

Imagine whatever you think. Imagine to be happy . Anyone can Imagine their life as more 100% perfect then the life they have. Imagine getting rich , getting superpower, getting the person who he/she once loved . imagination makes us happy. make a imagination as a best friend . My and my imagination.

it's a short story of a boy Jack and his imagination.

Jack is boy with a cool attitude and little bit introvert. Jack is student of life . Life is taking his exam .slowly Jack is loosing interest on everything (maximum of people have save problem now days) . Jack life was very untill grade 10 now his age is increasing and his communication with Friends family is decreasing. He thinks now everyone haven't give him proper value. The boys who is familiar with everyone in past now he is unfamiliar with everyone. Jack has been alone In his present life .Everything whatever he tries he fail his interest has also gone down and Now he think no one can understand his pain so he kept every pain in his heart and became person who loves to stay alone. In the age enjoying he is dealing with his life.

Now Jack started to Imagine whatever he want

He and His imagination has become his best friend .sometimes he Imagine to get rich and he have 3/4 supercars bikes lots of money Etc. whereas sometimes he Imagine he gets superpowers and saving world .sometimes he Imagine to be real life politician to help the people. everything whatever he Imagine he will be happy. He is alone but happy with imagination . slowly the familiar Jack is back .

imagination makes him to complete his journey and face the life exam. Imagination make him to communicate with people. now he have some friends with whom he share his thoughts pain etc.

imagination makes you a good person. Imagine means you are talking to God where God show you the life .

maximum people have same life as jack

when you started to imagine you are talking with God and he will surely give you a clu to solve puzzle of life.