
Chapter 85 - A new friend

It had been a week since his sister's accident, and things hadn't improved. Having hit her head on the stairs, her condition wasn't the best. His father had volunteered to work overtime to pay the hospital bills, but his mother was still arguing that it was a farce to see a mistress.

The fights between his parents only increased, and this time Gustavo had nowhere else to turn. His only alternative was to stay at college and Dreamland as long as possible, only coming home to sleep. That's thanks to one time when he was on his way home from college, thinking he'd just have lunch and then go to work, but ended up coming across a police car in front of his house. 

That day, Gustavo turned round in the street and ran away, to avoid his family from then on. He used his studies and his new part-time job as an excuse to pretend that nothing was happening.

But Gustavo had reached his limit long ago.

He was tired, could barely sleep properly and still had to put up with his mother's hysterical outbursts saying she was leaving and would take him with her. His father only stayed at home when Gustavo arrived, otherwise he only received messages from his mother cursing him for not being there. 

All Gustavo wanted to do was run away.

It was unbearable staying at home and worrying about his sister in hospital.

— Has Leo left work yet? He said we should meet at the circus, but he's taking too long.

— It's not as if we have anything to do — Rafael answered boredly, and only then realised that a piece of fabric had slipped out of Gustavo's pocket — What's that, little one?

— Hm? Ah... I fell on my way home — lied the boy, laughing softly — I hurt myself by accident.

— What the fuck, did you go to the doctor? 

— I refuse to lose another drummer — Juliano whimpered, looking at Gustavo's wrist — How did you fall to the point of hurting your wrist?

Gustavo didn't want to say anything.

It was humiliating to admit that he had problems at home, and he feared that his friends would see his situation as an attempt to take advantage. Gustavo didn't want anyone to feel sorry for him, and knowing his friends, they would be worried.

It would be better to pretend that nothing had happened.

It was more bearable.

— I was distracted, it was an accident. The doctor says I'll recover soon, so you don't have to worry.

— Take care of yourself, little one — Juliano continued to whimper, hugging his friend — You're our precious.

— God, what a drama. Although you really need to take care of yourself, Gustavo. Especially now that you're playing in the circus.

— No problem! Ah, it's getting dark.

— Fuck, Leonardo's fucking kidding me by making us wait here! At least buy us a snack, you son of a bitch.

— Hm, I'm going to the loo. If he comes in, text me.

— It's fine, go on.

Before anyone questioned him further about his supposed accident, Gustavo went to the toilet. On his way, the park lights came on and some of the rides were already announcing the end of their queues. Still, it was busy. Luckily for him, he wouldn't be playing in the band until the next day, so he didn't have to worry about timetables.


For the first time Gustavo didn't feel excited about being at Dreamland. Not having a gig that day meant that he would have to go home early. That wasn't encouraging at all. He'd just like to sit quietly in a corner and not see or hear anything. 

As he washed his face with cold water, Gustavo stared at his own reflection, which looked tired. He looked thinner, paler and had dark circles under his eyes. How could his friends not have noticed?

As soon as he left the bathroom, Gustavo sat on a bench trying to clear his head. He didn't want to meet his friends looking so pitiful. He was already an adult, wasn't he? So he could just pretend a little longer until they'd finished their little meeting about the band's upcoming gigs in the pub.

— Ah, the view from the tent really is magnificent!

Hearing the velvety voice coming from his side, Gustavo immediately raised his head to see a dark-haired man in a park uniform. His features were familiar, but Gustavo didn't know exactly where he'd seen him before. The man was staring at the tent with a beautiful smile on his face, looking pleased with what he saw.

Looking in the direction of the tent, he saw it light up in the distance. Although it was a little difficult to see properly because of the fog that was already starting to fall. No wonder he felt cold. Still, it was a beautiful sight.

— You're right — admitted the young man quietly.

— You know, I don't want to brag or anything, but if they added my mirror show number to the park, it would be a great success.

— Mirror show?

Was he some kind of magical entertainer from the amusement park?

Receiving a furtive glance from those reddish pearls, a shiver ran through Gustavo's body like a warning signal. That guy resembled the magician, Ray, with those red eyes and the elegance of his clothes.

Surely it was some attraction in the park.

— Oh yes, my performance is based on showing children beautiful dreams. You know they're looking for joy in a circus, so I just fulfil that wish.

Beautiful dreams? Would he be an illusionist then? People usually liked those kinds of magic tricks, didn't they? 

— What kind of dream?

A mischievous smile appeared on the guy's face, which he quickly disguised before being noticed.

— It depends on the client. But most people like to see beautiful places with beautiful landscapes. Children prefer to see unicorns and superheroes so they can play with them. 

— Sounds nice, don't you still have your attraction here in the park?

The guy let out a low, somewhat embarrassed laugh.

— Actually, I was just hired. I'm just an ordinary illusionist, and here at Cover of Mermaid they already had a tent for a mirror act. I just accepted the job and adapted to it.

— So it hasn't opened yet?

— Not yet — he admitted, crossing his arms — As soon as it's accepted by the park's main attraction, I'm sure it'll be a success.


Gustavo wasn't the only new hire. Everyone at Dreamland is doing their best to survive and secure their job. Regardless of the motive behind such ambition, it was still valid.

Gustavo's mobile phone started ringing with a message. In the group of friends, Juliano was announcing Leonardo's arrival and where they were. The young man quickly got up from his seat and smiled at the man in black.

— I have to go and meet my friends now, but as a work colleague, I wish you luck and success with your number of mirrors.

The guy looked serious when he said that, which scared Gustavo a little.

Had he said something wrong?

However, the guy also smiled and waved at him.

— So I'll see you around, my new friend.

Gustavo took off running through the park, although he stopped as soon as he realised something.

— I forgot to ask your name...

Turning round, the bloke was no longer there. Looking around, Gustavo couldn't find him, and the darkness didn't allow him to look very hard either. Shrugging, he ran back through the park to the circus where his friends were.

Sitting in the foremen's area, they shared some snacks and chatted. As soon as they saw Gustavo, they waved and welcomed him.

— Hungry, little one? I've brought you some snacks, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

— Don't worry, Leo. Thanks for the snacks.

Sitting down next to them, Gustavo took one of the snacks and started eating.

— I know I called you here to talk about the band, but I really wanted to talk about something else — Leonardo began, resting his hands on the table. Raising his dark eyes to Gustavo, the boy lowered his tone — The guys from the circus band came to see me saying they were worried about you, Gustavo.

— What, me? Did I do something wrong?

— No, nothing like that — Leonardo hurried to say — They said you looked tired, and looking at your condition now... I understand the concern.


Gustavo wished they hadn't noticed.

But your reflection in the mirror really wasn't unnoticeable.

— Gustavo, is everything all right? Did something happen?

— Is it college that's taking its toll? — Rafael asked.

— No! My grades are good and I haven't accumulated any work.

— So the circus people are giving you a hard time? — Juliano asked, and from his serious countenance, it looked like he could pick a fight with the Dreamland staff if he had to.

— Of course not! The staff are kind to me, and I haven't had any problems.

— So what is it, Gustavo?

Leonardo's seriousness was a little frightening. There was no gentle smile there, although Gustavo knew that his friends were only worried about him. 

It's just that...

He didn't want to tell them.

But how could he hide it when everything was so plain on his face? He couldn't disguise his exhaustion. Still... GUstavo didn't want to reveal everything.

Sighing low and defeated, Gustavo left his sandwich on the table and lowered his eyes.

— Actually, it's been a few days since my older sister had an accident and is in intensive care. So things at home are a bit... 

— Isabel? But how...?

— How is she?

Pressing his lips together, Gustavo felt the tip of his nose tingle and his eyes water.

— She's not waking up, and the doctor says it's because she hit her head hard...

The boys quickly went to Gustavo's side and hugged him round the shoulder. With the warmth he received, tears began to roll down his cheeks and he was finally able to let out the anguished feelings he'd been carrying around lately.

— So your dad's working overtime to pay the bills...

— If you want, I can advance your pay this month, Gustavo.

— Thank you, Leo. And I apologise for the inconvenience.

Leonardo stroked Gustavo's hair and hugged him tightly.

— You're my friend, I'm annoyed that this is the only thing I can do for you. If I'd known that before...

— Haha, no problem. I'll try harder with the circus band to be worthy of this payment.

— Don't try too hard, hm?

— If things get tight, I can help you out — Juliano offered — If you want to save money, avoid spending it on lunches and let me prepare a packed lunch for you.

— That's great! No need to bother!

— Well, since Rafa and Juliano are going to start their internship with Mr. Barley, the three of you can have dinner here at Dreamland.

— He can also save money on transport if I take him home.

— Guys...

GUstavo was touched. His friends were really precious.

This made him cry even more, only this time with relief.