
Chapter 6: Accepting identity

Dogday and catnap locked eye's with each. One has strong fear and resentment towards the other while the other felt nothing but complicated feelings towards his behalf. Catnap doesn't know what to feel seeing dogday alive as for one he felt relieved to see his former best friend again and the same time felt regret.

He couldn't shake the vision's of the time he tortured dogday. His scream's, his legs taken and eaten away, chained up on the wall so that other playtime toys could eat another day and all for the sake of what? For the prototype.

The one who promised him freedom long ago only to result of him dying from his hands? Catnap couldn't help but to feel like an idiot believing the prototype's words as he remembered his past. 

" Izuku could you stand up? "

" Um.... I guess.... "

" I see then take it easy izuku it seems that you just experience a light seizure. We'll postpone the test for now I think I have all the data I need "

" D- Dr garaki will my son be alright? "

" Hmm he doesn't seem to show signs of another episode of epilepsy. For now let him rest on my office couch. It's not much but that should let him rest for another five minutes "

" Thanks Dr garaki "

Inko said to garaki as he helped Inko move her son to his office couch before turning his head towards the scared and confused dogday. Garaki was now intrigued by what he just witnessed. Seeing an inanimate object turn into what it seems like a living being made him want to take dogday to his lab.

He could see the potential of izuku's quirk as he'll make sure to recommend izuku to be a potential quirk that all for one could take. 

Garaki could see it. An army of quirk users and more without the need of recruiting any villains. If all for one could upgrade and further improve this quirk the number of nomu's and possible projection would exponentially rise. 

' Agh the possibilities. Oh I just want to see it came into fruition '

" Here. For him to drink "

" Oh um thanks catnap "

" No problem "

Catnap said to inko while passing her the plastic cup of water wrapped around his tail. Inko didn't hesitate to ask izuku if he needs a drink of water in which he agreed. Inko accepted the cup of water out of catnap's tail and hands it to izuku in which he drinks it with a tired expression. 

Inko felt more reasured to see izuku getting better quickly as she turned to catnap and ask him.

" Do you want to sit with us? "

" .... "

Catnap was hesitant for moment before saying yes. Inko made some space for him to sit as he climb's up the couch using his tail next to izuku. Catnap stare at izuku's recovering state as he felt a bit worried about him. Something that catnap never thought he would feel towards a child. Catnap would often feel jealous to children outside of playtime co. since they got to be free while he and other kids were all trapped in that facility. Being used as nothing but playthings, lab rats and puppets for children's entertainment. 

He never thought that he would attempt protecting a child. 

' It feels.... Strange.... '

Catnap decided to just forgot dogday was even there as he doesn't want him to look at him in the eye. He doesn't know if dogday would even think of accepting his apology as he can tell dogday would never accept his apology.

The thick atmosphere was filled with an akward silence as Inko and garaki were feeling as if something isn't right with these two plushie animal's that just came out of izuku's quirk.

They couldn't know the reason as these two plush toys have a history that this world wouldn't know. 


( Five minutes later )

" Okay after conducting the .... Ehem results I've fully documented your son's quirk Mrs midoria "

Garaki said as he fixed the documents a bit before telling the two mother and son duo along with the two unknowing seperated toy plushies garaki's observation.

Izuku who just recovered was excited to see the results. Though it was a scary experience from him he couldn't help but to be a little curious to see what garaki's observation is.

" Based on the data I've collected your son seem to be able to turn an inanimate object into a unique living organism. Though it is still my speculation but your son seem to be limited on effecting children's toys more effectively toys that are humanoid in appearance "

" I see no wonder nothing happened on those other object's you presented dr garaki "

" Indeed. The specific's are unclear but it seems that the living organisms izuku created has a possibility of possesing a quirk factor. Though it is only my theory but let's safe to assume that the toys possess quirks based on the test that we did on catnap "

Garaki said as he flip through his documents. Izuku eyes shine hearing his results as he couldn't imagine that he would be able to posses such a unique quirk. At first izuku theorized that he would inherit his mother's telekenetic quirk but he couldn't imagine his quirk could let him create life.

Izuku was so excited that he couldn't wait to tell bakugo. As izuku's thought's was filled with excitement he almost didn't notice the orange plushie dog silently observing everything as if in daze.

After five minutes of recovering his mentality he manage to realize that he wasn't in playtime co. He didn't recognize this room as his thoughts wonder to where exactly is he. Of course he made sure to stay far as possible from catnap. Catnap has already done so many gruesome things to him that cause him to suffer this much PTSD.

" H-hello "

Dogday's daze state we're quickly cut off as he turn his head to izuku. The small broccoli bean who revived him from death. He doesn't know exactly what's going on or what even is this place but dogday knows all his questions can't be answered by this child.

" Um.... Hi? "

Dogday said not sure what to say as his voice sounded like a child speaking through an old speaker. Izuku hearing dogday's voice found it kinda cool as he wanted to introduce to himself. 

" My name's izuku. What's yours "

" Um I.... Don't remember.... "

" You don't remember your name? "

" Well it's not that I don't remember my name it's that I.... "

But before he could even continue his sentence dogday's pupils shrunk as he suddenly realize something. He couldn't recall his real name. This shake him to the core as dogday has only a few of his memories intact while the rest were all clouded in thick fog. All the things he could remember is that he used to be an employee at playtime co. Got captured, tortured by catnap and how he died.

Anything was intact but his life outside of playtime co. His parents, His friends, His childhood, Anything about what he truly is were all foggy and unrecognizable. He doesn't know why but he tried remembering those foggy memories only to met up with the cruel face of failure.


He wanted to scream but his thoughts were emmidiently cut off by catnap's voice as he inturrupted dogday's long silent thought's.

" It's dogday. His name is dogday. "

" Um catnap are you sure? H-he's been acting- "

" No no it's alright. I'm sure he agree's right dogday? "

Dogday turn his shrunken pupil's at catnap as his traumatizing face made dogday want to shout at him. The name dogday was the only name he doesn't want to use. He doesn't want to remember the time he has to make up the front of dogday to make sure the other children who turned into playtime toys won't feel lonely. 

It was painful enough to make a hope for those children. A dream that he couldn't even make come true. 


He thought as his deep seated anger wanted to burst. He wanted to kill catnap to what he has done. How he forced us to be trapped in that prison of a facility just to worship his stupid fake god. 


As his burning rage gaze made catnap uncomfortable inside izuku manage to step in before dogday would do any drastic measures.

" Um a-are you okay? "

" Huh? Uh yeah just.... Space out for a bit "

" I see well if you don't remember your name then gasp! HOW ABOUT A NICKNAME!? "

" A nickname. "

" Yes that way we could easily call you and we could figure out what's your real name is "

" Um I don't know about this izuku? But.... I guess a nickname's fine "

" Yes! Okay let's think about a good nickname! Let's see oh how about syrup! Or pancakes or- "

" Dogday. "

" Catnap are you sure? He doesn't seem to like the name? "

" .... No. I don't like the name but "

Dogday eyes wonder to his body. He doesn't know why he is alive to begin with or why is appearance like this. But realizing what's his position for a moment he decided to just accept the name dogday. Well until he has a way to figure out his foggy memories.

So realizing this he looks at catnap which he noticed has gone the same condition as him made him have a bit of confidence of his safety before looking at izuku and continue his sentence with a husked tone.

" I think that'll do for now. "