
MHA: Ryo

In a world where quirks define destinies, Ryo, a 15-year-old boy with galaxy-like eyes and extraordinary potential, is unexpectedly thrust into the spotlight when the world learns he is the son of All Might, the Symbol of Peace. With a tragic past marked by abuse and loneliness, Ryo discovers he possesses not one, but two powerful quirks—one that commands others and another that grants immense physical strength. As he navigates this new life under All Might’s care, Ryo struggles to understand his place in a world that is both fascinated and fearful of his potential. Amidst media frenzy, hero expectations, and his own insecurities, Ryo embarks on a journey to become not just a hero, but the greatest one the world has ever seen, all while learning the true meaning of family, love, and self-acceptance.

stxrm23 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Shattered Starlight

The next morning, Ryo quietly slipped out of bed, he took a moment to listen, making sure his parents were still asleep or too drunk to notice.

His calm demeanor never wavered as he silently opened his window and carefully climbed out, his small frame slipping through the narrow gap.

The fresh morning air greeted him as he landed softly on the grass, the pain from his bruises flaring briefly before pushing it aside.

Ryo walked with purpose, his mind calm despite the fear that always lingered in the back of his thoughts. He had agreed to meet Midoriya again, and he didn't want to disappoint his only friend.

As he neared the park, he noticed Midoriya standing with the same blonde–haired boy from yesterday.

The blonde, Bakugo, looked annoyed, his arms crossed over his chest, while Midoriya smiled brightly when he saw Ryo approaching.

"Ryo!" Midoriya called out, waving excitedly. Ryo nodded in acknowledgment as he walked up to them, his calm expression never changing.

"This is Bakugo," Midoriya introduced. "Kachan, this is Ruo."

Bakugo looked Ryo up and down, his eyes narrowing. "What quirk do you have?" he demanded, his tone dismissive.

"I don't have one yet," Ryo replied quietly. "I just turned four."

Bakugo's lips curled into a cocky smile. "Figures," He said, raising one hand. "Watch this!" He let out a small explosion in his palm, the sound sharp and loud in the quiet park.


Ryo watched with his usual calm expression, unfazed by Bakugo's display. It was impressive, but it didn't stir any emotion in him. Bakugo, satisfied with his demonstration, turned and barked, "Follow me!"

The three boys set off on a small adventure through the neighborhood. As they walked, Ryo noticed Midoriya's sudden stop in front of a store, his eyes fixed on a display of televisions showing an old clip of All Might.

The hero was in the midst of saving people, his iconic smile brightening the screen.

"All Might..." Ryo muttered, the name slipping out before he could stop it.

Midoriya turned to him, his green eyes sparkling. "You like All Might too?" He asked eagerly.

Ryo hesitated but then gave a small nod. Midoriya's smile grew even wider, and he began to talk excitedly about All Might, describing every detail he knew about the hero.

Ryo listened quietly, his calm demeanor masking the small warmth that bloomed in his chest.

Bakugo, annoyed by being ignored, interrupted.

"I'm going to be stronger than All Might!" He declared, his voice full of confidence. Ryo glanced at him, still calm, before the three entered the store to look at the hero souvenirs.

They wandered through the aisles, admiring the items they couldn't afford. 

Ryo's eyes lingered on a small All Might figurine, but he quickly moved on, not wanting to dwell on things he couldn't have.

After leaving the store, Bakugo led them to a small forest near the park. The boys began to talk and play, though Ryo mostly watched. Bakugo suddenly spotted a river with a narrow path of rocks crossing it and, eager to show off, started jumping from rock to rock.

"Be careful, Kachan! It's dangerous!" Midoriya warned, his voice full of concern.

But Bakugo ignored him, continuing until he slipped and fell into the water with a splash.

Midoriya gasped, rushing to the river's edge, while Ryo stood quietly, observing with the same calmness he always had.

"Let me help you, Kachan!" Midoriya called, extending a hand toward Bakugo. But Bakugo angrily slapped his hand away, pushing himself up with a scowl.

"I don't need your help!" Bakugo snapped, his pride wounded. He glared at Midoriya before storming off, leaving the two boys by the river.

Midoriya climbed out of the water, looking dejected. Ryo watched him quietly before asking, "Why are you with him? he always seems to be bullying you."

Midoriya looked at Ryo and smiled, his expression soft. 

"Because he's my friend," He replied simply.

Ryo studied Midoriya for a moment before letting out a small sigh. He didn't fully understand it, but he didn't question it further. Instead, he looked up at the sky, noting how late it was getting.

"I have to go home," Ryo said calmly.

"Okay," Midoriya replied, waving as Ryo started to run back toward his house.

He ran as fast as his small legs could carry him, his mind focused on getting home before his parents noticed he was gone. 

By the time he reached his house, the sun had set, casting long shadows over the yard.

Ryo quietly climbed back through his window, landing softly on the floor. but as he turned around, his heart sank. Both his mother, Akane, and his father, Shiro, were standing in the doorway, their expressions twisted with anger.

"You thought we wouldn't notice you left, huh?!" Shiro snarled, grabbing Ryo by the arm and dragging him into the living room.

Ryo's calm exterior began to crack as he struggled to speak. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He repeated, but his words fell on deaf ears.

Akane, her eyes wild with rage, struck Ryo with a force that sent him to the floor.

"You think you can just leave whenever you want?!" She screamed, her voice full of venom.

Shiro joined in, his blows harder and more vicious than ever before. Ryo felt every hit, the pain overwhelming as they used their quirks, small bursts of fire and ice hitting his fragile body. 

He tried to curl up to protect himself, but there was no escape. He was trapped, helpless against their fury.

Ryo's mind was a whirlwind of fear and pain. He thought he was going to die. His vision blurred as he felt his consciousness slipping, the world around him fading.

In desperation, he cried out, "Get away from me!"

Suddenly a surge of energy exploded from within him, a force so powerful that it blasted his parents back, crashing them into the walls. The impact sent everything in the room flying, and in the chaos, several knives from the kitchen were flung toward his parents, striking them with deadly precision.



Silence fell over the room. Ryo, breathing heavily, looked around in confusion. He saw his parents lying on the floor, blood pooling around them. His heart pounded in his chest as he took a shaky step forward, his legs barely supporting him.

"No... no..." He whispered dropping to his knees beside them. He reached out, his hands trembling as he tried to shake them awake.

"Mom... Dad... wake up..." But they didn't move. They didn't res[ond. The realization hit him like a sledgehammer. They were dead. He had killed them.


A strangled cry escaped Ryo's throat, and he stumbled back, his small body wracked with sobs.

He scrambled to his feet, blood smeared on his hands and clothes, and ran out of the house, the cold night air hitting him like a slap.

He didn't stop running until he reached the street, where people were already gathering, drawn by the noise.

They stared at him in horror, their eyes wide as they took in the sight of the blood-covered boy. Ryo's heart as panic set in. They were looking at him like he was a monster like he was something to be feared.

"Move..." Ryo whispered, his voice shaking. But when the crowd didn't disperse, he repeated, louder this time, "Move!"

To his shock, the crowd was suddenly thrown back, into buildings and cars, as if by an invisible force.



The people screamed, calling him a monster, a villain, before the witnesses scattered, leaving Ryo standing alone in the street, surrounded by the destruction he had caused.

Ryo fell to his knees, clutching his head as his mind spiraled out of control. I'm not a villain... I'm not a monster..." he whispered to himself, rocking back and forth as he tried to make sense of what had just happened.

But the words didn't bring him any comfort. He couldn't calm down, no matter how he tried. Just when he thought he would lose himself completely, a strange sensation washed over him. A black, star-like aura began to swirl around him, almost as if it was trying to comfort him, to protect him from the fear and pain.



The ground beneath him began to crack under the pressure of the energy, forming a deep fissure that spread outward.

Ryo's mind was a chaotic mess, and all he could do was repeat the same words over and over.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Suddenly, a large shadow loomed over him, and he heard a voice, deep and reassuring.

"You're okay now. No one's going to hurt you."

Ryo looked up, his vision blurred with tears and saw a towering figure standing before him. It was All Might, his presence commanding yet gentle.

Ryo's heart skipped a beat as he realized who it was, but his fear and confusion didn't allow him to feel any relief.

"Stay back!" Ryo cried out, his voice raw with fear and desperation.

For a split second, All Might be halted in his tracks, his eyes widening in surprise. He felt the force of Ryo's command, the quirk attempting to compel him to stop.

But it was only for a moment–– All Might's strength and willpower easily overpowered the quirk, allowing him to move forward again.

Ryo's eyes widened in confusion. How could he move? How could he resist the quirk that has just destroyed his home and parents?

All Might approached slowly, his voice gentle but firm. 

"It's okay, young man. No one is going to hurt you."

Ryo's body trembled to comprehend what was happening. The black aura around him flicked, the cracks in the ground stopping their spread as All Might knelt to his level.

"You're safe now," All Might said softly, reaching out to the bow.

Ryo hesitated, his breath coming in shallow gasps. but something in All Might's voice, in his presence, made the fear start to ebb away. The star-like aura began to fade, the energy dissipating as Ryo's exhaustion finally caught up with him.

"I'm sorry..." Ryo whispered one last time before his body gave out. he slumped forward, unconscious, into All Might's waiting arms.

All Might caught the boy gently, cradling him as he looked around at the destruction.

His heart ached for the child– so young, yet burdened with sucking immense power and the weight of a tragedy no one should ever have to endure.

As he stood there, holding the unconscious Ryo, All Might make a silent vow.

This boy would not face his fate alone. He would do everything in his power to help him, to guide him on a path where he could learn to control his abilities and find the strength to move forward.

For now, though, he needed rest. And All Might would ensure that from this moment on, Ryo's life would be different—one filled not with fear and pain, but with hope and support.