
What to do?

Kevin was carefully examining the lock of the door to his apartment. His eyes were fixed on the lock and he wasn’t blinking at all. Scanning it from top to bottom, his expressions grew darker with every passing second. A sigh or a gasp would occasionally escape his mouth but a firm conclusion seemed far from his reach.

This seems perfectly alright. The alarm never went off and is still working perfectly fine. Then how did the person enter inside? How can this happen? Neither of the neighbors heard anything strange nor did they spot anyone suspicious around here. All the windows were closed and there was no sign of forced entry. Kevin was contemplating hard but the answer to all these questions seemed out of reach.

“Kev, come. The boys want you inside,” Mia called out for Kevin from the hall.

“Be right there,” after taking another good look at the door, Kevin made his way to the hall.