
Milestones in Another World

Anastasia Wright - or Stacey, as she prefers to be called, finds a black monolith covered in alien writing within the overgrown park near her house. Touching it causes her to become stranded in another world which is a cultural melting pot where humanity is under threat by the local people who call themselves the Ancients. Battles with the Ancients and their beastmen henchmen are common. Kidnapping and violence are the norm despite what appears to be a peaceful civilisation on the surface. With no money, no local knowledge and an inability to communicate or read the national tongue, Stacey struggles to survive. Worse, she's accidentally offended the entire country on national television. All Stacey wants is to go back home but the question is - how? When she comes across a man who is powerful and influential in both worlds, whom also has the ability to return her to her own world, Stacey asks for help. Thieren Huo agrees to help - it's just not the kind of help Stacey was hoping for... Not a romance story although some romantic themes will be involved. Contains some violence and mature themes. Parental guidance recommended. This is a pantser story. Reader suggestions and ideas encouraged for further story development. Reader assistance for editing and advice welcome. Self-editing does not catch all errors. Warning, there may be plot holes. Let me know if you find one so that the holes can be patched where possible. This is a pantser, after all. This story is currently under review and editing. There may be huge changes to to the storyline.

Tonukurio · แฟนตาซี
153 Chs

One hundred - New Huo Guards

The car door beside her opened, letting in a rush of cool air. Stacey shivered and opened her bleary eyes to see Thieren leaning over her to help her unbuckle her seatbelt. His body radiated a warmth that was in great contrast to the cold wind.

"We're back?" Stacey mumbled, waiting for his head and shoulders to exit the car door before she stirred. Stretching and yawning, she stumbled out and rubbed her eyes to peer at the dark undercover car park.

"We're back," Thieren confirmed, wrapping an arm around her back to stabilise her. "Have a good nap?"

"Yeah," Stacey leaned her head against his shoulder. "Still sleepy but."

The car doors closed and Stacey blinked her slightly blurry vision to get a better glimpse of the two women who had been riding in the backseat.

"Canis and Felix?" Stacey queried, looking up at Thieren.

"I sent them to the training centre and picked up your new assistants while I was at it," Thieren nodded at the two women who had long since come out of the car and were standing to the side with small wheeled luggage cases.

"Huo Guard Fifty-nine greets Lady Huo!"

"Former Trainee Five-two-five greets Lady Huo!"

"Oh," Stacey nodded at the two young women who had knelt on the ground.

One had long platinum blonde hair pulled back into a bun with a cold expression. Her facial features and build reminded her a lot of Ning. It was all the more obvious when the two siblings were standing side to side, except that Ning didn't have the same blonde hair. His was an ordinary brown.

On the other hand, the other woman had a youthful and cheerful looking disposition and Stacey couldn't help smiling when the girl glanced up to grin at her. She had auburn hair tied into cute little pigtails and freckles all over her nose. Stacey had a feeling she and this girl would get along extremely well.

"Do you want to name them now or later?" Thieren asked her. "You'll probably want time to think, won't you?"

"No, no," Stacey shook her head and waved a hand. "I can name them now. Elsa," she touched the blonde woman on the shoulder, "and Anna," she touched the younger girl on the shoulder. "The Ice Queen and her sister," Stacey explained to Thieren's confused look.

"Elsa thanks Lady Huo for this name."

"Anna thanks Lady Huo for this name."

"Ice Queen? I don't know of any such story or reference," Thieren frowned.

"Really?" Stacey tilted her head. "Not one with a song that goes, 'let it go, let it go'?" Stacey sang the first part of what she was sure was a popular song but couldn't think where she might have heard or seen the story from.

"Maybe I'm behind the times," Thieren shrugged.

"You, the owner of an entertainment company, behind the times?" Stacey scoffed. "Please think of a better excuse."

"There's really no such story or song here," Thieren raised his hands.

"Where did I hear it from then?" Stacey asked.

"Who knows," Thieren shrugged. "Perhaps from where you were brought up."

"Mmm. Where was I brought up? Do you know?"

"No," Thieren shook his head and patted her shoulder. "We're still investigating."

Whoa! One hundred chapters!

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