
Damn it!!!

You know the difference between anime and what I experience. Well, in the anime time is accelerated, or rather we see nothing but things related to the main storyline.

And I have to live every minute and experience school hell. Three weeks passed and nothing moved about the girls. Damn ... It's not that easy. Every day I talk to them, compliment, mainly Akeno because Rias usually does not give me such an opportunity. Not that she can't be told something nice. But because when we talk, she asks questions and is the main lead, dominant member of the conversation. What I also like is she is the dominant type of woman. I like it in her, but Akeno's patient attitude towards me is not bad either. If you sum up my progress, Akeno is closest to becoming my girlfriend, but Rias is not lagging behind.

I don't think so if Alucard knew what his supposed blood son was doing. He would come to me and either beat me until he stopped thinking about such things. Or he will come and kill me on the spot. Without a word or with a sarcastic summary. However, Alucard whom we know and love is over 500 years old. And I originally 20, now 18. So you can't expect me to act like Alucard, who survived countless wars, killed billions of lives. And he probably had sex with hundreds, if not thousands of women. Like someone like me who didn't even count a girl, she can compare herself to him. Well, I'm still young and before I act like him or even mature it may take several years if not centuries.

And when it comes to more interesting things that have recently taken place, I was able to enroll in kendo classes. And it looks something like this:

A few days after the start of the school year, exactly one hour after class. I went to the room where the classes take place. After a few days I started to find myself in the class schedule at this school so it wasn't bad. I got there without much problem. Honestly, it's really on the second day of school. Once again, I wanted to ask Koneko for directions to some classes. By the way it's silly that I had to ask every time. Nevertheless, the lady who accidentally dried up my awkward conversation with Koneko, who has been watching me even more closely since the second meeting. She asked her to show me around the school and I would say it was nice. At times awkward when she showed me where the girls' locker rooms are. And that I should stay away from them. So thanks to her I knew how to digest into the room where I was to practice Kendo.

When I arrived at the halls, I first looked in with Blacky. That is my shadow, which I decided to name. Because I used it quite often. And every time I have to speak aloud or telepathically. "Shadow go check that room." So it's more convenient to call him and when I did it he was jumping for joy. I mean, I told him to do it for a cooler effect. But the view from the third person must have been comical, because I spoke to him out loud.

So when I entered the gym, girls' eyesight, because no boy attended these classes. He was stuck in me, I didn't know how to react, so I waited for someone to say something. And after a while one of the girls with long brown hair tied in a ponytail. And in a white kimono, what karate masters wear. He approaches me and.

(Kaori)-Can I find out what you are doing here?

(Michael)-As officially. So I'm new here. And I would like to subscribe to you..... It looks cool and I would like to try.

For a moment there is deaf awkward silence. Kaori looks at me as an alien. As if she didn't believe what I said. There are no guys at this school, I swear I saw some in the hall. And I saw today one in the mirror this morning . What the hell I don't know about many things. But even a bit strange to me.


(Kaori)-I'm so sorry. Men just rarely join us and it shocked me a little. Did you say your name?

(Michael)-Nie jeszcze nie . Nazywam się Michael Alucard V. Hellsing.

I decided to add "V." To my name. Thanks to that my name and surname look cool and when I meet "mom and dad" blood. I can explain more easily.

Then it went quickly. I attend classes several times a week and after a week a new skill has emerged. Called "Using a Novice Sword". Come now, after a month I came to the intermediate level. And this was the first skill that was promoted and changed. That is, I crossed level 5 on it and evolved into "Using the Sword-Medium advanced".

So when I get the store options, I can buy something cool. I don't know what kind of sword to choose. Come thinking of a black katana or Gatz's great sword. The latter sounds best, but I don't know. I will wait until I reach level 3 and unlock this option. The system says I'm just fighting a strong opponent. Or killing twelve ordinary people. However, no victim caught my eye.

Returning to the present, I had enough of waiting for something to kindly appear and decided to check around the church. To which Asia is to come. I don't know when, which is why I regularly send "Blacky" to tell me when he locates me. However, today Blacky found something, it was night so Blacky had easier movement. He located unstable devilish energy. And as soon as this message to me she arrived, I was happy and I ran as fast as I could to Blacky's place.

Blacky led me to a tall building with tall marble columns. The building looks abandoned for several years, so why do I sense something inside. And not counting that I detect the source of devilish power inside the building, I feel something else. Like the feeling that pulls me inside. He lures me inside and I think I succeeded.

I didn't feel like creeping in, so I walked in normally through the main door. It is night and at this time nothing can stop me. Well, maybe everyone except those who are in the class of God, Satana and above. Because when he uses my pet, I can fight them equally. However, I have never used it, I would probably lose because the person I would fight with would have it under control. But when I came back I went inside and saw the empty hall, it was probably a cinema. Because in the corner of the room there is a damaged reception and where there are no old barriers.

And when I stood in the middle of the room, I heard her.


POV 3-person

(Anahrist)-I sense something terrible, disgusting.

As soon as those words came to Michael's ears. The eyes began to glow red. And he, as if sensing locate the victims, fired two missiles at the darkened corner of the room. Which fired from pistols that had been pulled out a second earlier, which magically appeared in his hands.


Two shots were heard, the next moment a satire-like woman came out of the corner. With the difference that instead of the bottom half, she had a gigantic size reminiscent of the trunk and legs of an ostrich. She was about five meters, but surprisingly when Michael saw her figure. Instead of shouting or uttering an ominous monologue, he said only coldly.


And then he began the series with pistols. Which first hit the freak in the giant lower body, and then began to direct her head. The bullets did not hurt her, usually passed through or remained in the body. Only one bullet hit the human hand of the monster, which was cut off, after hitting the same hand again. Then the monsters began to charge towards Michael.

He looks at the guns for a moment, sighs and speaks quietly to himself.

(Michael)-I really need to learn how to make sacred bullets. And I can do it with Asia.Because someone has to sacrifice it and the ex-nun will be perfect.-Then he looks at the charging monster and speaks, putting the weapon in his inventory.-Fuck it.

Then as if falling into deep water, Michael dives into the shadows. The monster looks around in all directions and screams like the raging wild animal "Where are you?", "Don't hide" and the like.

Suddenly, several shadowy claws emerge from the ground, which emerge from each side of the monster and begin to catch it, for immobilization. They appear in turn until the monster is motionless. And when it is so, Michał jumps out of the shadows. And lands behind the monster's human back. He grabs the victim's head brutally and with great force reveals the bare neck.

(Anahrist)-Leave me, monster !!

What Michael laughs and talks about.

(Michael)-,,the pot calling the kettle black"(This is the proverb that someone is talking about someone and is the same.)

Then he sinks his fangs into the monster's neck.

And when Michael finishes his meal, the building's door opens with a bang. And a group of people come through it. And when Michael sees them, he moves his head away from the dry victim. And looking at them he speaks.

(Michael)-Damn it!!!



MC as True Vampire has about sixteen fangs, if not more. DXD Vampires have a little different, the lowest class has two fangs and so increases by two. The average has four, the high has six. And so on.

I don't know if it went well, so I'm sorry in advance.

Leave a comment and a power stone. It costs nothing and motivates me to continue working.

Kriuswercreators' thoughts