
Milimos Saga – The Reincarnation Chronicle of the Youngest Prince.

A university student living in Japan has a train accident while returning home and is reincarnated in a different world. The place he is reborn is as a prince of a small country located in the mountainous regions, and to make matters worse, he is the youngest of seven siblings! Furthermore, in this world, two powerful countries boasting the highest level of technology in each of their respective paths, fight for the hegemony of the continent, while small countries engage in a state of constant warfare, each trying to seize the other’s territory without attracting the attention of the two major powers. Will the protagonist, the youngest prince named “Milimos Nonette”, be able to survive and achieve success?

_NCS_ · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 18

Chapter 18: Damage and Turning Point

The cleanup of the fortress was finished.

The bodies of the Nounette Kingdom soldiers were transported to the rear in exchange for supplies and would be sent back to their respective families. It seems that the families of the fallen soldiers would receive condolence money or a reduction in taxes.

The destroyed hoist door was replaced with a spare one from the warehouse. The work was carried out under strict security measures, and I also performed surveillance duty by controlling a wooden bird.

With the fort's defenses temporarily in place, we began the task of recovering the bodies of the soldiers from the Mendasium Kingdom.

We pushed the bodies of those who died inside the fortress outwards and piled them together with the bodies scattered outside.

Since we were afraid of the spread of diseases, we wanted to burn the bodies, but we couldn't refuse the Mendasium Kingdom's request for their return. Therefore, they would be left as they were for about ten days.

During the collection of enemy soldiers' bodies, we had removed their equipment, but the armor was made of thin leather and could only be used as fuel for burning.

The spearheads and swords, being thin and easily breakable despite being made of cast iron, were of poor quality and needed to be remanufactured.

I couldn't help but think how they could initiate a war with such equipment, but the soldiers of the Mendasium Kingdom, who were not peasant militias, had steel swords and iron breastplates.

"Peasant militias are just for show, so this level of equipment should suffice, huh..."

It's a harsh reality.

Perhaps because I had carried the bodies of these foot soldiers so many times, I didn't feel any hatred towards the enemy's bodies, even though they were the corpses of those who had killed nearly a hundred of our allies.

On the contrary, both sides' soldiers began to feel like victims thrown into a slaughter machine called war, and they couldn't even muster hatred towards the enemy soldiers who had fled.

If I were to express my current feelings, it would be a sense of resignation, like "people die in war, and there's nothing we can do about it."

Feeling like I had become callous, I became a little down.

Now then, among the approximately one hundred Nounette Kingdom soldiers who died, about two-thirds of them fought with spears inside the fortress.

Indeed, I couldn't help but feel that the main cause of the damage was the use of Imperial staffs and the destruction of the entrance door.

"Hey, Alextem. If I had burned the Imperial staffs more thoroughly, do you think these hundred people wouldn't have died?"

"Your way of thinking is mistaken. Lord Milimos destroyed a large portion of the Imperial staffs with his wisdom and courage, protecting his own life and the lives of three hundred soldiers. You must have seen the remnants of the discarded staffs at the battlefield site, didn't you?"

What I learned from the remains of the staff was that the imperial staff that destroyed the fortress gate seemed to have forcefully used the remnants, and it had broken before and after destroying the gate, rendering it unusable.

Thanks to that, in direct combat at the fortress, the enemy's enhanced fireball magic no longer flew towards them, and the soldiers fighting on the outer wall suffered fewer casualties.

In the first place, if we hadn't destroyed the imperial staff during the night raid, the fortress would have been easily destroyed, and enemy soldiers would have advanced into Nonette's territory. Compared to that, this was a much better outcome. The three new recruits I knew and their mentor, Centis, were also unharmed.

"Yeah, you're right. Even if someone blames me for losing a hundred lives, I take pride in saving three hundred lives."

"That's right. Lord Milimos is a hero who saved the country. If anyone other than the families of the deceased says anything strange, I won't forgive them!"

"Haha, if that ever happens, I'll leave it to Alektemu."

As I chuckled, there was a commotion inside the fortress.

As I remained cautious without knowing the situation, Alektemu shouted loudly.

"What's going on? Did soldiers from Mendashium infiltrate?"

After the voice echoed through the fortress, someone responded loudly.

"A merchant is causing a fuss, demanding to be allowed to pass through the fortress!"

Alektemu and I exchanged puzzled looks at the mention of a "merchant" and decided to walk towards the commotion for the time being.

When we arrived at the entrance on the Nonette side, several carriages were stopped there.

Around them were soldiers with freshly wrapped bandages and adults dressed in fine clothing.

The person who seemed to be the merchant slicked back his burnt brown hair with oil and had a slightly plump physique, almost like a sumo wrestler. His narrow eyes and rounded facial contours reminded me of Daikokuten, one of the Seven Lucky Gods.

"Or rather, he gives off a classic, suspicious Chinese merchant vibe."

"Lord Milimos, did you say something?"

"It was just a slip of the tongue. Now, about that merchant, I heard his main store is in the Empire."

"Yes. Don Sabire, the head of the Susharta Trading Company's Nonette branch."

Even though he's called Don, it feels like a gloomy name for a merchant.

Well, that's how it sounds in Japanese, but it probably has a different meaning in the language of this world.

"What's the matter, Mr. Sabire?"

I addressed Sabire the merchant with a tone as if I had known him for a long time.

Upon seeing me, Sabire turned his gaze to the soldiers in front of him, recognizing that I was a child—given my appearance, which was stained from cleaning up after the battle—and raised his voice.

"People who don't understand, huh? I'm telling them to bring out the person in charge! If they're going to be so mean, then I won't bring any of the empire's goods to the branch anymore!"

The soldier who was told this looked at me with a puzzled expression.

Since I didn't want the conversation directed at me, I decided to rely on Alekshtem.

*Cough.* "Mr. Sabile, do you recognize my face?"

Alekshtem stepped forward with an artificial cough. Sabile squinted his eyes even more and turned around, his face showing surprise as he looked at Alekshtem.

"Oh, Alekshtem-san, is it? Why are you here in this fortress, the protector of the youngest prince?"

"Of course, because that prince is here in this fortress."

"I see. It's quite admirable for the prince to come here to congratulate the victory. I've heard that he's just a person with magic and a staff in his head, but I guess I have to change my opinion."

At the disrespectful words, a vein popped on Alekshtem's forehead.

"You! Are you mocking Lord Milimos?"

"Mocking? Well, he's just a prince of a small country, and moreover, the youngest brother. So, who is more important, me, the branch manager of the Imperial Trading Company, or him?"

While implying the support of the empire, Alekshtem attempted to draw his sword at his waist.

I hurriedly stopped his hand and smiled politely at Sabile.

"Why did the branch manager of the Imperial Trading Company come to a fortress that has just finished a battle?"

Sabile jumped at the opportunity and joined in the conversation.

"Well, naturally, the battle is over, and winter is approaching, so I'm returning to the empire. Honestly, it's been a long fight at this fortress. It's thrown my plans into chaos."

From his previous reply and this one, it seems that Sabile doesn't recognize my face.

In that case, let's leave it that way. I decided to continue the conversation while playing the role of an unnamed soldier, Soldier A.

"I understand the situation, but there are defeated soldiers from the Mendashium Kingdom who are on their way to the empire. I think it would be very dangerous to pass through there by carriage."

"And be attacked by remnants of the defeated soldiers? Ho ho ho!"

After giving his distinct laughter, Sabile pointed to the emblem drawn on the carriage cover.

"This is the emblem of the company I belong to. And attacking a carriage bearing this emblem would be equivalent to drawing a bow against the empire. The empire and the 'friendly country' Mendashium would never engage in such a frightening act, don't you think?"

In a friendly country, the wording seemed like something slaves or servants would use.

Well, if there's a reason for it, I guess it's fine to let it pass.

"I understand. I will also persuade Lord Alextem to grant passage. However, I have one request for Sabire-sama, who can use the emblem that can move the great empire. I want you to write something."

"Oh? If writing a simple letter allows passage, then I shall gladly write it."

"Then, please write that the soldiers of the Nonette Kingdom properly stopped Sabire-sama when he attempted to pass through this fortress."

"I can do something like that for free. I will also add that I myself pushed through the fortress willingly."

While Sabire had his servant bring a god and a pen, and was writing the inscription, I moved a little away with Alextem.

"Is it fine, Lord Milimos? To be ridiculed by a mere merchant!"

"It would be troublesome if Sabire-sama gets upset and calls influential people from the empire. I can't find the motivation to get angry just because I'm spoken ill of a little."

"Hmm. If Lord Milimos says so."

"Hey, the inscription has been handed over to our soldiers. Does this mean he can pass?"

"Yes, it's all right! Let him through, everyone!"

When I gave permission, the soldiers reluctantly allowed Sabire-sama and the carriages to pass through the fortress and out to the Mendashium side.

The carriages slowly moved along the rough road, immediately after the battle.

"Ugh! I hate this mountain road because it's so bumpy!"

I could hear Sabire-sama's irritated voice from the carriage, but the soldiers at the fortress didn't even bother to pay attention to the departing presence.

I also thought it was just a strange person passing by and didn't have any special feelings about it.

After all, no one in the Nonette Kingdom knew that there would be movements in the empire afterward.