
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 24 Part 3

Chapter 24: Celebration of Victory

When Alekthem and I returned to the royal palace and reported the outcome of the war to King Chorex, a celebration was held to commemorate the repulsion of Mendasium's invasion.

However, due to the financial situation of our small country and the approaching winter, we couldn't afford to have a grand celebration.

Only the Nonette royal family and key figures in the administration of the kingdom attended, and the feast consisted of modest dishes such as beans, potatoes, and a roasted whole animal.

During the celebration, my father, King Chorex, was in high spirits.

"Not only did Milimos' first battle end successfully, but it's also a great joy that troublesome Mendasium is no longer a threat to our country!"

He laughed heartily while drinking a liquor made from potatoes.

Ah, his face has turned bright red. I hope he's okay.

Well, since only family members are present at this gathering, even if the king gets drunk and embarrasses himself, they will overlook it.

Being twelve years old, I refrained from drinking, so I had a piece of roasted meat from the animal resembling a deer, cutting it from the rib section and gnawing the meat off the bone.

After finishing a whole rib bone and about to ask for seconds, Alekthem handed me a dish with bean dishes.

"Milimos-sama is still growing. If you don't eat beans, you won't be able to grow properly."

"...I understand, I'll eat them."

I took the dish and scooped up the simmered dish filled with beans of various colors and patterns with a spoon.

As I ate, I imagined the taste I had experienced throughout my life. Each bean had its own texture, some were mushy, some were starchy, and some were slightly sweet—a taste that hadn't changed.

As I continued eating the bean dish, my enthusiasm, which had been high from the meat, suddenly dropped.

While continuing to munch on the bean stew, I felt someone approaching nearby.

When I turned my face, there was my mother—Queen Mogirena, a remarkable woman who gave birth to seven children on her own.

Queen Mogirena had brown hair tied up and was wearing a dress that accentuated her ample chest and large buttocks. She exuded the allure of a woman in her late thirties.

Perhaps due to giving birth to seven children, she had a bit of belly fat, and her waist was not very defined. However, that somehow became an adult charm and added to her allure.

I desperately tried to chew and swallow the beans in my mouth to greet my mother, whom I hadn't seen in a while.

She found my struggle amusing and bestowed me with a gentle and affectionate smile.

"Despite becoming a marshal and achieving victory in your first battle, Milimos, you are still such a child."

While smiling, Queen Mogirena gently stroked my cheek.

The sensation of being caressed was both ticklish and conveyed a warm tenderness. Aware of my face turning red from shyness, I finally managed to swallow the food in my mouth.

"Mother, you seem well."

"Milimos, you have a good appetite despite being right after the war."

"During my training as a soldier, I learned that food is the greatest pleasure!"

Replying cheerfully like a child, Queen Mogirena's expression turned into a smile mixed with a hint of regret.

"You speak so happily. I suppose the soldiers treated you well."

"Yes. They treated me equally, regardless of being a soldier."

Training was tough, but overall, it was a fun memory.

As I answered that, Queen Mogirena's expression clearly dimmed.

"Since you were the youngest prince and weren't educated to become a king, being made to live as a soldier even at the expense of stopping your beloved magical studies, don't you hold any grudge against your father, older brothers, or sisters?"

Queen Mogirena still seemed concerned about the fact that I had been denied the path to becoming a king due to the expectations of my father and siblings.

She's a kind mother, more so than one would expect from a queen of a country.

And my response is always the same.

"I don't hold any grudges. I never had the intention to become a king in the first place."

"Is that truly what you feel?"

"Of course. I'm not fit to be a king, so I believe it would be better if one of my older brothers or sisters becomes the next king."

Speaking brightly in a deliberate "informal tone," I was embraced by Queen Mogirena.

"Truly, Milimos is such a good child. One of my proudest sons."

"Mother, if you embrace me too tightly, it becomes uncomfortable."

"Hehe. A child who has undergone soldier training shouldn't feel uncomfortable with this much."

While still being embraced, I was even patted on the head.

As I pondered what to do, help arrived from above.

"Hey, Milimos. Are you still longing for mother's breasts even at the age of twelve?"

Correction. It wasn't help from above.

This slightly sarcastic way of speaking belonged to my second eldest brother, Sarukajimo, who is eight years older than me.

As I was about to retort, Queen Mogirena spoke sternly first.

"Sarukajimo, stop behaving embarrassingly, trying to show off to your brother who is nearly ten years younger."

"But, mother—"

"No buts. Trying to gain the upper hand by pointing out the age difference is not befitting of a prince of a nation."

Confronted with a straightforward argument, Sarukajimo, who was already twenty years old, made a sulky face like a child.

"Hmph. The next king is practically confirmed to be Futtero-niisan anyway. There's no point in me acting like a prince, you know?"

"Sarukajimo, you brat!"

Sarukajimo's words seemed to trigger Queen Mogirena's anger.

Seeing Queen Mogirena burning with anger, I realized it was not good and tried to calm the situation.

"Since Mother's smile is wonderfully beautiful, please don't get angry."

As I pleaded in a childish manner, the voltage of Queen Mogirena's anger gradually decreased.

"Oh, come on. Milimos, you've even learned how to flatter me by saying I'm beautiful."

With a somewhat reluctant expression, Queen Mogirena tried to coddle me.

Accepting her gesture while keeping an eye on Sarukajimo, I glared back at him.

"Hmph. Go ahead and earn useless brownie points, Milimos. You're such a fool."

Leaving behind his final remark, Sarukajimo quickly walked away. His comment may have contributed to Queen Mogirena's worsening mood and her eyes drooping as he distanced himself.

"That child, honestly. I wonder why he grew up so twisted."

I overheard Queen Mogirena's complaints, but I couldn't blame Sarukajimo entirely.

After all, my elder sister and elder brother, who are highly accomplished and renowned within the country, are the crown princess and crown prince. They are like a perfect princess and prince in the eyes of the nation.

Solerina, the eldest sister among the seven siblings, is like a princess depicted in a painting. She is a brilliant individual with high intelligence who loves the people. With her charm, she captured the heart of the second prince of a certain small country and now lives happily there. She is currently 23 years old.

And the second child, elder brother Futtero, is a handsome young man with impeccable manners and excellent communication skills. He excels not only in academics but also in diplomatic negotiations. He is entrusted with the negotiations with other small countries and is actively serving as the backbone of the Nonette Kingdom. By the way, he is currently 21 years old.

With such overachieving siblings above him, Sarukajimo inevitably compares himself to them.

Although Sarukajimo's academic performance is not bad, he doesn't have any outstanding qualities, which creates a strong impression of mediocrity.

As a result, Sarukajimo develops an inferiority complex towards his older siblings, becomes a twisted character, and lowers himself to being a petty person who protects his pride by adopting a strong attitude towards younger siblings.

By the way, the evaluations and background stories I've shared so far are what Alekshtem and the soldiers have told me. We discussed which prince or princess would make us happy if they became the leaders of the country, just casual conversations.

Because of Sarukajimo's personality, he couldn't find it amusing that I, the youngest brother, repelled the invasion of the Mendashium Kingdom, so he unintentionally made sarcastic remarks. Even though he knew he would be scolded by my mother, Mogirena-ki.

"Maybe it was a reverse form of dependence, and he wanted to be scolded by Mother?"

"Hmm? Did you say something, Milimos?"

"No, it's nothing. But could you please let go of me soon?"

"I'd like to say no, but it wouldn't be fair to monopolize the spotlight of the feast, would it?"

Surprisingly, Mogirena-ki let me go easily.

As I breathed a sigh of relief, I suddenly felt someone clinging to me from both sides.

"After Mother, it's our turn!"

Said simultaneously from both sides in stereo were my fourth and fifth sisters, Gante and Karino, twin girls.

They had a lovely appearance as identical twins, seventeen years old.

If they had existed in a previous life, they would undoubtedly have become popular idols with their looks and personalities.

And these two sisters, who represent the epitome of innocence, are my archenemies.

"Milimos, you've become so serious just because you had a little success in battle. Smile more cutely, come on, come on."

As hands extended from both sides and grabbed my cheeks, they pulled and stretched them.

Gante and Karino always dote on me like a doll, their youngest brother.

It's really bothersome, but if I push them away forcefully, they'll start crying, and if I leave them alone, it'll escalate.

The only solution is to fulfill their wishes until they get tired of it.

While thinking about how this feast was supposed to be a celebration of my victory, I obediently smiled childishly as directed by my twin sisters.