
Midnight Surrender

#1 In a small town, young Daisy endures a life of suffering under the tyranny of her stepfamily and the neglect of her father. Her once loving home now a prison, she and her mother are forced to serve her father's new wife and daughters. When a proposal arrives from a wealthy but disfigured nobleman, her father, eager to protect his other daughters, condemns Daisy to a seemingly bleak fate. #arranged marriage

JasmineJosef · แฟนตาซี
88 Chs

24 A Nighttime Escapade (AVOT)

Daisy moved with hesitant steps, trying to silence the tiny voice in her mind questioning her audacious move. As she tiptoed through the quiet house and opened the back door, a rush of cool night air swept over her, a shiver trailing down her spine.

Suddenly, Lord Blackthorne materialized in the backyard, as though he had merely stepped out of the shadows. His smile was soft, inviting even. He extended his hand to her, and after a moment's hesitation, Daisy took it. His touch was unexpectedly warm against the cool night air, providing an odd sense of comfort.

As they walked together, Daisy felt a flicker of anxiety, glancing around nervously for any prying eyes. Sensing her unease, Lord Blackthorne gently squeezed her hand, drawing her attention back to him. Once her eyes met his, she felt ensnared by his captivating gaze. "Don't worry. It is only you and me and no one can see," he assured her, his words somewhat cryptic yet oddly comforting.