
Might Of All Beings

This is my first time writing a book so please go easy on me. I will try to update when I get a chance. MC will be trying to conquer the world of fairy tail by collecting all of the women of Earthland. It will be fast passed at points and the MC will do some dumb things even though he is supposed to be smart. Even Einstein made mistakes that he regretted later in life. I know this book is not for everyone, but this is the story that I wanted to write.

Dohdohs · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
45 Chs


Leo, who was known in the Fairy Tail guild as, Loki, had a shocked and surprised look on his face. Especially when he saw Anna. Lucy has a confused look on her face. How is the celestial spirit Leo the Lion here in the Fairy Tail Guild? Lucy then turns to Aquarius and asks, "Why is Leo here? I thought celestial spirits could not remain outside of the celestial spirit world for too long"

Aquarius continues to look at Leo and says, "I will let him tell that story. Jason. How did you know he was here?"

Jason says, "I will try to explain it later when we have a chance, but for now, should we find out how long Leo has been here and what he is doing in the Fairy Tail Guild?"

Aquarius nods and the four of them continue to move towards Leo. Leo starts to walk towards us and says, "Anna? Is that really you? How are you still alive?"

Anna says, "It is good to see you, Leo. I came here when I opened the Eclipse Gate four hundred years ago. I am here to help the dragon slayers although, I am not sure if they will need my help. It looks like at least Natsu is doing well."

Anna walks up to Leo and hugs him and says, "Now, Leo. Why are you still in the human world and how long have you been here?"

Leo pulls away from the hug and goes to talk but Aquarius interrupts him before he has the chance to speak. She says, "He was protecting Aries from an abusive celestial spirit wizard who would use her as a shield. The celestial spirit wizard was about to punish Aries by forcing her to stay in this world and not allow her to leave. That is like a death sentence to us celestial spirit wizards usually. When their key holder went to summon Leo appeared instead. He refused to go back to the celestial spirit world, which in turn made their key holder unable to summon any other celestial spirits. This went on for three months. For three months their key holder was unable to go on jobs and earn a living. Their key holder tried everything to get Leo to go back. She begged him, pleaded with him, and when nothing else worked she beat him. Still, Leo remained. He wanted to ensure that no other celestial spirits would be hurt by the key holder. Then, when Leo was ready to forgive her, he went to find her only to find out, that she took a job even though she could not use her celestial spirit keys. she died on that mission and for indirectly causing the death and violating his contract to her, he was banished from the celestial spirit world by the celestial spirit king."

Leo then says in a sober voice, "Her name was Karen Lilica of Blue Pegasus Guild and she died because of me. All I wanted to do was protect Aries but, I took it too far, and now Karen is dead."

Aquarius then says, "Aries is alive because of you. What you did, saved her life. You should be proud of that fact. You said that you have been here for three years, right? How much magic do you have left?"

Leo looks at her and shakes his head but does not say anything. By this time there is a small crowd gathered around them listening to everything that is being said. Including the guild master.

Aquarius then yells, "HOW MUCH LEO!"

Leo looking down and a teardrop falls off his face and lands on the floor. He then says, "Two months maybe three. Then I will pass on to the next life."

The whole guildhall is silent at what they just heard.

Then, out of nowhere, Jason says, "Good. There is still plenty of time." And he walks over to the quest board and finds the Daybreak mission. He pulls it off and then walks over to Leo, Lucy, Aquarius, and Anna and says, "We need to do this mission. It will help us save you."

Lucy asks, "How do you know it will help save him? What is the mission?"

Jason says, "I just do. You must trust me on this."

Lucy and Aquarius both nod their heads. Anna said I'm going to need more information before I jump on this crazy train with you."

Jason says, "I sometimes I get glimpses of the future. Not enough to avoid entire situations but, enough that I have a better chance of receiving a more favorable outcome. I took one look at Leo and I saw us doing a mission with him that would domino into us saving him. I did not know what mission so; I walked over to the quest board and took a quick glance at the missions. When my eyes landed on this one, I saw us fighting a huge maid that had chains on her hands and could tunnel into the ground. For some reason, we are supposed to go on this mission. We have to destroy a book called Daybreak. One thing I have learned about my glimpse is that they only point me in the direction I am meant to go, that would allow me to solve a particular problem I am having at that time. It does not happen all the time though. I hope that makes sense."

Anna then said to Jason, "Did you know that I would arrive yesterday when I did?"

Jason then says, "I did not. I had seen brief glimpses from time to time of you but, it was not enough to act upon. I would only see a glimpse of your face and nothing else. I am still not sure what you are meant to do while you are teamed up with us but, I think you will play a crucial role in the battles to come."

Jason turns his view back to Leo and says, "So, how about we save you. I am not sure how all of this will ultimately lead to you being saved in the end but, I think it is worth looking into. It would be bad if we lost one of the most powerful celestial spirits we can summon with a key."

Aquarius answers for him again saying, "He will team up with us and we will do everything in our power to save him. He has no say in this matter. It will cause more harm to Aries if he dies due to him protecting her."

Then everybody hears someone yelling from behind them saying, "Jason! Fight me! I want to see how strong you are!"

Everyone turns around and Natsu is jumping around looking like he is itching for a fight. Jason laughs and says, "Are you, sure little dragon slayer? I do not think you can handle me."

Kohaku, who is still in Jason's arms, jumps down and says, "No human. I will fight you." and she turns into her adult form and runs at Natsu and headbutts him in the stomach, knocking all of the air out of him. Natsu goes flying across the guildhall and crashes into a table, knocked out. Everybody that was standing next to Kohaku slowly backs up from her as Jason and Lisa start to laugh.

Kohaku then says, "Where is that small blue cat. I'm hungry." Jason and Lisa continue to laugh, Friday nods approvingly and the rest of the girls that are around Jason, all have shocked expressions on their faces. Then Erza and Cana start to laugh as well. Mirajane then says, "Gray, where are your clothes?"