
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 49 Part 2

Chapter Forty-Nine: Domestic Affairs Troubles

Since the incident with the soldiers, I reinstated General Durba as the head of the military.

Criticism arose from those who managed the former Rocha Kingdom due to Durba's lack of combat ability with his missing hands.

"Why would you make a non-combatant the general? What are you thinking?"

"It's not too late to change it now! Choose someone else!"

"I propose my son, who serves in the military, as the next general!"

Facing the people who crowded into my office, I replied while concealing my exasperation.

"As the lord of this domain, I have decided to reinstate Durba as the general. The essential qualities for a person taking up the position of a general are not merely combat capability, but rather knowledge of military affairs, strategy, and the trust of the soldiers. Durba fulfills these conditions."

"However, it's our tradition that the general is someone who can fight!"

"It's unthinkable for our soldiers to take orders from someone who can't fight!"

Though these words might have slipped out unintentionally, I couldn't overlook them.

"Enough of this. This place is no longer the 'Rocha Kingdom' but the 'Rocha Region,' and I'm the lord. If you want to overturn my decision, present concrete evidence that's compelling enough to change my mind. Don't give me the useless excuse of 'Rocha Kingdom's tradition.'"

"Are you mocking our tradition?"

Attempting to divert the argument won't work.

"What I'm mocking isn't tradition, it's you. There must be significant reasons behind long-standing traditions. I'm saying, instead of lazily relying on the word 'tradition,' find those reasons, show them as evidence. If it's something truly worth upholding, I promise I'll take it into consideration."

Despite my attempt to compromise, the management team of the territory wore discontented expressions.

If they're going to adopt such an attitude, I have my own countermeasure. I was planning not to reveal this, but...

"By turning a blind eye to reality and clinging to a long-standing practice, you continued producing outdated weapons, causing the Empire to label 'Rocha weapons as outdated.' This led to an economic downturn, and in a false pretext, you invaded the Nonette Kingdom, which in turn lost the war, erasing the nation's name. Due to your emphasis on tradition, are you planning to repeat the same mistakes?"

When I spoke these words with a touch of malice, the management team's faces turned red with anger. However, it was the truth, and since I was the commander responsible for the war that led to Rocha's defeat, they couldn't shout back.

As I coldly observed their dilemma, the management team, overwhelmed by anger, groaned and left the office.

As I shrugged my shoulders in exasperation, Princess Parvela, who had been sitting in the same room, smiled at me.

"Milimos-kun, they're so stubborn that they won't understand unless you corner them like that."

"It can't be helped. Otherwise, they wouldn't realize it. If not for their decisions, the financial situation of the former Rocha Kingdom wouldn't be this dire."

I returned a tired smile to Princess Parvela and shifted my gaze to the economic data from the former Rocha Kingdom that I had obtained.

While there were various specialized terms and numbers I didn't fully grasp, the basic idea was clear: Rocha had been heavily reliant on the Empire.

To revitalize the Rocha Region's economy, I needed to either improve relations with the Empire or break free from dependency. I had potential plans for both approaches, but to be honest, I wasn't particularly enthusiastic about either.

Improving relations with the Empire was possible due to a certain knight from a neighboring country, but breaking free from dependency could potentially lead to new conflicts.

As I pondered the options, one of my subordinates, who assists with lordly duties, entered the office.

"Um, my Lord. The Imperial First Minister is requesting an audience..."

"They move quickly, don't they?"

Seeing through my troubles, they appeared. I couldn't help but chuckle at their timing.

"Show them in. Prepare tea and sweets, the best you can manage."

"Understood. I'll escort the Imperial First Minister and provide the finest tea and sweets!"

"Not the very best. Just something of decent quality."

"Huh? Oh, alright. I understand."

They seemed like they wanted to ask why I wouldn't provide the best, but I wasn't the type to excessively entertain unfriendly guests.

Well, I also took into account Princess Parvela and Familis, who had strained relationships with the Empire.

Entering the room were the Imperial First Minister who had declared themselves as such after the battle with Mendacium, along with their escorts.

"It's been a while, Prince Milimos. Or should I address you as Duke Milimos Nonette?"

In response to their seemingly amiable attitude, I also adopted a courteous tone, using the title of "prince."

"Long time no see, Fonseleroi, the First Chief Magistrate. Could it be that I've become the lord, and you've been chosen as the negotiator?"

"That's correct. His Majesty the Great Emperor, considering the new young lord who now governs the vast territory, appointed me. Although it seems that even faces I'd rather not see again are present here."

As Fonseleroi's gaze fell upon them, Princess Parvela and Familis were there. Mainly, he was looking at Familis.

In response to the Empire's restraining words, Familis remained silent and stood, and instead, Princess Parvela spoke up.

"Please don't concern yourselves with that. We are here to oversee whether Prince Milimos operates the territory 'correctly.'"

"It's very knightly of you to bring up correctness in the duties of a lord. However, if you refrain from interfering, it would be just what we wished for."

After Fonseleroi issued a veiled warning to the two, he turned his attention toward me.

"Now then, I recall that Prince Milimos disliked long introductions, so let's get to the main topic."

"The contract that was in place between the Empire and the country of Rocha became void with the demise of Rocha. You've come to negotiate a similar contract with me, now that I've become the ruler of the former Rochan lands, is that correct?"

"You're getting to the point quickly, which is appreciated. Here is the treaty document."

Fonseleroi presented a stack of papers, perhaps around twenty sheets.

Upon examining it, there were dense lines of fine print.

"...It will take some time to read, so please wait a moment."

"Yes, of course. After all, the Principality of Nonette is on par with the Empire. We wouldn't want to rush you into signing hastily."

Since tea and sweets had just been brought out, I intended to have Fonseleroi wait while enjoying them.

Now then, I wonder what the treaty document contains.

After finishing reading the treaty, I summarized the key points in my mind.

Two main points stood out.

The first was related to the import and export of goods between the Rocha region and the Empire.

The second concerned the taxes that the former Rochan country had been paying to the Empire.

First, let's address the first point.

"The Empire wants to import iron ore from the Rocha region, but the current price isn't favorable. You'll need to offer a higher price."

As I made the expected demand, Fonseleroi responded as if he had anticipated it.

"In exchange for purchasing iron ore at a lower price, we have provided magical excavation tools. If you insist on raising the price, we'll have to withdraw these tools. In that case, the laborers might find themselves in a difficult situation."

During the journey to the capital, I had used a shovel lent by the Empire, and it cut through hard rock as easily as sand. Truly a magical tool.

Having experienced that ease, the miners would certainly resist returning to regular tools.

However, there was a solution.

"This is no longer the Rochan country, but the territory of Nonette. And surely the Empire is aware that Nonette has the potential to produce magical tools."

While speaking, I presented the sword on display—a cross-hilted sword created by Nonette. I had borrowed it in a hurry from Hones upon learning that the Empire's prime minister was coming.

Taking the sword from my hand, Fonseleroi grasped the hilt. In that instant, a faint light, a magical activation, appeared only on the blade's tip.

"Is this the rumored 'Lightblade'? It possesses a level of magical power equivalent to the earliest versions. Though it's of course a magical device."

"If you thrust with the tip, it can pierce through even iron armor. Considering this effect, is it not likely that the same magic as in these excavation tools, which the Empire is providing, is being used?"

"Well, what do you think?"

Fonseleroi didn't engage with my probing and returned the sword.

However, whether my speculation was accurate or not, the course of the conversation had been set.

"By combining the magical techniques researched by the Kingdom of Nonette and the skills of Rocha's engineers, don't you think we could create something far superior to the Empire's excavation tools?"

"If that were to happen, the Empire wouldn't have any trouble retrieving the excavation tools. However, is that really okay?"

Funselloia's inquiry had a reason behind it.

At present, magical shovels weren't being produced in my territory. So, if the Empire were to collect the excavation tools immediately, the work of mineral miners would become challenging until they could create their own magical shovels.

But, in a way, that outcome was something I had hoped for.

"Yes. Right now, it's urgent to raise the price of iron ore for export to the Empire."

"...I understand that Prince Millimos is determined to increase the proceeds from selling iron ore. However, the Empire has its own budget constraints. Even if the Rocha region raises the unit price of iron ore, the actual amount paid might not change. In fact, the budget might flow to other cheaper places, resulting in less income than before."

Funselloia's words sounded like a threat, but they didn't affect me.

"I see. If there's no need to forcefully mine iron ore, then that's fine. After all, I was already considering reducing the amount of iron ore mining."

"Why? If you reduce mining, the money coming in from the Empire will decrease, won't it?"

"Like I mentioned earlier, Rocha has become part of the Kingdom of Nonette. In Nonette, extensive mountain development is prohibited."

Such a law didn't exist in the former Rocha country, and as a result, mineral toxins were flowing into the rivers. If things continued this way, not only the river water but even the groundwater might get contaminated.

Hence, I intended to bring Nonette's laws into play to rectify this situation. This line of thinking seemed unconventional even to the advanced Empire, which was why Funselloia was surprised.

"Based on that law, are you planning to limit mining in the Rocha region?"

"It's not just that. Rumor has it that blacksmiths, having no work, are working as miners. So, by reducing mining, I hope to free those skilled craftsmen from such labor and assign them to new industries."

Thinking back to a miner I met in a tavern during my journey, who used to be a blacksmith, I shared this with Funselloia.

It seemed Funselloia, with the intellect of a first-ranking governor in the vast Empire, understood what I was getting at.

"Judging from the fact that you showed me the 'Sword of Illumination' earlier, I take it you plan to mass-produce magical armaments?"

"Before mass production, we need prototypes. But for those prototypes and for when we're ready for mass production, we'll need a large number of skilled blacksmiths."

After stating my goal, I steered the conversation back.

"So, will the Empire pay a higher price for iron ore? And how much quantity do you need?"

"...Very well. Let's say we'll buy iron ore at ten percent higher than before. The excavation tools will remain on loan. However, the import quantity will be reduced by thirty percent compared to before. Is that acceptable?"

A ten percent increase with a thirty percent reduction, effectively making it eighty percent of the original amount.

I nodded, and thus, the trade regarding the import and export of iron ore was settled.

With that, Funselloia handed me the treaty documents for signing, but I held off.

"Before finalizing this, I'd like to inquire: if the Rocha region were to create magical devices, how would the Empire respond?"

"If they prove useful, the Empire would likely import them, just as they used to buy weapons from the former Rocha country."

"In that case, I'd appreciate it if you could include wording in this treaty that could serve as a basis for negotiations when that time comes."

"...Very well. This could potentially become a significant trade for the Empire."

Funselloia made a note in the treaty as an addition, and after confirming the wording, I added my signature.

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