


"Athena wait for me, I need to submit my paperworks before I take you home" Darvis said running down the hallway

While waiting for him at the university gate, I felt those chills again, someone has been watching me....closely

My name is Athena Davison, I currently turned twenty years last month. I live with my mother here in Georgia, I never got to know of my father's existence. My mother never said anything about him whenever I asked so I stopped asking.

Darvis Montes is my one year old boyfriend, he's handsome, sweet and nice but I don't feel that attraction of love with him.

Yes..you might be asking, why then am I dating him?

Well, Darvis has been chasing me for four years now, ever since I was sixteen years old. My best friend Ariel talked me into dating him because she pities him..I do too so I accepted him. He respects me so I guess I will grow to love him in future.

Those scary chills...I started feeling those chills since last year after Darvis and I became official.

"Hey babe I'm back" Darvis said bringing me out of my reverie

"Come on, let's go. My mother must be waiting for me" I said as I entered the passenger seat of his car.

"Are you hungry? Should I get you something to eat?" Darvis asked, another thing I like about him is that he cares about me and takes good care of me

I smiled "Thanks Darvis but I'll eat when I get home. You're welcome to join us" I offered though I know my mother wouldn't be happy about it.

For some unknown reason, she doesn't like Darvis and the fact that I'm dating. She always reminds me to be reserved and never to give my chastity to Darvis so soon. Well, not as if I ever plan on doing that.

"Thanks for the invite but I have to go home as soon as possible after dropping you home" he replied, he must have noticed that my mother doesn't like him, I feel sorry for him

"Alright, you don't have to keep dropping me home everyday after school, I can handle myself you know" I really don't want to be a liability to another

"Athena you know I feel happy doing this, it's actually a small thing so it's not a problem for me" I nodded my head at what he said

Few minutes later, we reached my house. I removed my seat belt in order to leave but Darvis held me back, I looked confusedly at him

"Well babe I haven't had a kiss from you since we started dating, can I?" It's not as if I haven't tried to kiss him since we started dating but whenever I want to do that, I feel this great force stopping me..it always does not feel right to do so.

"Give me some time more Darvis, I want to do it at my own time" I hope he understands

"Athena you can't keep doing this to me but I understand" I know he must be frustrated but I can't do anything about it till my body and mind allows me

"I stood by my gate waving him goodbye till his car left my sight.

Just as I was about opening my gate, I felt chills again but this time much stronger and nearer..I can feel goosebumps

I immediately turned back and saw a blurry vision of a man standing on the street quite far from me..looking directly at me I think

I felt compelled to go to him so I did.

“Athena? Where are you going to?” Looking back I saw my mom looking at me confusedly

I looked forward but this time not seeing the figure of the man earlier

“I thought I saw something mom, come on let’s go inside” I took my mom by her hand and hurried inside. I cannot believe that I almost went to meet a stranger, what if I had gotten kidnapped and worse killed. I really don’t know what got into me.

After cleaning myself up, I head downstairs to eat..I am really famished. Reaching there, my mom was already serving the dishes.

“Mom I feel like someone has been watching me closely” I finally told her, I couldn’t keep it in anymore

“W-what do you mean by that baby? Since when? For how long now?” My mom asked with shaky hands. I carried the plate she was holding and kept in on that table..why’s she shaking and panicking? Not like I was kidnapped

“Mom you’re over reacting, it’s nothing bad. I just feel like someone has been watching me. It started a year ago, after I started dating Darvis” Though I feel scared feeling does chills I cannot say that to her or she’ll panic more

“Alright baby, I’m going somewhere tomorrow. Good thing you have no school tomorrow, just stay home and keep the door shut. Now eat and go rest” I nodded and began eating.

After that, I studied a bit and slept off not noticing the red eyes of a man looking at me through my glass window.