a headache coming on.

"Just when we thought the rebellion was over, now a neighboring desert nation adjacent to the Rocha region is declaring war?"

"Oh, not again. This will be Prince Milimos' second year in a row and third war overall. Is he really the harbinger of war?"

"It's a strategy in the playbook, attacking territories that are still unstable enough for rebellion. Well, that's how it goes."

While shrugging his shoulders, he realized that he had to return as soon as possible. He began preparing to gather the troops for withdrawal.

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