
Midfield Protecter

Football as a hobby is pure happiness but because of obsession, an adult (Xander) with great mind make many wrong decision towards life. Failed marriage, alcoholism and lack of human communication made Xander toward depravity. After a car accident which made Xander require life support instrument to live, all of sudden made Xander realize how stupid he were. Then he realize that he only have himself in this world. Without knowing, a random omnipotent being was neaby and ask him. ROB: If you can relive your life what can you pay? Xander with regret in mind uncosciously answer.. EVERYTHING... Then he died. Unknowingly a paper written with organ donation with Xander signature lied on his chest and a light flow out his body toward another world... (First time writing novel and english is not my first language)

Wokeyzzz · กีฬา
3 Chs

Reincarnation 2

In the darkness, Xander still thinking what the hell has happened. As he was thinking, he heard the voice said.

"What are you going to do after you reincarnated?"

Xander answered.

"I want to be a professional foolballer."

The voice replied angrily.

"You said that you regret for being to obsess towards football and you still want to be professional football player. Are you wasting my time reincarnating you?"

Xander hastily answered

"This is the only obsession in my previous life, it will make me remember my mistake if I become football player."

The voice then replied.

"As the total time you had in the previous life is not enough, you only can reincarnated to you 6 year old self. And I will give you some bonus when you signed the professional football contract. Go on then."

Xander gratefulltly replied.

"Thank you"


18 September 2000 00:01

"Huh huh huh"

Xander take a deep breath and suddenly some memory which were not his suddenly emerged.

The pain was unbelievable and he fainted on the spot. Unknowingly some mutation occur when the soul of difference universe combined which will gave Xander a big suprise.

After an hour, Xander wake up and sort his memory. When sorting his memory, he was suprised because he learns that only his name and his parent name were the same but others are different. He still a mixed blood with his father Park Hyun Min and his mother Sophia Elena from greece. Their job are different from before which now surgeon and nutritionist respectively.

He still live in Jeju Island but different part. Now his family in a beautiful ranch which both his grandparents from both his father and mother side. They both big businessman as their business consist of beef, lamb, goat, some poultry and seafood. They also employ some farmer to farm vegetable and fruits. The ranch is the biggest in Jeju Island and one of the biggest ranch in South Korea. As his greek grandparents move to Korea, they actually move to Korea because their business in Greece has failed and his korean grandfather, Park Hyun Jae and greek grandfather, Alex Xander were good friend when in university. Old Mr. Park invite Mr. Alex to do business in Korea and achieve huge success by pioneering the first organic farm/ranch brand in Korea. After 10 years they doing business, Park Hyun Hyuk aka Park Xander were born.

Xander also saw a memory that makes him grateful which is his father is huge football fan and have a room that full with football merchandise from a football club called Manchester United then he realize that the football world is different. The football star and football club are all different. After consolidating his memories he breath a sigh and continue to sleep.

Early in the morning next day, Xander woke up from the knock on the door. His mother Sophia open the door and he was shocked as his mother was different except her face. His mother is tall compared to previous life which is about 1.75 m and very young about 30 to 32 years old.

"Hyuk-ah, come to breakfast, haraboji and haramoni already here. They want to meet you."

Xander was perplex as his mother called him with korean name as his past life, his mother called him with english name, but he still replied.

"Give me a minute omma, I need to change."

Xander hurried to bathroom and wash his face and change his cloth and run downstair to dining room. There he saw his father and both his grandparents. His father also taller than before which now is about 1.85 m. He sit down near the table and wait for food. Later his mother come with a cake and all in family sang happy birthday song for Xander.

Xander look down and try not to cry because as far as he remember, the last time he heard someone sing him the happy birthday song is before his parent died in his previous life. After the song, he cut the cake distribute to others with a huge smile.

Later, his father say at the dinner table.

"Hyuk-ah, now you are 6 yeard old do you have a dream?"

Xander answered.

"No, i don't have a dream yet."

His father smiled and ask again.

"What do you like to do when you grow bigger?."

Xander is thinking whether to answer football player or not as he never show that he like football in this life. He the answered.

"Ummm, I want to be a sportman." with twinkle eye.

His family show a suprise look and his greek grandfather ask why.

Xander than reply.

"I dont want to work, if I be a sportman I can play as long as I can."

All his family laugh boisterously.

His father the ask what sport that he want to play.

Xander answered.

"I don't know, how about appa tell me."

His father then answered.

"How about Football?"