
MHA: Toji Zenin

In a world where superpowers are the norm, Toji Zenin is a rare anomaly, devoid of quirks. Cast aside by the powerful Zenin clan and left to his own devices, he doesn't choose the path of self-pity. Instead, Toji decides to defy fate itself and break the norms of the world. This is a tale of indomitable spirit and incredible potential hidden behind the facade of an ordinary person—a story of Toji Zenin, who strives to prove that he is something more than just a defect. From the Author: Greetings, dear readers! I'd like to clarify a few points so you understand what you're about to read. The events unfold in the world of My Hero Academia, where I've imported the Zenin clan with all its consequences. At the beginning of the story, Toji will be 13 years old, so I hope everyone understands that his character will differ from the Toji we saw in the Jujutsu Kaisen. He will gradually develop the skills shown in the anime and manga, and there will be slight differences due to the influence of the new world. I also want to make it clear - Toji will not be a hero. In the end, he will become who he was in the original. And yes, there won't be a harem:) I'll try to minimize canonical events in the text and add new ones from myself. If the mentioned nuances haven't deterred you, welcome aboard! Co-authored by Loading989. https://m.webnovel.com/profile/4318676679?appId=10

Vandalizer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

Chapter 8: Blitz

From the perspective of Blitz.

I walked through the streets, sensing every rustle, every sigh of the wind. Heading towards the point where, according to my information, a deal was supposed to take place – the Yami gang was selling weapons, and it was my chance to intervene, to do something good, something meaningful.

I was expelled from the hero academy, but my dream of becoming a hero didn't die. They said I was too impulsive. But I knew that my quirk – my speed – could be used for good.

My path led me to a dark alley where shadows concealed all dangers, but I wasn't afraid. I could move faster than anyone could see. That was my strength, my uniqueness. I was a shadow, a ghost that could appear and disappear just as quickly.

In the distance, I saw a van surrounded by people in dark suits. I stopped, hiding in the shadows. My heart was pounding, but I controlled my excitement. I knew I had to act carefully not to scare them away.

Gathering my courage, I activated the gauntlets, and a long blade emerged. Then I stepped out of hiding and swiftly approached the deal location. The people around didn't even have time to react when the attack began. My speed was my weapon, and I used it to neutralize the criminals one by one.

Every strike, every move was calculated and precise. I was like a storm, unstoppable and powerful, leaving only whispers and lifeless bodies behind.

Finally, when the last of the criminals lay on the ground, I stopped, catching my breath. Even without a license, I could be a hero, as I proved now. I made the world a little better, and that's all I wanted.

As I surveyed the incapacitated criminals, a figure suddenly emerged from the dark corners of the alley. It appeared suddenly and silently.

The figure was above average height, clad in dark clothes, and wore a fabric mask covering the face. I instantly realized this wasn't just a random passerby. This person exuded an aura of danger, and their movements were precise and decisive.

"He deliberately waited until I let my guard down... Who is this?" I thought, instantly assuming a defensive stance.

His first attack was lightning-fast and accurate, aimed directly at me. I barely managed to dodge the knives, using the full power of my quirk. But the unknown assailant didn't stop. He continued to attack, each of his strikes coldly calculated and ruthless.

I counterattacked, using my speed to gain an advantage. But the opponent was agile, skillfully blocking or evading all attacks, as if anticipating them...

After several minutes of intense confrontation, as I began to feel the first signs of fatigue, the unknown stepped back, creating distance between us.

"You're not bad," he said, with an impenetrable tone.

"Who are you, and why did you intervene?"


"Why did I intervene?" I mused, extending my words thoughtfully. "Just because."

As the words left my mouth, I instantly closed the distance between us and launched a series of attacks. The knives in my hands sliced through the air with a whistle.

The opponent was fast, so much so that each of my attacks simply missed the target, leaving only cuts on his skin. He surpassed me in speed, and I relied solely on my inhuman perception.

"Come on, hit me at least once!" I thought, focusing on his movements.

Suddenly, Blitz increased the distance between us and began circling around me, launching metallic spheres. They flew at high speed, like bullets, making me bend and dodge to avoid getting hit.


His speed quirk was impressive, but I held on, relying on my skills and inhuman perception. Even when one of his metallic spheres hit my hand, leaving only a small burn, I barely noticed the painful stinging, continuing my advance.

However, despite my agility, Blitz managed to close in and deliver a blade strike to my side. I stepped back, feeling a piercing pain, but timely leaned away, avoiding a more serious injury.

I felt half of my mask sliding off my face. It seemed the strike had grazed it and cut through.

"He's getting in the way; I'll have to do without it," I thought, discarding the fabric.

For a moment, Blitz's gaze lingered on me. In his eyes, there flickered confusion and perhaps even surprise.

"Who are you?" he asked, staying in place, as if waiting for my response.

"It's foolish to stop after such a successful attack, old man," I replied, smirking.

"You know, even if you're a brat, I won't spare you," he said coldly. "You should have understood that going down this path wasn't worth it. Now reap the fruits of your decisions!"

As soon as he prepared to lunge forward, I, seizing that moment, threw knives in his direction. The first knife cut through the air, leaving only a superficial cut on his skin. But the second one hit his shoulder precisely. I must give credit to the old man; he managed to stay on his feet.

Not wanting to lose the opportunity, I closed in on him and started attacking. He tried to dodge, but the shoulder injury reduced his mobility. I saw him gritting his teeth in pain, but his gaze remained focused and resolute.

My strikes were precise and fast; I aimed for Blitz's vulnerable spots, seeking to weaken him as much as possible. But he didn't yield, parrying every attack, though I felt I was gaining the upper hand.

When Blitz began circling around me again, I closed my eyes, relying solely on my internal perception. I felt every movement, every step he took. My body was tense to the limit; I froze, anticipating his next move.

When I decided to strike, my fist swiftly aimed at the spot where Blitz was supposed to appear. But he vanished.

"Looks like he's not the only one losing speed..." flashed through my mind as I remembered the bleeding wound on my side.

Suddenly, feeling a hit right on the wound, I grimaced in pain and jumped back.

"Not bad, brat," mumbled Blitz, evaluating my endurance.

"You're not bad yourself, old man," I replied, preparing for another leap. Understanding that I needed to end this fight as quickly as possible before losing too much blood.

I took a risky step. Before Blitz's next attack, I intentionally pretended to be more weakened than I actually was. When he approached to deliver a decisive blow, I gathered all my strength and counterattacked.

A spare knife appeared from my sleeve. Using the remnants of my energy, I made a sudden lunge, aiming it directly at his leg. He didn't expect such a turn, and the blow caught him off guard. Blitz lost balance and fell to the ground.

And I immediately stood next to him, delivering a solid kick to his head. He fell, unconscious.

"You were a good opponent, old man," I said, struggling to stand on my feet. "But now it's over. You saw my face, and I wouldn't want anyone to chase me seeking revenge."

The steel blade of my knife was just a few centimeters from Blitz's throat. I was ready to deliver the decisive blow, but then Miyuki's face surfaced in my mind.

With a dissatisfied click, I sheathed the knife. I couldn't afford to become what he fears.

"You got lucky," I said, straightening up and looking at the defeated old man. "Still, it's better if you lose your agility."

I lifted my leg and, gathering all my strength, forcefully struck his leg. The sound of a breaking bone echoed heavily.

Stepping back, I left Blitz lying on the ground. Nodding in satisfaction, I looked displeasedly at my wound.

"It wouldn't hurt to treat this wound..."

Reaching out, I headed into the darkness, notifying Kona of the mission's completion.